Saturday, January 8, 2022



I wake up every day asking myself "Is it really worth the endless effort and profound agony?"

Presently, I'm not in the mood to give a rat's ass about blogging.

Heartfelt THANK YOU to those golden few who care. It means a lot.




  1. We'll be right here ... waiting! 🤗

  2. Ah. I see you were writing your name in the snow!!!! How naughty sweetcheeks.

  3. Dear Jon, After a protracted personal hiatus, I feel much the same way. However, after all the world and family troubles hit every nearest fan and I acquired hourly debilitating anxiety attacks, I revisited Bernard Shaw:"Life...not finding yourself, but creating yourself." Still have panic attacks, but they are well, still the shits --a logical stinky part of creation. Why do I still suffer anxiety? At 72 I should be inflicting it on others. No solution 'til we connect it with self realization: Shaw was so right and so wrong as to be prophetic. Now what was the question?

  4. You're right, Jon, life can really be difficult and more so for some than others. While I too would be sorry if you were not in blog-land, you alone can decide. Just saying I will still be checking here as others have said "we'll be waiting" and "we care." After all, who cares about those who don't care.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.