Thursday, March 10, 2022



Spring is only about ten days away (I've been counting the hours, minutes, seconds).

Last week the sun actually defied the winter gloom and made a rare appearance. The temperature soared to 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). I was ecstatic - - foolishly believing that spring was arriving early. It felt so warm that I removed the winter blankets from my bed and opened the windows.

Imagine my shock and dismay when I saw the current weather forecast:
3 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow (Friday) night......and by Saturday night the temperature will plummet to 9 (nine!) degrees.

Winter is thumbing his nose at me and refusing to leave.

Fortunately, I ordered a lot of much-needed supplies online earlier this week and they will be delivered tomorrow (Friday)......before the snow arrives.

I honestly don't think the snow will be a big deal. It will probably melt in a few days (hopefully), but the fact that this Arctic blast is happening so close to spring is disheartening.

I haven't yet had time to try out my new electric keyboard (see previous post) but hopefully will soon. Things are chaotic around my rustic abode (which means I'm having a helluva lot of problems)
and I haven't been feeling well (which means I'm nearly at death's door).

Anyway, I hope things are snow-less wherever you are.
And I hope upcoming spring will expunge all the unpleasant remnants of winter.

                                             Cheers, Jon


  1. Well, at least for the next 120 minutes you'll have no precipitation! LMAO!!!! That gave me a good chuckle. It's been pretty mild here, I highly doubt we will get much if any more snow now. Hell, one-night last week at night the temps only dropped to like 59 degrees.

    1. Here in Tennessee 120 minutes is about the longest time that we go without rain....

  2. We got our snow yesterday, 3 inches. The weather guessers had predicted 4 to 8 inches. And tonight it'll be down to 8 degrees here, too. How depressing!

    1. I'm hoping that this will be winter's last temper tantrum before spring. Take care and keep warm!

  3. So glad to know you've planned in advance for the upcoming storm. We're supposed to get the same tomorrow (sans snow) and I'm craving chili. I hope your new keyboard is the impetus you hope for; I can't wait to see a video of you playing!

    1. Myra, you mentioned the photo in my previous post. I looked carefully at that music but it's too blurry to read the title. The musical score looks like it's written for piano and several other instruments. Probably chamber music??

      All of my supplies arrived today via FedEx, so I'm prepared for the storm. I'm just hoping that there won't be a power outage....

      Chili sounds good!

  4. we got cold and snow yesterday. Colder tonight. We just came back from Arkansas where it was 70 degrees and nice. Such a shock coming home. Stay warm... Winter's days are numbered!

    1. If we get any more of this cold weather, I think MY days will be numbered (smile).
      Only a week until spring....

  5. Right now we have wind chill warnings and it is still -6 this morning...but then we are supposed to head into the 30s and possibly even hit 40 for the next seven days as far as I can see on my cell phone weather app. So we're going to go from frostbite weather to melting time--for a while. Can never count on spring up here until May--and we have had snow in May in the past--LOL! Stay warm!!

    1. I'm surprised that you'll be getting some temperatures in the 30s and 40s. I hope the mild weather will last with the arrival of spring. And I certainly hope you won't get snow in May!


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