Saturday, March 12, 2022


I'm not in the mood to write, or think, or communicate. All I really want to do is crawl into bed and hibernate until May or June.

It's mid-afternoon here in the wilds of Tennessee, presently 18 degrees (Fahrenheit, for those of you in Jamaica). The temperature is supposed to drop to 8 (eight) degrees tonight.

Last night an ice storm blew in with howling winds. By dawn everything was covered with snow - but ice seems to be the biggest problem.
In a moment of profound absent-mindedness I completely forgot to check the water pipes and leave the faucets dripping. Miraculously the pipes didn't freeze. I plan to be much more careful tonight.

I'm definitely not in the mood to take photos, but this morning I forced myself to go outside and snap a few pics from the front and back porches. The sun appeared and the glare was so intensely bright that I couldn't see a thing through the camera lens.

I have little else to say. I'm too busy shivering and counting the minutes until spring.
Speaking of minutes and spring  - Daylight Saving Time is upon us and the clocks spring ahead tonight.

I never indulge in this annoying, ridiculous, useless time-saving crap. My clocks will stay exactly as they are. Since I'm existing in the Twilight Zone, time doesn't really matter.

I've been consuming copious amounts of tea, coffee, and soup. And Malt-O-Meal. Today I had Bigelow Royale Raspberry tea, which was wonderful. I most often use evaporated milk in tea and coffee.

I have nothing else to offer today - except for a myriad of complaints, but I'll keep them to myself.

Photos taken this morning.


 Bosco by the back door, deciding whether or not to go out (that's my walking stick to the left of him, leaning against the house)

 Bosco went out but then ran back inside. Those are his tracks. Next to his tracks (to the left) are the tracks of another creature - - perhaps a bird or rabbit?? I have no idea. 
(and my big footprint to the right)

Various views from the front porch.



  1. My guess would be a small bird left those tracks.
    I hope you stay warm enough with your space heaters! If we are going to be warming up (maybe by tomorrow) to melting temps above freezing for a good week at least--it is predicted--maybe some of that warm-front air will be headed over and down to you soon. :)

    1. I agree - they're most likely bird tracks. I've been feeding the birds a lot of bread lately.

  2. Did you know, icicles are one of my favorite things, Jon! Those tracks in the snow make a cool contrast, don't they? No matter the circumstances, I appreciate your eye for beauty.
    Hang in there, just another night. (So they say ...)

    1. I think the worst of winter is nearly over (knock wood). At least there weren't any power outages during the frigid weather.

      I was blessed (cursed?) with an artistic soul. I try to find beauty even when I'm miserable...

  3. I always wondered how something so pretty could be so deadly and dangerous. Looking out from my living room window is one thing, but ...

    We were supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow with an icy mix of rain and sleet. We got lucky this time and only got hit with two inches of snow and a lot of wind.

    1. Winter is beautiful to see from a window when you're inside and cozy - but it's hell to deal with if you have to go outside. And the cold and dampness nearly kills me in this damp and drafty house.

  4. BTW--I have been meaning to ask you for ages if you have ever seen this youtube channel.
    I have always thought of you when I watch...the old photos, often mysterious hollywood tales, a bit dark--LOL! Seems like you might like it if you haven't already found it. :)

    1. Hey, Rita - you're definitely right on target. I've been a subscriber to the ObsoleteOddity channel for about two years (or more). I really like the creepy, dark atmosphere and all the interesting true stories.
      Thanks for thinking of me!

    2. It is creepy fascinating how he gets the old pics to move a little or portraits to blink. *shudders* Of course it is because of the entire atmosphere. :)

  5. You really cannot catch a break, Jon, your weather seems so much worse than here in NH. We had a day of rain on Sat and hardly a trace of snow later. I always thought TN was a warmer state, but apparently not so in your part of the state. Bigelow Royale Raspberry tea is one of my favorites as is cranbrry and blueberry and I add honey to all. Like yourself, I am not a fan of resetting all the clocks and we have many aside from the usual alarm clocks and wristwatches. The computers are self- setting, thankfully. Bosco has the right idea to stay indoors.

    1. Dorothy, I always thought Tennessee was a mild southern state, too. I was really surprised that the winters are often harsh here. It's even worse when you live in a cold, drafty house like mine.

      I'm enjoying my raspberry tea. I can't buy it locally, so I always order it online.

    2. I'm in the northern part of the state, about five miles from the Kentucky border.

  6. Tennessee is a four-season State, oftentimes the winter is not too severe, compared to places further north or east. We lived in Colorado for a few years, I know what cold long winters are. Spring is on its way, we'll be dodging tornados before long, hold onto your hat.

    1. Hi, Jo - I lived in the Missouri Ozarks and the storms (and winters) were far worse there than in Tennessee. Despite the occasional inconveniences, I really do like seeing a change of seasons. I'm looking forward to the spring blossoms.

  7. Loving your porch overlooking the snow laden landscape. How many ways can I say beautiful. The raspberry royale sounds delish. Hot tea on a wintery day quenches the thirst for warm comfort. It envelops you in a big hug. As for all life's woes bearing down on you right now. HANG TOUGH. the worlds gone mad. My life totally sucks right now too, for so many reasons. Hoping for a reprieve for both of us. Take care dear blog buddy.

    1. It's good to hear from you! At this point in my wretched life, small things mean a lot - like a cup of tea or a mug of soup on a chilly, damp day. Spring will be here soon, and hopefully it will brighten our lives.

      The world indeed has gone mad. Take care.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.