Friday, April 1, 2022


I envy all of those bloggers who have been posting photos of the spring flowers blooming in their yards. Where the heck do you live? Buenos Aires?

Spring has come to my neck of the woods in name only. Winter is still lingering in the shadows, ruefully kicking me in the ass.

One of the most extremely annoying things about Tennessee (at least in the area where I live) are the wildly fluctuating temperatures. Warm and balmy one day, freezing the next. Over and over.

It was 75 degrees (Fahrenheit) two days ago. Today it's 39 degrees. The wicked winds howled and screamed yesterday and all last night, with torrents (yes, torrents) of rain.
More trees were toppled. The forest as I once knew it is slowly vanishing.
Everything around here looks absolutely hideous. The wounded forest is a tangle of inconsistencies.

April has arrived. Will spring finally emerge?

This foul, depressing weather is the very least of my current problems. I have far worse things to contend with. But, of course, you don't want to hear about my devastating plight.

I'm not looking forward to facing the potential complications of a new month. They are overwhelmingly exhausting and I'm already too tired to cope. Too tired to care.

These dismal photos were taken yesterday.
Colorless, abstract, alarmingly disturbing -reflecting the depths of my soul.........

 No need to respond this time. There's nothing left to say.