Monday, April 11, 2022


A meteorological diverse weekend. Bitterly cold on Friday and Saturday, with snow flurries, howling winds, and menacing frosts.

Then, early on Palm Sunday, the frigid weather slowly melted away. The sun made a very rare appearance, and the day basked in a balmy warmth. 

In mid-morning, when the sun finally rose over the hopeless tangle of back yard forest trees, I stood on the back porch and greedily absorbed the healing warmth of the sun's rays. It's soothing effect seemed to extract winter from my ravaged soul. 

The topography here in the wilderness is hideously wounded from winter's wrath. Trees are toppled from wicked winds, greenery is nearly absent from the endless cold. No spring flowers or blossoms are in sight. 

Despite the many negatives, the day was calm and peaceful enough to savor. In the evening a lovely glow of sunset enhanced the silhouettes of hills and trees.

I grabbed my El Cheapo digital camera and took pictures from the front porch.

This placid weather won't last.
Rain and thunderstorms are predicted for the next few days.



  1. Lovely! You deserve this respite, Jon. I think you're right not to let your guard down; my son swears April is known for wicked weather.

    PS - Love your turn of a phrase: "...hideously wounded from winter's wrath."

    1. The respite didn't last long, Myra. Today (Monday) it's rainy and windy - - but at least the bitter cold is gone. April does have an enormous amount of storms.

      Thanks for always noticing the "poet" in my writing...

  2. I really do love the beautiful colors in your pics - the pink, blue, and purple-like sky is my favorite!

    1. There are many things I don't like about living in this harsh, rural area - but sometimes it's magical. The sunset colors are lovely.

  3. Your sky is spectacular. LOVE, LOVE it. You are 100% correct. The weather is all over the place. one day hot. one day cold. it's ridiculous. que sera sera. Take care of yourself Jon. Hoping to getting back to blogging on a more regular basis soon. have missed you all.

    1. It's good to hear from you! I hope you'll feel well enough to blog soon - and to enjoy a peaceful and blessed Easter.

  4. Jon, I was glad to read that Palm Sunday offered a respite to the wicked weather you have been experiencing. Your photos show that Mother Nature indeed has a beautiful side as well as an often cruel one in terms of the weather turns in your area. We had rain most of the day.

    1. The sunny weather on Palm Sunday didn't last very long. It has been raining all week, with severe storms expected tonight (Wednesday). Fortunately the temperatures have warmed up and I doubt if we'll see any more snow!


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