Friday, April 8, 2022


That's me, with the Easter Bunny. It doesn't look much like me - but the photo was taken about 150 years ago.

I was an extremely timid kid, but I was never a crybaby. I wasn't afraid of Easter Bunnies. Of course, Easter Bunnies were much more pleasant and non-threatening back then.

  Nowadays some of the bunnies are so dang scary that they could inspire adults to crap in their pants.

Easter Joy

Twin Screams

Abduction from the Walmart parking lot

"Pleeeze! Do whatever you want with my brother - - but let me go!!!!"

Long after midnight, waiting for the train to Kasimov. 

  Eight minutes after this photo was taken, the cat dropped dead from fright.

Don't let the costume fool you. He's either an escapee from Sing-Sing....or Bellevue.
Is that rabbit a HE or a SHE??? Whatever gender, it's scary as hell.

"The bunny smells kinda funny. I think he's dead."

The bunny isn't half as scary as that kid's hair. It looks like a Fruit Loop bird crapped on her head.

Rabbit of the Living Dead,
clutching a zombie baby 

 Jeepers Creepers!
It's Lucifer - - bunny from hell!!

Twenty years later the kid is doing remarkably well - - except for an intense aversion to carrot cakes.

Is that a carrot in your crotch, or are you just happy to see me?

(I'd hate to venture a guess as to what's in that trash bag)

Canine: One
Bunny: Zero




  1. You had a nice, kind looking Easter Bunny. You look so cute
    in that picture.

    Most of those other bunnies looked rather terrifying to me. No wonder the kids were scared and crying.

    When I was a little girl,I thought it was the regular bunnies who lived in our back yard who delivered my eggs, candy and Easter basket. I thought they just hopped up high to put things in higher places. I never gave any thought as to how they opened the door knob to come into the house. I wasn't just about to be fooled by any of those weird Easter bunnies I saw in the stores or at Easter Egg hunts given by the community. I believed in the Easter Bunny longer than I did Santa Claus. I didn't have any older brothers or sisters to spoil it for me.

  2. Thankfully, I can't recall that my parents ever brought my brother or myself to visit a store bunny. Maybe they were wise never to do so based on this collection of reactions.

  3. Creepy, creepy ones! Never did the Easter Bunny thing when we were kids or bring Dagan to one. Whew! Glad I didn't. ;)

  4. How could I forget that first photo ... those dimples! So glad you've shared these images once more. I'm guessing there's some new ones thrown in for good measure?

    I've absolutely no memories of visiting the Easter bunny, probably on account my uber-religious parents thought it took away from the real meaning of Easter.

  5. HA! I think clowns and Rabbits are terrifying! ( Human sized ones, anyway.) Those pics are nightmare inducing.

  6. LOL! Yeah, I always thought people dressed up as bunnies was creepy as hell, too! Thank God my parents never put me through THAT! And yes, I always hated clowns as well! lol


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.