Tuesday, April 5, 2022


April showers bring May flowers.

In my neck of the Tennessee woods, April torrential rain brings mud that's five feet deep and monster "weeds" that grow twenty feet high within twenty-four hours. 

The rain never stops pouring, the brush never stops growing.
I'm not complaining, of course. I'm merely describing my extraordinarily surroundings - just so you can experience them with vicarious enthusiasm.

I finally fixed my oven. It hasn't been working for months. In fact, it's been kaput  for so long that I really didn't miss it.
It took over a month for me to finally find the parts I needed and get them shipped here (via Pony Express).

The stove is a miserable antique, left here by the previous owners. I could have bought a new one, but figured I'd keep this because it still works.

It took me several excruciating hours to repair the errant oven - - and when I finally finished, I was horrified to discover that I had hooked up some wires incorrectly
So I had to disassemble the whole damn thing and do it again.

Imagine my unmitigated delight when I turned the oven on and it was actually working!!!! 

I have no idea what "unmitigated" means, but it seemed like a wonderful word to incorporate in this post.

Trust me - I have no technical abilities or electrical skills. I had no freaking clue what I was doing, but my cluelessness was a success.

Spell Check just informed me that there's no such word as "cluelessness".
Right. There's no such thing as "election fraud",  either.
I just threw that in to piss off you miserable humorless Liberals. 

While I was working on the oven, my cat Bosco kept leaping into the oven! I'm not jesting. The cat was eternally annoying, so I had to lock him in the bedroom until my work was complete. 

The other day, he  jumped into the refrigerator when I opened it!!!! Weird cat.

Actually, I didn't miss the oven very much. I got along fine with my microwave and a small electric oven. Last week I baked some spice cakes in the little electric oven (I used small loaf pans).

 My small electric oven

I'm sure this is overwhelmingly fascinating.
That's because I'm overwhelmingly fascinating.
Three people agree with me. Alright, maybe two.
The rest of you heathens don't even bother to comment, but I know you're there.

Yesterday I went to my car to retrieve a thirty-pound bag of cat litter from the trunk. As I tried to lift it, the bag ripped open and thirty-pounds of cat litter spilled in the trunk! Not easy to clean up.

More rain and severe storms are expected tomorrow. And we're supposed to get frost this weekend.

The possibility of May flowers seems remote.

Cheers, Jon



  1. Hurray you got the stove/oven fixed! I'd be lost on a project like that.
    Bosco just want to be right there "helping" you--LOL!
    Hey! I have a great sense of humor. ;)

    1. I have no talent or desire to fix things, but I'm very often forced into doing it. Perhaps it's good that I'm learning these things.
      My (deceased) cat Kitzee used to jump in the clothes dryer after I dried clothes. I think she liked being warm in there.

  2. YAY!!!!! Small miracles, right?

    On a side note, the little silver stick figures on the swing....I used to have the same thing! I used to love that thing when I was a kid. I have no idea where it went, but it brought back a deja vu moment.

    1. You're extremely observant to notice the swing thing. A family friend gave that to my mother long ago. I'm not particularly fond of it, but I put it on the stove, anyway.

  3. You definitely are overwhelmingly fascinating! Congratulations on the oven.
    Regarding the litter, I would have had some choice language in cleaning that mess up.

    1. Well, I'm glad you appreciate my positive aspects (which, admittedly, are few). I exhausted my repertoire of foul language when the litter bag broke!

  4. Spell Check fails me often. And I currently have two cats on my keyboard. Funny how stoves are replaceable with smaller appliances. Hurray for tech!

    1. Spell Check can be extremely annoying at times, but I'm a very poor speller so I need it. My cat Bosco is obsessed with sitting on my laptop keyboard. I think he does it to annoy me.

  5. No disagreement that the stove looks old, Jon, but hey if you were able to get the parts and to your surprise, fix it, then so much the better. You shared with us how you have been getting along quite well with the crockpot, microwave and smaller electric oven so at least you have those backups in case of another oven failure (hope not). Wonder why Bosco was so fascinated with an oven and fridge. And cluelessness sounds like a perfect word to mer so the heck with spell check, which you can "train" to not flag words you use, even if they are not considered "real" but then how exactly is that defined?

    1. I definitely need new appliances for this old house, but decided to keep the old ones while they still work. I had forgotten about the crock pot until you mentioned it. It really came in handy when the oven didn't work.

  6. So glad to hear that you got your oven fixed! To be honest, ours has not worked in YEARS! We use the microwave, crockpot, and air fryer ovens A LOT! LOL!

    1. I finally realized that I didn't need to use the oven nearly as much as I thought I did. Crock pots and air fryers are MUCH better.

  7. Suzie Homemaker I'm not, but having your oven restored to good health must feel good. don't think we've turned our oven on in a couple years! Like my BF in Florida -- her burners still work, and she uses the interior for storage space. I LOVE the versatility of small appliances!

    1. My little electric oven is amazingly good, but I've been thinking about getting an air fryer. I finally realized that I've been wasting time heating small things in the large oven. The smaller appliances are much more practical.

  8. Dear Jon,
    I take umbrage with one part of the post—I am liberal and have a great sense of humor! :) :). I am terrible at fixing things; I usually have to hire someone. I admire you for figuring it out and fixing it. Come back and rejoin us in SoCal—we’d love to have you!
    Jackie in CA

    1. Jackie, I was unduly harsh with my comment about liberals - I had only a few certain people in mind.
      I DEFINITELY miss the wonderful climate in SoCal. I never knew how many other places have rotten weather.

  9. What kind of a hopeless cat litter manufacturer puts 35 lb of cat litter in a flimsy bag? I know he probably lives a long way away but I'd have been tempted to drive over and empty another one on his doorstep

    1. This was the only bag of cat litter left in the store. I bought it even though the top was slightly torn. I was really SHOCKED, however, when I tried to lift it out of the car and the entire bottom ripped open! This never happened to me before.


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