Monday, January 23, 2023

My laptop crashed. I lost everything - all my files, documents, photos, music. I had recently compiled all my receipts for 2022 (a daunting task) which I desperately need for an extremely  important legal issue. Everything is gone.
This latest problem has compounded the numerous other serious problems that I'm contending with.
I'm presently using my new desktop computer, which doesn't have any of my old files.

I can't endure any more stress. I feel that I'm completely  losing what's left of my mind.

I'm ready to jump ship...... 



I appreciate the suggestions, but unfortunately I'm in the shit-ass middle of nowhere. The nearest Office Depot is probably 300 miles away. 

I'm presently dealing with a dead car, a dead furnace, a flooded bathroom, no food, very little money, and an injured spine that won't allow me to walk. I no longer give a flying f**k about computers, blogging,.....or life in general.


  1. When my desktop crashed a techie person from Office Depot was able to retrieve everything off the hard drive and reinstall on a new one. Worth a phone call to see if there is anyone close by who could perform the same magic?
    Best of luck !

  2. I was going to suggest Office Depot, as well. When lightening KO'd my desktop last summer they were able to retrieve most of what I had stored on the hard drive. Minus any copyright material, of course.

  3. Sounds like you should try Office Depot. Up here Office Depot and Office Max are really similar so they might have the same services. Would be worth a try!

  4. I would swear your place has got to be on some kind of haunted burial ground. You can't not catch a break. I have been in your shoes with computer issues. It's enough to drive one insane.

  5. Crap that is unbelievable really awful luck or rather the lack of it, Jon. It was very distressing to read that no help is close by and you have no way to get there, even if it was available. Hope your phone still works, maybe you could call someone...anyone?


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