Friday, July 14, 2023

New Update

 Writing from my cell phone again. Words can't express how much your kind comments mean to me. I get teary eyed every time I read them. I'd love to reply to each one but writing on a cell phone is torture for me.

I was in Nashville Medical Center the first four days of July. The doctor was like the grim reaper. Very rude condescending and pessimistic. He essentially told me to call Hospice and go home to die.

I am presently back in Cookville Medical Center where the doctors are better. I'm presently getting chemo and radiation therapy which is helping stop the bleeding.  After the therapy a specialist in Chattanooga will see if he can perform surgery. It's a long nightmare but I'm hanging in there. Being in a hospital is worse than a prison but all the nurses have been great and helpful.

Amazingly I've had absolutely no side effects from the chemo or radiation. I'm tougher than I ever thought.

My cat Bosco is doing great with my cousin Nancy. She really loves him and sent me a photo of Bosco relaxing in a chair. I hope he remembers me. Yesterday I ordered some food and supplies online for Bosco and had them shipped to Nancy's house. They will arrive tomorrow Saturday.

I had absolutely no personal information here in the hospital. I spent nearly two hours yesterday getting things straightened out with my bank etc. Managed to pay all my monthly bills via cell phone and it's a great relief.

I have much more to tell but will spare you for now. I truly love all of you. Many thanks for being there.    jon

P.S. Dorothy I have no idea if patients get mail here. Anyway I'm in room 604. The zip code is 38501.


  1. Hi Jon, I was glad to see a new post from you and read that you are finally getting some needed care. Thanks for making the effort to update from your cell phone as I know how hard that must be, but your blog friends, like myself and others, do surely appreciate your effort. It's was also good to read that Bosco is being well looked after by Nancy. I'm sure he will remember you. Also hope that you will be able to join him there in time.

    That doctor in Nashville should go backhand learn about patient counseling. He really sounded like he needs a refresher course in patient therapy. It sounds like Cookville Medical Center is a far better environment, despite your comparison to a prison, (actually I thought that was more what your house was like) and the nurses certainly sound like a caring group. Keep hanging in, Jon, and maybe having no reaction to the chemo and radiation does mean you are made of strong stuff, so don't even think about any alternatives, phooey on that Nashville guy.

    Keep hanging in, Jon, and myself and your blogger friends will be pulling for you as well.

    1. Thanks, Jon, for the info and I do believe that mail addressed to a patient at a medical facility will be delivered there. That said, one is going to you in Monday's mail and possibly others will write as well. Let us know if you receive them.

  2. By the way, if snail-mail assent to Cookville Medical Center with a patient name on it will it get to you? I suspect, others may also want to know and there's nothing like a written or text doesn't compare.

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. The Nashville doctor was extremely intimidating. I don't know if patients can get mail here but you could try. I'm in room 604.

  3. So glad for the update Jon. You do sound more uplifted. Prayers do work.

    1. I'm a little more optimistic and prayers definitely do work. Thanks Cheryle.

  4. Hi Jon, it’s good to hear from you! I’m glad your body is holding its on to chemo and radiation therapy! My Mamma is from Cookville and my Daddy from Sparta in the country. They have passed on though. I will continue to lift you up in prayer!🙏🏻 Gabby Gengler

    1. Thank you for your concern and prayers Gabby. Cookville has a lot of nice people.

  5. I (as well as all of us here) am so happy to hear from you, Jon! Keep on keeping on and as always you are in my daily prayers. And God Bless your cousin Nancy for taking good care of Bosco - I know that he misses you!

    1. Thank you Kim. I think of you often and miss being in contact. I will keep fighting and updating.

    2. Bosco seems to be having a great time with Nancy. I hope he remembers me.

  6. What a relief to hear from you again, Jon! You and a few other bloggers mean more to me than some family members.
    That doctor in Nashville should be shot at dawn. Good grief. I'm glad to hear you're receiving some pleasant care from the nursing staff. With few exceptions, I've found they're truly angels. Please, keep fighting and know you're in my prayers.

    1. I agree with you Myra. Some bloggers mean more than some family members. That doctor in Nashville scared the jeeters out of me. Glad to be back in Cookville. I'm trying to stay tough. Hope all is well with you and Tom.

  7. Great to hear from you Jon, you sound so much more positive. I'm familiar with most of the large hospital facilities in Nashville, but not the one you have mentioned, I have always been treated with much respect, sounds like the doctor needs a refresher course in patient relations.
    Wishing you continued tolerance of your medication, and prayers for a full recovery.
    I'm happy to learn that Bosco is safe and being loved by Nancy.
    Take good care Jon, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Your thoughts and prayers mean a lot to me many thanks for caring. Most doctors are helpful and good. That one in Nashville is just a bad apple.
      I'm admittedly overwhelmed by all I'm going through but trying to remain tough and cautiously optimistic

  8. Wonderful to hear from you again, I check daily for an update and I was glad that you were able to let us know what's going on. I, and all your followers look forward to hearing from you. I think of you often, and say prayers for you. I love you too! Louise, your TN neighbor:)

    1. Thanks so much Louise. All the prayers and positive thoughts give me strength. I will try to update as often as possible and hope I won't be boring.
      Heck I'm never boring * smile*

  9. hope and love


  10. Doctors like him (usually the specialists) are often scary and develop a god-complex. Dagan's first cardiologist was very pessimistic--surprised when Dagan kept living past his many predictions (which I would file away in the back of my head as a possibility, of course, and then ignore). My first oncologist was just an arrogant person who never listened. I'm glad you are back where they are trying to find a surgeon and do helpful procedures!! Survival is only part medical and science. There's a huge part that is just plain you and the people who care about you. All that good, loving, positive healing energy sent your way and the heartfelt prayers...that is very real and powerful. Soul support. You have that Jon. Hang on to it and grab any positive medical help they might offer. Trust what feels right to you. *love and hugs from Fargo*

    1. Rita you're absolutely right about some doctors having a god complex who never listen or compromise. It frighting and the negativity is detrimental. You have been in my thoughts many times during this horrible ordeal. Your survival is an inspiration. Prayers and positivity are essential. Many thanks.

  11. Well, some things never change! While you're in there, blogger is still acting up. My comment seems to have gotten eaten!!! I am so glad to see you popping in and I have told you many times, your tough as nails!!!!! That surgeon you had should have been horse whipped. So unprofessional of him. He shouldn't even be in the health field. Here's to hoping you continue to mend and heal my friend. Glad to hear Bosco is being looked after too. Keep us updated when you can...hang in there!

    1. Blogger is a never ending nightmare but I'm used to its inconsistencies. I'm glad your comment finally appeared.
      That doctor was like the crypt keeper. He genuinely scared the hell out of me.
      I guess I am tougher than I ever thought. I will keep hanging in there and updating when I can.
      Your kind and positive thoughts are greatly appreciated

  12. I"m glad the chemo and radiation tx are not having adverse effects, keep your nutrition up, that'll help with healing.
    Yeah, even docs find a lot of other docs irritating and some have opinions of themselves that don't bear up to examination. It took me 3 tries to find a cardiologist I could get along with, and I'm in the business.
    I got an email from Geo, he's been having a lot of health issues also.
    Take care, Jon. Get all the rest you can.

    1. Hi Mike the radiation is finally having an effect on my bladder similar to cystitis. It's annoying but I'm dealing with it ok. I do have fatigue and am trying to rest.
      I think of Geo quite often and suspected that he's plagued with health issues. I wish him well.
      Thanks for your concern Mike. It means a lot to me.

    2. Dear Jon: I'll chime in here as Mike has mentioned my recent incarceration in several hospitals (convicted of brain damage sustained in a series of falls before April). I have amnestic blanks where April should be. Got home from hospitals 2 weeks ago. Will return to blogging after remastering walking. Let's get well!

    3. Oops, I should also work on sending my name with comments.--Geo.

    4. Geo it's great to hear from you. I'm so very sorry to hear what you've been going through but I can fully identify with your plight.
      I've been in the Cookville Medical Center since June 1st. Had a heart attack. Two surgeries on my colon and massive bleeding from a malignant tumor dangerously near a main artery. Life can be a nightmare.
      My very best wishes for you to have a full recovery. Much love to you and Norma.

  13. I am rooting for you! I don't think Bosco would ever forget you. Cats have a long memory. However, I have known cats who would pout for a day or two after a long absence of their human. Take care, Jon.

    1. Thank you so much Donna. I need all the rooting I can get *smile*. Cats are extremely intelligent and they do have a long memory. Bosco is having a nice vacation with Nancy but I will be glad when he's back home.

  14. It is unfortunate when Doctors show their human side from time to time. ( Or lack there of...) Bed side manner goes a long way to helping people instead of solving everything with pills or surgery. You would think the doc would try to give you a reason to get better. Call it "hope" or something. But ah, what are you going to do? They are human after all with all of our flaws. I often cringe when I hear people talking about Doctors as if they are "gods" and follow all of their advice without question. ( Especially when it is "bad advice") Hope you feel better soon and that the surgery is a game changer. ( For the better!) It's the little things to look forward to in life... like cats. Everyone should love a cat. Feel better soon!

    1. You are absolutely right that some people regard doctors as gods and do everything they say without question. I have always been an independent thinker which is very often met with disdain. Matching to the sound of your own drum can get you into trouble.
      Sometimes cats have more sense than people.

    2. I meant to say marching not matching
      Writing on a cell phone is hell.

    3. Just found you this morning on Dorotothy blog, prayers for you and for recovery and the right doctors. I am also a marcher to my own drum, fully understand the feeling. It does make life difficult sometimes.

  15. Hi Jon
    I was away from our two
    friendly feral cats for months
    They still remembered me
    I pray you feel better every day
    In Jesus name amen
    Lisa, Posh & Whiteface(salemslot9)🐱🐱

    1. Lisa your prayers are greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Cats are extremely intelligent and I'm sure they never forget.
      God bless you.

  16. Thought I'd stop by and check in on you Jon. I'm glad you're getting treatment and getting better. Don't pay no mind to that dismissive doctor. I've encountered that type several times during my and Bill's medical travails. Good to hear that Bosco is right at home with your cousin. She might be getting spoiled by Nancy. You better watch out. Can't wait until you can go home again. Have you thought about all those critters who are having a field day at our house. Oh God!
    Ron of Retired in Delaware

    1. It's good to hear from you Ron. I was initially optimistic but lately the chemo and radiation therapies are draining my strength. I feel completely exhausted and disgusted. After the therapy the doctors will decide if I might have surgery.
      I'm looking forward to going home but am not optimistic
      I bet the forest critters have taken over my house.
      Bosco is in good hands with my cousin. He's having a long vacation
      I thought about you and Bill on the 4th of July and your anniversary
      Take care and keep in touch.

  17. Also looking forward to more pictures from your home in the wooded hills of western Tennessee. I bet those critters are really having a time in your house!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.