Sunday, July 30, 2023


 I'm still posting from my cell phone in the hospital

I've been writing so much about my present health issues that I thought I'd change the subject for a moment - especially for new visitors to my blog who don't really know me.

It's (bitterly) ironic that I was once a pianist in Hollywood and knew many famous people and now I'm a hermit living in poverty in rural Tennessee and currently fighting for my life

Life's journey is often incredibly ironic

Many of my old piano videos can be found on my YouTube channel which is


I hope the audio quality of this video isn't too bad. It's an old recording and I never edited it. It is my piano arrangement of the theme from the 1960 movie "The Apartment" starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. Ironically I never saw this movie but fell in love with the music theme when I heard it on a record as a child.

I didn't exactly know how to make my piano arrangement into a video, so I merely incorporated an autumnal theme.

As always, I greatly appreciate your comments and kind words of encouragement.It means more to me than you'll ever know.  Love. Jon


  1. Did you know, this is one of my favorite instrumentals ever? Years ago while on a cruise I asked the pianist, "Would you play the theme from The Apartment?" and he just gave me a blank look. I, too, have never seen the movie and have no recollection where I first heard it.
    Thank you for sharing this splendid piece; it just made my morning!

    1. Hey,Myra - - I always knew we had good taste. When I was about ten years old we had a record of movie themes and this was my absolute favorite. I vowed that one day I'd play it on the piano and finally I did!
      I am not surprised the cruise ship pianist didn't know it. Surprisingly it's not well known.

  2. Oh that's an all time favorite of mine! So glad you can blog from your phone. Mine doesn't set it up, so I have to be on the laptop to read or write blogs! Keep the music coming, glad to know you could play so well. Me not so much, but deep appreciation of the art.

    1. I'm pleasantly surprised that so many people like this movie theme. It's not very popular for some strange reason.
      I'm glad that I was able to post it on my blog via my cell phone
      I don't particularly like to use a cell phone
      Thanks for your comment

  3. I have never seen the movie, but I must say that I did very much enjoy your piano arrangement and the music!

    1. Thanks, Kim. Somehow I thought if I saw the movie, it would ruin the perception of the romantic mood of the music. I still prefer not to see the film, even though I'm a hardcore movie buff.
      I hope you and your adorable brood of kitties are doing well. I also hope things are going better with your mother and the stress isn't overwhelming you. Take care.

  4. I saw the movie but have no recollection of the music. But I don't remember the music from most movies. Been such a hot summer the fall leaves look exceptionally inviting. ;)

    1. The Autumn leaves do look wonderful. The movie was popular when it first came out, but I think it was a semi-comedy which is in contrast to the beautifully romantic music
      I've always had a keen ear for movie music themes.

  5. Hey Jon! Kay here from Georgia! Great arrangement and piano playing. I would be proud to get post on my blog on phone too. This is second comment I've tried to leave you, see if this works!! 😁Take care!!

    1. Hey,Kay - your comment appeared. Welcome to my humble blog. I've heard from numerous people who have trouble leaving comments.
      It was difficult for me to post this video via my cell phone, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks.

  6. It's really difficult for me to post via cell phone. I have to use a text keyboard which drives me crazy - - but at least I can make brief updates. My medical care is extremely exhausting, to say the least but I'm very cautiously optimistic.

  7. I do all of my blogging from my phone since that's where my photos are! It gets a bit tedious typing on a tiny onscreen keyboard, but iit keeps me from rambling!
    That said, I'm glad you posted from your phone, because I'm interested in your life before hospital! Thanks for the glimpse into your piano days.

    1. I have always been notorious for long blog rambles, so writing with an onscreen keyboard is torture for me. But, admittedly, it's better than nothing. My reckless, wild piano days in Hollywood are a stark contrast to how I'm living now

  8. Nice to hear some music from you, once again, Jon. I have heard this piece but never knew it was from the movie, which I remember seeing years ago and not especially liking. That said, the music was much better!

    1. I agree with you. The movie was inferior compared to the beautiful musical score. I never saw the film in its entirety, but I did see promotional clips and advertisements
      BTW - I received your second card today. Many thanks!

    2. Glad it arrived and you're welcome, Jon.

  9. Hey Jon, glad to see you're still with us. Can't wait until you go home again and give us an update on your cabin in the hills of Tennessee. I bet Banjo will really be glad to see you.
    Ron (Retired in Delaware) P.S. I know "Bosco" is his real name Thought I would give you a start. (smile)

    1. Hi Ron - you did give me a smile. Banjo seems to be an appropriate Tennessee name for Bosco.
      I'm still getting chemo,radiation, and antibiotics. I'm completely worn out.
      Hope you are doing OK. Take care.

    2. Ron I just got your beautiful card today and I love the cat image. I wanted to send an email but can't find your address.

  10. Hey Jon
    Very nice, you play extraordinarily well! I've been away a couple days visiting friends, and don't use the internet when I travel. Hope you're continuing to improve.
    Take care,

    1. Hi Mike - I'm still getting chemo, radiation, and antibiotics. It's a long and very grueling journey but I'm cautiously optimistic. It is good to hear from you. Thanks for caring

  11. Hi Jon, I've tried loading the video several times, and just now able to do so. Your music talent is outstanding, your mother taught you well. Love the serenity of the nature shots to accompany your piece. Hope you are having kinder days.

  12. I'm glad the video finally loaded. The autumnal scenes seemed appropriate for the musical score.
    By the way, I received your cute card yesterday. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.