Monday, July 24, 2023

Quick Update

 Just a very quick update on July 24. They do deliver mail here at Cookeville Medical Center (cards and letters but no explosives)*smile*

I received a beautiful card from Myra a few days ago with the key to her heart. Dorothy your beautiful card and message arrived today probably via Pony Express. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness.

As for me I am presently deeply depressed and going through hell but I will survive. More soon Luv Jon


  1. Hey there, and thanks for the shout-out! That key on the SAFE card were actually give-away's from our Psalm 23 Bible study. In spite of all that's happened, I want you to feel SAFE. Have you any idea when you'll be able to go home and continue therapy on an out-patient basis? Thank you for keeping us updated; we care!

    1. That's beautiful Myra. I wondered what "safe" represented. They took me off chemo but I'm still getting radiation. Having many medical issues. They're going to see if I can get surgery from a specialist in Chattanooga. Don't know if I will ever get home
      So many unpleasant things to contend with.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I thought I was finally off of chemo but suddenly I'm back on it.

  2. Always good to hear from you and I hope they are treating you well! We will continue to send good vibes and healing thoughts. I wonder if you may require some after care once your back home. or would you consider a move. I know, we'd all be fret with worry for you out in the middle of nowhere. Do take good care. I have family right now visiting a cousin in Chattanooga. Keep up the brave front...hospitals are so not a fun place to be. You just get well.

  3. thecontemplativecat here." But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24 Hand in there. I battle with depression.

    1. Nothing can be accomplished without the grace of God whether it's depression or physical ailments. Thank you and please take care.

  4. I'm sorry it continues, Jon. Have the tumor(s) regressed? Radiation tx can certainly take it out on a person, I assume this is the focused beam tx? Nutrition and activity that you can tolerate can improve things, even your depression. Take care, thinking of you.

    1. Hi Mike
      I thought I was finally done with chemo but I'm on it daily again along with radiation.
      The radiation has effected my bladder (frequent urgent urination) and the chemo has suppressed my appetite. I'm completely exhausted u
      and sleep a lot.
      I'm surviving despite all the misery.
      Many thanks for your concern.

  5. Jon, glad to know that the card reached you (even if by pony express). While I can't begin to imagine how much you have gone through (chemo and radiation) know that your blogger friends and loved ones (Nancy & Bosco) are pulling for you. Your updates are appreciated, even more so knowing how hard they can be to do and when you describe what's been going on. Please keep hanging in and so will all of us. You are not alone.

    1. Dorothy I was worried about receiving the card you sent but I was delighted when it finally arrived. I like old fashioned snail mail
      The chemo and radiation are finally taking their toll. I'm absolutely miserable but surviving. I'm obviously tougher than I thought.
      I always appreciate your comments and concern.

  6. I've missed your blogs, Jon. I know chemo and radiation plays havoc. I worked oncology
    for a period of time after college (RN). Sending best wishes and positive vibes. We're all rooting for you.
    Paranormal John

    1. Hi John it's always good to hear from you. This miserable ordeal that I'm going through is worse than I ever thought but I'm managing to survive.
      Dealing with chemo and radiation is an exhausting challenge. All I want to do is sleep.
      I'm looking forward to writing "real"blog posts again. I have a lot to say.
      Many thanks for your concern and positive vibes.

  7. Hoping your days are getting easier Jon, you are going through so much, but hopefully your health will return and you will be able to return home and to your beloved Bosco kitty.
    Sending continued get well thoughts and many prayers.

    1. Hi Jo. The radiation and chemo have taken so much out of me that all I want to do is sleep. I only hope is that by some miracle I'll eventually regain my strength.
      I am extremely depressed but still hanging on to hope.
      Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
      Bosco seems to be having an enjoyable vacation at my cousin's house.

  8. Thank you for the update (and the address), Jon. I pray that you can return home soon! Sorry for my late comment - still so busy dealing with my mom's "issues" so I do not get on Blogger quite as often as I am used to being able to do.

    Still thinking of you everyday!

    1. Thank you Kim. I was wondering how your mom was doing. I still have another week of radiation and chemo then possible surgery. I'm deeply depressed but hanging in there.
      Many thanks for your kind thoughts.
      Life can sure be a nightmare but positivity is a great help.

  9. trhecontemplativecat here. So sorry that you are betwixt and between. God is with you, count on Him.

    1. Many thanks for your comforting words.

    2. I've been away from blog land again and I've only just seen this.. so sad for your awful suffering . It sounds like people are looking after you now and doing all they can for you. I'm sending you a ton of good vibes! Xxx


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