Friday, August 11, 2023


 Writing from cell phone as usual.

On Thursday night the 10th I was transferred from Cookeville Med. Center to a physical rehab facility in Jamestown. Jamestown has a population of around 2000, so I was surprised that the facility is large. Also the staff is remarkably well-equipped.

Negative Aspects

I was brought into an extremely tiny room - with an elderly man as a roommate. There were at least eight visitors crowded in there and I felt like an intruder - really embarrassed. They all stayed for about two hours.

My roommate is semi-senile. Leaves the tv on 24 hours a day. He yells LOUD inappropriate things to everyone. Worst of all he LOUDLY coughs, gasps, and chokes ALL night long and all day. I can't sleep at all. My entire day & night is torture. He has constant visitors who seeming never leave. Well, at least he has people who care about him. During my entire stay in Cookeville I had a private room. Tonight I heard his visitors say that perhaps he will come home soon. Perhaps......

Positive Aspects

The entire staff is extremely helpful and friendly. Always there when you need them. Medical care is A-OK. Meals are better than they were at Cookeville. Tonight an Amish choir sang hymns in the hallway. It was so beautiful and touching.

Medical News

I honestly didn't get much previous information. My malignant tumor shrunk and stopped bleeding but I am not out of the woods yet. I'll need follow-ups and possible more radiation or immunotherapy. So far I had seven weeks of radiation and chemo. I tolerated it well but it takes a LOT out of you. You have to be a tough hombre to endure.

The worst problem is that after two months in the hospital I have completely lost my ability to stand and walk. It's truly horrifying. I have nightmares about it. Tterrified that I'll never walk again. The radiation messed up my bladder and skin. The chemo messed up everything.

To be blunt - I've lost my optimism along with my dignity and my former life. I feel like I died and went to hell - - and will never see my home or Bosco again.

Bosco (my cat)

I am really upset over Bosco. He's been with my cousin Nancy over 2 months and she fell in love with him. Took him to the vet yesterday for his sinus condition. Everyone said he's so sweet.

When I was extremely sick at home I admittedly neglected Bosco. I was too weak to do anything. Bosco has settled in with Nancy so well. Should I let him stay there permanently? I cry every time I think of it. I had him since the day he was born. I always want a cat....possibly adopting another in the future??? Don't know.....don't know.....

My arm is getting tired writing on this cell phone. I'll reluctantly quit for now.

Signature Health Care

208 N. Duncan St.

Jamestown, TN 38556

Jon Varga. Room 606 B


  1. Hi Jon. Sounds like they are at least taking care of you at the new facility. I am constantly thinking of you and praying for you. Please do not give up.

    1. Your prayers and positive thoughts are greatly appreciated at this difficult time. Many thanks for your thoughtfulness. Hugs.

  2. YAY!!!! You may not be 50% but at least you'll get better care, and a staff of caring people and medical professionals will make a big difference. So hopefully this will make a difference. We all hope for the best for you friend. I wonder if you explain your lack of quite time and disruption from your roommate, they could maybe relocate you to another room? If you're not getting your rest that could affect your recovery and health.

    Don't worry about Bosco...he's in good hands and be glad of that. I'm sure he will remember you. Is anyone checking in on your house?? And don't worry about walking. Your staff in the rehab will have you up and walking again...that's what they will be there for, and I suspect why they sent you there. They should help aid you in that.

    Take care for now, and thanks for the new address. Heavens knows where the other card will end up I sent. LOL!!!!!

  3. I had thought about asking to get another room, but it would be tedious and have the risk of getting something worse - which would be my luck.
    I am admittedly worried about my rural abode. The brush and weeds must be ten feet by now - and the place is probably overtaken by mice, possums, and raccoons. There's a lot to consider..... No matter what happens at least Bosco is in good hands.
    There's always a chance that your card will be forwarded here. If so I'll let you know. I'm glad I included my current one. Hugs.

  4. It sounds like you are getting the care you need Jon, which is a priority first and foremost.
    When I was in rehab for two months I shared a room with a lady who was 96 years young, and had an alarm around her bed to alert the staff when she tried to get out. It went off constantly yet no staff were concerned, so I was the one who helped her get in her wheelchair and to the bathroom. I had both of my legs in casts, it was a nightmare.
    I took got depressed just thinking of the future, but it got better and I just concentrated on getting better. Let the staff do their job and get you back on your feet..
    Bosco will be fine, he's in good hands.
    Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way

  5. Your ordeal with both legs in casts sounds like a real nightmare. It's truly amazing that you got the 96 yr. old into her wheelchair and bathroom. It's an inspiring story.
    Being bedridden for a long time is extremely depressing. The best thing is to force oneself to plod forward and hope for the best. Many thanks.

  6. each day is a small improvement.
    may you have many days


    1. Always good to hear from you, Ron. Every day is a small step forward, no matter how bad it is. My very best to you always

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that your mom was neglected in a bad rehab place - this happens alarmingly often It happened to my mother in Brownfield TX weeks before she died. She had a series of strokes. They plied her with all kinds of drugs. When she panicked and tried to escape they tied her to a kitchen chair. Several other people died there under mysterious circumstances.
    My current rehab place has good ratings and surprised me with such competent care. Perhaps there is hope.
    Considering that I initially almost died during this ordeal, I think I'm fortunate with the outcome. Your long grueling journey was certainly an inspiration.

  8. Jon, first thanks for making the effort and taking the time to update on your progress and of the transfer (need to re-address the next card 😉). Hopefully, the roommate situation will be resolved and you can get some rest. Being transferred to a rehab facility does sound hopeful, but so sorry to read that you are unable to stand or walk, hopefully that will change in time after all you have been through with the radiation and chemo. It seems like you are in a good place with caring staff and better food as well. While I cannot begin to imagine all that you have been through, you are a fighter, and hope is always a good thing to have no matter what. And, you know that you have blogger friends who care, more than you previously may have believed. I am glad that many fellow bloggers have sent you comments and cards.

    Bosco also seems to be in a good place now and that surely must make you happy, despite missing him a lot. As for your wilderness home, the possibility of ever returning there and living alone does seem an impossibility to me, and maybe in time to you as well.

    1. Dorothy, my reply to your comment is farther down - below Mevely and Tony. I don't know how this happened. I tried to copy and paste it here but my effort didn't work.

  9. Gosh, what can I say that hasn't already been expressed? I'm both exhilarated and nervous about your new quarters.
    Exhilarated to hear about the caring staff AND because, deep down, I feel you're on the Road to Recovery.
    Nervous about the roomie's extended family. That, and knowing your first few therapy sessions will be taxing. What's that Churchill said, "When you're walking through Hell, keep going."
    I'd offer, please don't feel you need to make any decisions about Bosco right now. He's safe ... and so are you!
    PS - Thanks for sharing your address!

    1. Myra, I've walked through hell so many times in the past that this current walk shouldn't deter me. Even though I'm very depressed I feel that I'm going in the right direction. I suppose I should just tackle one day at a time. As for the future - - whatever will be, will be.

  10. Even though I'm in a depressed state of mind, this transfer to rehab is a step in the right direction. I couldn't stay in the hospital forever. Two months was an incredibly long time. My biggest concern now is learning to walk again. I'm terrified at the fact that I can't stand up at all.
    As long as I can gain my strength back, I have no issues whatsoever about returning to my wilderness home. Where else could I go? I love the rural area despite the risks. Everything in life is a risk no matter where you live
    I am really overwhelmed at the kindness and genuine concern of our fellow bloggers. It restores my faith in humanity.
    Many thanks, Dorothy

  11. It sounds to me as if they are taking the steps they need to take to get you well again and back home with your precious little boy, Bosco. Those are my deepest wishes for you and you will get there, Jon - one perserverinng step at a time!

    1. Hi Kim - I still smile whenever I look at your kitty card. I've been extremely depressed but I am heading in the right direction. It would be foolish to surrender now. If I can just gain my strength and learn to walk again, I'll breathe a big sigh of relief. Hugs to you and the feline family.

  12. Hi, Tony - it's good to hear from you, I'm glad you haven't forgotten me.
    I have addressed my plight from Calif. To TN in numerous old blog posts. It's a very long and complex story. I went to Texas to be near my retired parents. After my father died I took care of my mom until she passed away. It all went down hill from there. I had enormous bills to pay, it took five years to finally sell my house in rural TX where no one wanted to live
    I lost all of my savings due to identity theft, made many bad business deals,on the road to being a pauper. This is a very condensed version
    Went to TN because I had relatives there and the low cost of living. Even though I lost a lot of money I don't regret a thing. I love the peace of the wilderness
    Thanks for your comment.

  13. I've been way behind reading up on the few blogs but am so happy to hear you have been transferred to a rehab, even though you don't have a fantastic roommmate.
    Scary for you with not being able to walk right now. That is also why you are in a rehab, to help you gain strengh now and work on walking. Nice that Bosco is soo happy and content with your cousin. I am praying for you Jon. Take care and keep looking up. Wendy

  14. I think Bosco will be fine when he gets back to your place. From a cat's point of view there is probably more to do there than there is at Nancys, unless she also has a semi wild property with lots of little critturs in it.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.