Wednesday, September 6, 2023


I'll bet you didn't think I could use big words. I put one in this post title, just to impress you. This post is going to be a hodgepodge of thoughts.

After careful consideration, I've decided to buy a new cell phone. I previously disliked cell phones and only used them when absolutely necessary. And I always purchased the cheapest ones I could find. Made in Tijuana, by Jose.

Since I've been in the cursed hospital over two months the cell phone has been my lifeline. I'm able to blog, keep in touch with friends via email, pay my monthly bills. It has kept me from losing what's left of my mind.

I recently found an expensive phone that seems perfect for me. I won't go into details, but I really gave it an enormous amount of consideration. And yes, it can be delivered here at rehab by Friday.

I was absolutely stunned when I saw cell phones for over $1000. Mine is way over $100 - which is expensive to me. After all, I'm a pauper. I'm used to $20 cell phones.

Which reminds me, I'm having some big trouble with my Social Security ever since I've been hospitalized. I won't reveal details - but I think they assumed that I croaked.

Which reminds me - - a few days ago I got an email from a lady who works for the welfare department of the local sheriff's office here in Jamestown. They heard from many people in the area where I live, wondering what happened to me.

That news was a shocker, since there are no neighbors around me - they all live far away. It really made me feel good that people care (like my blogger friends). I emailed the sheriff's office and explained what happened to me.

Change of subject

When I was in the rehab gym room here a few days ago (not when I lost my diaper - see previous posts) there was a very old man in a wheelchair. I was told that he's 101 years old (!). He was recently injured when he was working in his yard (!!!). I assumed he had a fall. Can you imagine doing yard work when you're 101?? That is incredible and an inspiration. God bless him - I hope he recovers.

Speaking of recovery - none of my Florida relatives had any problems with the recent hurricane. My cousin Cookie (Elizabeth), who lives in St. Cloud, said they only got some rain and wind. Nothing serious at all. Unfortunately, some other parts of Florida were pummeled.

My cousin Nancy had to take Bosco (my cat) to the vet a few weeks ago for a very bad sinus infection. He has responded extremely well. He watches TV with Nancy and also loves bird videos on YouTube. He's getting spoiled on his extended vacation......Hmmm

I'm still extremely depressed over a myriad of things (see previous post) but trying to survive. It's way after three o'clock in the morning. This is the only time I have to myself. My days here are chaotic and torturous. I absolutely hate it....

But I'm plodding on.

Luv ya, Jon


  1. It looks as if people do miss you when you're not around, then, despite your gloom about it. I'm with you on the smartphone costs. My current one was about $90, and I thought I'd gone mad spending that much money!

    1. It's really heartwarming to know that so many people care. I never dreamed that I'd be spending over $100 for a My current one was only about $40.

  2. As ever, it's good to 'see' you! I hear you on the $$$ cell phones (cleverly disguised as computers). My Pixel isn't in good shape at all, but given our last experience, I dread trying to learn a new one. V3rizon once had the best customer service; now, they give you a cheap piece of paper and tell you to do it yourself.
    Hearing about Bosco makes my heart smile; your cousin's an angel!
    Don't be gone long now, okay? Try and have a pleasant day. Love YOU!

    1. You are so right, Myra. Cell phones have become miniature computers. I'm getting a Samsung Galaxis Android. My current phone is an Android - and I use Tracfone service, which is really inexpensive.
      Nancy is a saint. Bosco is in good hands. Hugs!

  3. It's always good to hear from you. For some strange reason my sense of humor emerges even when I'm psychotically depressed *smile.
    I still have the same room #. It's 606B.

  4. I refused to spend the money and buy data usage for a smart phone, until I realized I was missing out on family photos, and the convenience of having a pocket computer at my disposal.
    Now I can't imagine life without one.
    You sound in better spirits Jon I'm hoping you are getting stronger and are having less stressful days.
    People care for you and your welfare, and we are all hoping that in the near future you will once again return to your home, and peace and quiet.
    Best wishes always

    1. Well I just accidentally deleted my reply.
      I used to dislike cell phones and considered them a waste of time. Now I realize how beneficial they can be.
      I am in much better spirits now, but my moods change radically. I've already been through so much that it would be foolish to give up now.
      Thanks for caring.

  5. I have a Samsung Galaxy and if I was without my laptop I do know it is like a tiny laptop, but--like you--unless I was forced to use it, I will stick to my laptop. I do use the voice thingie for texts (Dagan and Leah prefer texting) and the craziest stuff come out in print--lol! Enjoy your fancier phone when it arrives!!

    1. I've heard that the Samsung Galaxy has superior battery power
      The cheap that I have now has to be recharged every few hours. It's extremely annoying. I've never used the voice thingies on

  6. When cleaning out a drawer, I found my old flip phone. I loved it so. I have a Galaxy something, Samsung something. I don't know how much it cost, but a few hundred dollars. Why? Praying for you, Jon. I promise.

    1. thecontemplativecat here. Being identified as anonymous is demoralizing.

    2. I agree that being anonymous is annoying and degrading. I used to like my ancient flip phone, too. It took a while for me to get used to the new topless phones.

  7. I am so glad you are able to start walking a bit again, even if you lose your drawers..hahaha! That gave me a chuckle. I have a Samsung Galaxy as well. It's amazing what it can all do. Don't give up on seeing your place again. You may not be able to live that far out anymore, but you could still go back and I'm sure there are things you want out of there too if you can't live alone. I hope your ear plugs arrived too :-) Take care and continue to grow stronger. Wendy

    1. I think everybody already forgot about my falling drawers. In retrospect, it is hilarious. I've heard a lot of good things about the Samsung Galaxy. I'm looking forward to it. My present phone has bad reception and very poor battery power.
      I'm hoping I'll be able to go home eventually. I miss the forest.

  8. You sound so much better. I'm glad.
    I wouldn't be able to post anything without my phone is a old flip one, only get's calls and texts. And it's all I want it for.
    Any idea when you might transition to a rehab and then to home?
    All the best, Jon.

    1. I very seldom used my cell phone until I got imprisoned in the hospital. It became my only source to the outside world. I'm in rehab now but don't know when I'll finally get home. Trying to gain strength and walk again is extremely difficult, after being in a hospital bed for two months. I don't want to give up.
      I always appreciate your comments, Mike.

  9. Many years ago, I bought a used Virgin Mobile (a dinosaur compared to today's cell phones) and I used the pay cards you buy at Wallmart, etc. To this day, it is the only cell phone I ever used. I am glad that you have yours!!

    And yes,, my replacement laptop charger arrived in the mail today so I can access your blog again!!

    1. I used to buy pay cards for my old cell phones, too. Now I always use Tracfonr because they're cheap.
      I'm glad you got the new charger. I hope the kitties keep away!

  10. Hi Jon, finally able to comment as myself and not anonymous, which only happens when using the iPad😟. I agree with others that your sense of humor still good, despite the circumstances and recent events. Glad to read about the phone upgrade and despite the cost, it will make communicating easier which is most important now as we fellow bloggers/friends are interested in your updates and well being. The 101-year old should be an inspiration to all. Glad to read that Bosco is doing well as is your cousin Nancy.

  11. I'm catching up on your blog posts Jon. As always your posts are interesting. What a writer you are! When are you going to write that book? I'm surprised you haven't had a good cell phone up until now. I absolutely live by mine! It wasn't always that way. Back some years ago I also thought all I needed was a Trac flip phone. Then a friend of mine introduced me to an iPhone. Of course I resisted saying "Why do I need this?" Little did I know how an iPhone would improve my life! I especially like Apple products because it inter faces with my other Apple products like my iMac and Apple watch. Several years ago I signed up for the annual new iPhone. Every year I get a new iPhone for which I pay a reasonable month charge, interest free. I always want the latest iPhone technology especially with all my photos and videos. I know I sound like a commercial for Apple products but they make my life easier and that's what I need at this time of my life. I even brought Apple stock (in increments) and have made a nice profit so far. I just wish I had bought thousands of shares of Apple stock back when I was buying WorldComm and Palm Pilot stock, companies that have all gone by the way. Back then Apple stock was $25 a share. I could have easily bought several thousand shares and be a millionaire by now. But as my former boss says "Could've should've." I'm thankful for what I have now though. I wish I could leave my comments not as "Anonymous" but that's Google for you.
    Ron from Retired in Delaware


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.