Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Am I blogging too often? My recent sporadic posts were merely updates about my health. Assuming that my updates were unintentionally boring, I've decided to expand my repertoire to random thoughts - whatever comes to mind. Which, of course, could also be boring, but that's beside the point.

I used to blog about the forest and my cats. Currently I have no forest and no cats. It is a strange situation - as though I'm viewing my former life from a dangerous unobtainable distance.

Two - now actually three - months in a hospital bed can do horrifying things to a person's psyche. I am completely ravaged physically and mentally. In retrospect, however, I'm much stronger than I ever thought.

When I was transferred from Cookeville Medical Center to rehab here in Jamestown (on August 11th) I was in deplorable shape. Physically I couldn't even sit up in bed. My legs were completely numb, almost paralyzed. 

My physical therapy here began extremely slow. My entire body was fiercely resisting any kind of movement. I eventually had to be pulled out of bed with two people forcing me to stand on my useless legs.

In time, days later, I was able to sit on the edge of the bed for ten astonishing minutes. I eventually was able to stand for about eight minutes with the help of a walker.

Slow, agonizingly slow progress. I wanted to give up, but if I succumbed to cowardness there would be no hope.

Was I ever able to walk through the forest by my property?

The physical therapists here are really superb. One is a man, but I most often work with two woman. They have the patients of saints.


Lately I can get out of bed myself, wheel around in a wheelchair, and have begun walking with the aide of a walker. And I do many other arm and leg exercises.

I've recently had several dreams about having the ability to walk again.

Well, contrary to talking about other things. I'm being boring with my health issues, as usual.

What about my roommate from hell? He contracted pneumonia and spent the endless nights yelling for the nurses and causing complete nocturnal chaos. I was fortunate to sleep an hour.

Yesterday he was finally removed from my room. He's being transferred somewhere. I thought they said Crossville - but I don't think there's a hospital there.

I hate to admit that it's been like heaven without him. The peace is sublime. Hopefully I don't sound like a heartless ogre. Thankfully, he has a loving family that is constantly in attendance.

With my luck, he'll be back *smile*

My new cell phone arrived on Friday, as schedueled. A Samsung Galaxy, Android - compatible with Tracfone - which I've used for at least 15 years. I haven't even taken it out of the package yet. Too many other things going on here.

The Amish choir was here last night, singing hymns in the hallway. Their singing is absolutely beautiful. They come here once a month.

Should I finally end this tedious post? If you're still awake - - congratulations.

Luv, Jon

One more thing -

Did any one of you send me a book about the Romanovs? A few days ago a nurse came into my room, gave me the book, and hurried out before I could ask questions. No one seems to know where it came from. 

I have had a long, passionate interest in the Romanovs - especially Tsar Nicholas and his family.

My dinner yesterday. How exciting!


  1. Hearing about your health and your progress is not at all boring! And I am thrilled your roommate is gone. He has family to attend to him wherever he went. He'll be fine. ;)
    The choir sounds like a wonderful change. Dinner looks pretty darn good for rehab food. You haven't been posting too much. Enjoy the silence without the roommate!! :)

    1. I know that you understand what I'm going through - from your own personal medical journey. It makes things easier without the annoying roommate, that's for sure
      The Amish choir is really beautiful, but very few people in rehab have an appreciation for good music.

  2. The dinner looks fabulous. We just had frozen Salisbury steaks from Aldi. They were thin, but delicious.

    I have an idea for your future posts. Why don't you write about the Romanovs?

    1. I have mixed feelings about the rehab food. Sometimes it's really good and other times it's awful.
      I wrote several blog posts about the Romanovs long ago. If I can find any of them, I'll try to repost one.

  3. I just found you, and I enjoy hearing about your day. What you think is boring, someone else may find interesting 😊

    1. Well, it's encouraging to know that I'm not boring. - I'm glad you found my blog. I was hospitalized on June 1st for a bleeding malignant tumor and a heart attack due to loss of blood. I endured seven weeks of chemo and radiation therapy
      I'm now recovering in rehab. I'm hoping I'll be able to return home eventually. I live alone in a very rural area of TN
      Anyway, I appreciate your comment

    2. I hope you continue to do well and will soon get to return home.
      I am also from a rural area in East Tennessee.

  4. I'm not at all bored. mainly because you write well. That makes it easy reading. Maybe tell us more about the forest and the cats, if you can bear to. I expect you're missing them so much. Anyway, write on!

    1. I used to pride myself on writing well, but lately I'm getting rather sloppy and mundane. I used to have three cats. Two are now deceased
      My surviving cat Bosco is currently with my cousin..I really miss the peace and beauty of the forest.

  5. Lovely to hear from you again Jon, your spirits seem to be brighter, and happy to learn that your roommate has left, hopefully permanently. Your rehab is helping tremendously, it's slow, but you'll get there in the end. I enjoyed the food when I was in rehab, just the fact that someone else did the cooking
    Hang in there, you'll be walking amongst those trees again soon.

    1. It's really wonderful to be rid of my roommate. There was never a quiet moment when he was here - and his visiting relatives were also annoying. They would stay for hours every day.
      If I can only regain my strength and be able to walk again I'll consider it a great success.
      It is admittedly.nice not to have to cook my own meals.
      Thanks for your continued thougjtfulness.

  6. Jon, you're never boring, and I like to hear how your health is progressing. I've spent my share of time in the hospital; 8 days for flesh-eating bacteria; 5 days for my legs (lymphedema) and other. short stints along the way. So I have some idea of how you feel! I have to walk with a walker, crutches, or a wheelchair, depending on the situation. Do everything you need to do so that you can walk again. I know you can do it; you're strong, smart, and dedicated. I believe in you!
    Jackie from CA

    1. Hi Jackie - I really appreciate your encouraging words. I'm sorry to hear of your stints in the hospital and the problems concerning your ability to walk
      My old spinal injuries have always impeded my ability to walk, but this endlessly long hospitalization makes it far worse.
      Take care and thanks for your comment

  7. Not boring! Add in your wit and not boring at all. You are making remarkable progress. It's not heartless to want some quiet and to be able to sleep.

    1. Hi Sandra - somehow I managed to delete my reply to you (this isn't the first time I've done that). I'm glad you appreciate my wit. Sometimes it's not recognized *smile*
      The therapists think I'm making very hood progress, which is encouraging

  8. Not at all! Seeing Lone Wolf on my "parade of champions" (lol) always lifts my spirit. I'm so glad to read of your (remarkable) progress -- and your realization how strong you really are. Our minds are amazing things.

    PS - Still pondering and identifying your line, "I'm viewing my former life from a dangerous unobtainable distance." I like that. A lot.

    1. Don't know if I'm a champion, but I'm happy to be in your parade. If I'm ever able to walk again, I'll definitely be a champion
      It's amazing that you always notice my favorite lines that I write! It has happened so many times in the past
      As always, thanks for being there. Big hugs.

  9. Keep posting!!!!! Then we know you are doing well, at least when you feel like it. You have my respect for even trying to post from a cell phone. I refuse to do it. It's far to time consuming. I didn't send the book but did send a card...hopefully this one makes it!!!!

    1. Hey, I got your card today! I'm glad to be among the people you like *smile*

  10. I knew I could count on you to encourage me to keep posting. You have long been one of my faithful and cherished readers and blogger friends.
    Hopefully your card will arrive soon
    I'll be waiting for it (delivery is slow here in rehab). Hugs.

  11. Hello Jon.
    Well...were I the physician in charge of your nutrition, not sure that would have been the dinner I would have ordered for you...but, I'm not. Lol.
    I hope you keep up the rehab. In my experience with patients the first stages go without the patients noticing any improvement, then they do. And soon they are walking.
    I hope that's the case with you.
    Take care, as you can see you have many fans who wish you well.

    1. They have me on a "regular" diet - which isn't always good. They're also giving me nutrition supplements
      You're exactly right about rehab. I didn't think I was making any progress at all - but I've been assured that I'm doing extremely well.
      Thanks, Mike.

  12. Great news on getting the new phone😀 we'll be looking forward to future posts. Best news was that the roommate has left the room. Now, that you will be able to get some rest, your walking progress may also start to move ahead faster. That meal didn't look too bad considering what we were served on our recent air flights. As far as blogging too often, you should always do what feels best and by now you know there are may others interested in your well being. That includes those of who were with you back when you were living in the forest with your companion felines. I am happy to see that despite your comments many months ago that no one is reading your posts that situation has vastly changed for the better. Keep hanging in there, Jon.

    1. Hi Dorothy - it's always good to hear from you. I hope you're enjoying your latest travel adventure. Every day for me is a realmy difficult but I am making progress. And I'm truly surprised and encouraged by all the bloggers who are so caring and concerned. All of you mean a lot to me.
      Take care and big hugs.

  13. Oh Jon, I haven't read for blog for awhile. I couldn't get into it but now I can. I'm relieved to hear that your health is improving, albeit slowly and you're being well taken are of. Of course we all want to get out of the hospital. I remember my first brush with death when I was seventeen years told (staph infection), I was in the hospital for almost five months. A horrible situation for a 17 year old just starting out in life. But eventually I survived and was discharged even though several times they almost gave up hope for me (sepsis poisoning of my blood with the staph bug, which I contacted in the hospital from a hernia operation, their fault)! But I did eventually get out of the hospital and here I am city-four years later, full-time caregiving for my 94 year old husband who is blind, hard of hearing, early dementia, trouble swallowing and getting weaker every day). And you to I hope will eventually get out of your hospital stay and renew your life in the critter infested hills of western Tennessee. I look forward to your blog posts when you're back in your "element." You're stronger than you think Jon and you have a lot of living yet to go. As for me, my time is coming to an end soon. I hope when you reach my age you will remember my words of encouragement to you. You have a lot of people who love you Jon, don't forget that!
    Ron from Retired in Delaware

  14. Hi Ron - I remember you telling about your horrifying time in the hospital, but I didn't know it was five months!! I couldn't imagime a 17 year old going through that. It's a miracle that you survived. And now you are dedicating all your energy caring for Bill. You are really remarkable.
    I am still extremely weak but I'm making good progress.
    I've been reading your blog when I can but haven't left any comments.
    Take care, Ron. Hugs.

  15. Keep it up, Jon. Your therapy seems to be going great - one step at time!

    And keep posting, PLEASE!!

    1. My therapy is extremely difficult but I don't want to give up. I'm slowly pushing forward.
      And I'll definitely keep posting
      Big Hugs.

  16. It's a great post. I'm excited to know you are getting stronger and also that your roommate is gone. Don't get discouraged; take one day at a time.

    1. Thank you, Donna. My only fear is that my roommate will return. None of his items have been taken away.
      My days are tedious but I'm pushing forward.

  17. Steak and potatoes? How awesome! Sure, Salisbury steak...And Mashed potato starch from a box... but the memories of cafeteria food is sweet. And Mom was not the best cook... so cafeteria food was like a 4 star experience. Glad o see you are feeling (And eating?) better. And now with quiet time to enjoy!

  18. I'm not particularly fond of cafeteria food, but it's better than nothing. I hope my peaceful days remain but I have a gut feeling the roommate will recover and return. My optimism is always minimal...

  19. I'm very happy to read that you are walking some again. Even better is the roommate is gone, at least for now. You really need peace and quiet to heal up too, both physically and mentally. Your dinner doesn't look to shabby at all. At least you didn't have to cook it. I can eat about anything If I don't have to cook it myself. LOL Hope you can get your new phone up and running soon. Take care. Prayers continue for your healing. Wendy


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.