Saturday, October 28, 2023



This photo seems appropriate for the Halloween weekend. It is a batch of pumpkins that I grew when I lived in West Texas. The fact that they survived the brutally dry heat and dusty red soil is a miracle. I gave them copious amounts of water and excessive TLC. The results were amazing.

So what's happening here in rehab? I'm deeply depressed knowing that I've missed seeing the gorgeous autumnal forest by my home. I'm not in a Halloween mood.

But - - -

Yesterday a local group of children came here and gave everyone pumpkins. I was delightfully surprised, it was a sweet thing to do.

Here's my pumpkin. My wheelchair is in the background.

My roommate from hell was taken to the hospital a week ago, so I've had some blessed peace. He stopped eating, was in enormous pain and screamed and yelled ALL day and night. He finally kept imploring Jesus and said he was dying. I truly feel sorry for him and his family.

My grim prediction? I suspect that he'll eventually be back....

I was in a bad mood two days ago because I ached from physical therapy. I felt so exhausted that I lost my balance and fell into my wheelchair....

But I recovered quickly and did amazingly well yesterday. I walk with the aide of a walker, but am able to stand unaided in my room. I can wash up by the sink, get things from the closet, and dress myself. Yesterday I changed the pillow cases and a sheet on my bed.

It's extremely difficult, but I'm dang well trying to do my best. I'm tired of being helpless.

I ordered some new clothes from Walmart.....and some candy (I secretly eat Hershey's chocolates every night)*smile*

Despite my (impressive) progress, I TRULY almost lost my mind trying to activate my new cell phone. No success.

I've successfully activated at least 8 or 10 phones in the past.

This current activation requires my WiFi password. I'm clueless. I spent HOURS trying to locate it, with no luck. I have the information (somewhere) at home.

Modern technology is much more aggravating than rehab.

I can't think of any other current updates to reveal. My only alternative is to impress you (sarcasm) with more random photos.

I think my blog readership is dwindling. Most people probably assume the danger is over and I will live (more sarcasm)

Truthfully (I'm very serious here), the danger is not over and I honestly don't know the future......

Let's go to the random photos-

I took this pic a few years ago  It's the road that I have to navigate when I go to town. I got so tired of driving 30 miles one way, that I now have all my groceries delivered.

Another view of my humble home at the edge of the forest.

A glimpse of my living room. It's a complete absolute mess now, since I was sick - but hopefully I'll be able to clean it soon.....

The oil painting is one of my favorites. It's over five feet long - an autumnal scene of the Austrian countryside. Painted probably in the 1930s.

Photo taken last autumn - I like the shadow...

And more photos of my forest back "yard", taken last October

And my front "yard" (below)

Bosco, posing (pic taken a few yrs. ago)

My (now deceased) cat Kitzee. She was a real sweetheart and lived to be 16.  I miss her immensely. This pic was taken in TX - with one of the pumpkins from my garden. She was squinting from the camera flash.

Thanks for taking time to visit my blog - I appreciate every one of you.
                  Luv, Jon


  1. I really appreciate your taking the effort to write your blog, and I hope you don't miss all the fall at home. This year's weird, so there may be more than you expect.

    1. Writing in my blog keeps me busy and keeps me from going nuts - - and I truly do like to keep everyone updated.
      Unfortunately, the beautiful autumn foliage starts to wither by the end of October....I definitely won't be able to see it

  2. Our tress are just now turning those delicious Autumn colors, so hopefully all is not lost if you are able to return home in the next couple of weeks.
    They really do try and cheer you up and keep you connected to the outside world in the rehab, those little children delivering pumpkins is such a sweet gesture.
    Love looking at your Autumn pictures, and your beautiful kitties.
    Keep on getting stronger Jon, you have come such a long way, and hopefully home is in sight.

    1. I do hope that the autumn colors will last into November, but unfortunately it's unlikely.
      I was so surprised when the children brought pumpkins. It helped cheer me up. I also love it when the Amish choir comes to sing.
      I keep pushing forward with the fervent hope of going home.
      Thanks, Jo.

  3. Having lived in West Texas many years, I'm amazed you were able to produce such a pretty crop of pumpkins! They're my favorite to look upon -- unlike actual carving. (My tactile senses are shrinking in horror, remembering the slimy innards.)
    Those children's visit and give-aways touched my heart!
    That Autumnal painting above your couch never fails to move me; I really should look for something similar.
    Thanks for checking in and letting us know about your days. Hugs!

  4. I love pumpkins but am always reluctant to carve them and destroy their beauty. But I do like to keep the seeds to replant.
    There's a Texas town near Lubbock which known for growing pumpkins, but I forgot the name.

    That autumnal painting was my mother's favorite. I put it in the dining room of our TX house. It's a relaxing work of art that I never get tired of looking at.

    1. I never heard of Floydada, but just looked it up! Now, I may have something while at church to drop in conversation when I see our friends from Lubbock.

  5. That 30 miles drive you had to make looks very pretty.... though, I imagine in the winter could be a 'white knuckle drive' at times. Can't blame you for having your food delivered.
    I hope there's still some color left in the foliage by the time you get home. The trees here in Ohio are starting to drop. We're having some rain today which is taking more down. Still, many are still holding on and are really pretty. Your roommate sounds in a sad state of affairs. For your sake, I hope you're home by the time he returns. Best wishes, Jon, and I hope you're home very soon.
    Paranormal John

    1. The drive to town is beautiful but I was usually too nervous to enjoy it. One winter it was snowing with ice - - and I got a migraine while I was driving!!! It's a miracle that I made it to town safely.
      Unfortunately, most of the autumn foliage is gone by the beginning of November. The end of Oct. has the best color. I'll undoubtedly arrive home when the very cold weather begins.

  6. I meant 'the leaves' are starting to drop....not the trees. Yikes!
    Paranormal John

  7. Replies
    1. I'm still struggling to regain physical strength and normalcy, but my days are improving.

  8. You have made so much progress. I am so happy for you. I hope the roommate gets an ease to his pain (and stays away from you for a while, really). What a great visit from those kids and the pumpkin gift, too. I hope you Continue to improve and keep doing things to give yourself independence. :)

    1. I still have a rough journey ahead but it feels great to begin having independence. I really have made good progress.
      My roommate was deteriorating quickly. I honestly don't know if he will recover. It's hard on his family
      I was happy to get the pumpkin!
      I hope you are feeling better and have strength to work on your wonderful artistic projects.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The photos of your home and environs are lovely. My daughter has a 'tuxedo' cat that looks like Kitzee, she's mischievous, and likes to ambush unsuspecting feet.
    I'm enjoying the autumn, the heat of summer takes it out of me.
    I hope you get home soon, and can enjoy the fall, and the winter. Spring will come, and I am sure you'll be home to enjoy it all.
    Take care.

    1. Mike, I wish we could skip summer and winter and only have autumn and spring all year long. *smile*
      It took me a long time to get used to such a small home, but now that I'm getting older it's much easier to clean and maintain.
      I like all animals, but I've always been a cat person. If you give them lots of love they'll (usually) return it.
      I'll hopefully be discharged sometime in November.

  11. What a cute thing, for the kids to come in with pumpkins. Not sure what I would do with a pumpkin if I was in rehab but I guess you can always just sit back and enjoy its colour, shape and associations!


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