Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 I missed an entire summer while I was hospitalized for over two months in Cookeville. It was a shame.

I'm now missing an entire autumn in Jamestown - - where I've been in a physical rehab facility for over two months. It is a travesty.

I've been away from my home since June 1st - - nearly five months. This is beyond the realms of a nightmare.

When I first came here I had lost well over thirty lbs. from being ill and was too weak to sit up in bed.

My progress here has been remarkable. I gained 20 lbs. I can now stand unaided with perfect balance. I can climb stairs unaided and walk long distances (with the aide of a walker). I can zoom around in my wheelchair like a bat out of hell.

And very recently I've been able to dress myself (in regular clothes instead of a depressing hospital gown).

One of the therapy workers took me to a front room where there is a piano. I played a few chords and arpeggios. I haven't touched a piano in ten years.....

My annoying impatience tells me everything is going too slow. I've missed five months of my life. The possibility of this being my final autumn gives me a shiver of farewell.

My timid optimism should be rejoycing over my progress. My journey hasn't yet ended.

Talked to my social worker a few days ago. I've had 100 days of insurance coverage for rehab. I've been here for about 70 days and still have 30 days left.

I'll be discharged some time in November - sooner than 30 days hopefully. Sooner.....

In my acute absence of enjoying autumn, I console myself by posting photos of previous autumns in my rural home.

Hopefully they won't be too abundant or boring.

Bosco, intrigued with a pumpkin

My bedroom window

Homemade wine - I enjoy making wine and will hopefully do it again.

A whitetail deer in my front yard

At the edge of the forest is a glimpse of my house

In my back "yard"

View of my front "yard" (below)

As always, thanks for visiting.

Luv, Jon


Wholehearted thanks for the cards - - - 

and who sent the book "The Cats of America"? What a pleasant surprise.

Your comments, thoughts, and encouragement truly touch my heart and keep me pushing forward.


  1. Looking forward to your homecoming! I'm impressed with your progress, looking good.

    1. I'm really looking forward to coming home - - but I'm annoyed that it will be on the dismal onset of winter.

  2. I am sure Bosco has missed you. What does that name mean, by the way? Sounds Italian.

    1. I googled. An Italian chocolate syrup! Ok, that makes sense and also I can not believe I guessed it was Italian.

    2. I never knew Bosco was Italian. In America it's a chocolate syrup which can be mixed in milk to make chocolate milk.

      I initially named him Rosco, but decided Bosco was better.

  3. You have made remarkable progress. Soon you will be home with Bosco. You live in a beautiful place, Jon.

    1. I really do live in a beautiful place, even though there are inconveniences. Being surrounded by nature is a never-ending joy.

  4. There's little I'd miss about Summer, but Autumn in all it's glory ... I so feel your melancholy. I keep running "a shiver of farewell" through my mind. Over and over; how I like that. (Not the part of this being your final Autumn!)
    As ever, thank you for letting us know of your (remarkable) progress. We care!

    1. You are always extremely adept at noticing my favorite words or phrases. October is a melancholy and utterly beautiful month.
      No matter what happens....I'll look forward to another autumn....

  5. That you'd even be able to be home in a month is amazing! :)

    1. I hope you're feeling better, Rita. We are both having incredible journeys. It almost seems impossible that I could actually go home

  6. Progress indeed....considering where you came from! I enjoyed all your pics. I'm assuming Bosco will be returning home with you. Sure hope so! Hang in there, Jon. The winter...yes, yuk...but then comes spring! Will you have access to a car? Take care and good wishes for a speedy trip home.
    Paranormal John

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures!

  8. A man with a plan, and hopefully in just a few short weeks...
    You have made remarkable progress, and sound so positive .
    Well done Jon,

    1. My biggest regret is that I'll miss seeing the forest in autumm and I'll be going home to face frigid winter - - but it will be wonderful to be home again.

  9. I'm glad that I took photos of previous autumns - I enjoy looking at them.
    Thanks, Jo

  10. I am so glad to hear such great news Jon! Can't wait to see the headline "I'm at home!!"

    1. I can't believe I can actually go home - - I never thought it could happen. It will certainly be a new adventure. Thanks, Cheryle.

  11. Too abundant?

  12. Jon, I read the last entry that you took off. You have had a very hard life. Parenting obviously isn't for everyone, but you've made quite a life for yourself anyway. I wish I could play the piano as well as you (that would be a laugh; I barely play my guitar).

    1. Donna, that post wasn't finished. I'm going to revise it and post it again very soon.(in a few days).
      I like the way you sing and play the guitar. You have a natural and sincere talent.
      Thanks for your comment.

  13. Jon, I always enjoy your pictures; they are so beautiful. You have made tremendous progress in your rehab and that's not a small thing. The views from your porch are spectacular --no wonder that you're in a hurry to get home! I'm looking forward to reading the post that you are home; but please ask for help for a few weeks as you adjust to living "in the world" again. We're all rooting for you! Jackie in CA

    1. My home is small and humble, but I truly love being in the midst of nature. I crave the peace and solitude.
      It will admittedly be a shock to be home again and I'm sure I'll take advantage of any help, even though I prefer being completely independent

      My progress is truly amazing - - considering that last July the doctors in Nashville predicted that I would die. It feels great to be able to do things again, even of they are small steps.
      Thanks, Jackie!

    2. I meant to say "if", not "of"

  14. I'm pleased to hear the continuing progress, Jon. Good work!
    With discharge on the horizon, are you making arrangements, can someone see it the house needs anything before your arrival? Has someone taken care of your car?
    I know, lots of questions, and I"m sure you've thought of this already. It's just me the retired medico looking after my virtual
    Take care, my friend. And I'm sure you'll have many more autumns to enjoy.

    1. I will have home medical care and I have the option to have helpers with any work. I recently paid to have my property cleaned of the high brush and weeds. And someone is going to repair my front steps, which have water damage.
      I haven't used my car for a year. I have temporarily opted not to drive. I got tired of driving 30 miles to town on a dangerous mountain road. I now have all my groceries delivered to the house.
      The inside of the house is a mess but can be fairly easily cleaned.
      I keep planning the things I need to do when I get home.
      Thanks, Mike.

  15. You have done so well! I am glad to hear you'll have home medical care, and can imagine how pleased you'll be when you get home. Your photos of your yard in autumn are really beautiful. I'd never get tired of looking at that.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.