Monday, October 30, 2023



Spooky? Me?? No, I'm not too spooky. I'm trying to get into a Halloween mood - - but it's a complete impossibility here in rehab. This will definitely be the most dismal Halloween of my entire life.

I still have my pumpkin (see previous post). One of the nurses put it on the window ledge (my bed is right next to a window).

As a humble token of the Halloween spirit, I'm posting a video that I made for YouTube a few years ago. The music is called Halloween Dance and was written around 1908. I had a lot of fun putting the spooky visuals together.

An aside:

I'm wondering if my blog posts are getting tedious and my updates getting repetitious. I am considering suspending my blog at the end of October (tomorrow)......but I'm not certain.

Perhaps I'm just feeling depressed because of being confined. Being away from home for five months is one helluva long time!!!

No matter what, I'll write again on Halloween. That's a threat *smile*

Hauntingly yours,   Jon

Video is best viewed full-screen


  1. Hard 'no!' ... your posts are not getting tedious. And don't you dare go suspending your blog and leaving us in suspense. Please?

    I'm glad to see this cute video again! It's never fails to make me smile -- and I wonder if you don't mind if I share it tomorrow on my own blog? (With credit due, of course.)

    1. Myra, I wish everyone could understand me as perceptively as you do. Half the time I don't understand myself...*smile*

      You can absolutely share this video anywhere you desire. Thanks!

  2. Jon, Don't you dare stop blogging. You're posts are not boring. Waling around this morning seeing the fall colors I was thinking of you and your mountain hideaway in the hills of Tennessee. Your critters miss you. No doubt they have taken up residence in your house. I hope you can get back there sometime and check it out. Looking forward to those posts!
    Happy Halloween!
    Ron of Retired in Delaware

    1. Hi Ron - - I'm depressed because I missed the most beautiful time of year. When I finally get home it will be the onset of dreary winter.
      I'm afraid of what my house will look like after five months!!!

      Blogging helps keep me from losing my mind (or what's left of it).
      I'm glad you found a good nutritious egg nog for Bill to drink. That seems a lot better than the oatmeal...
      I hope you have a great Halloween - - with no trick or treaters!

  3. I've never been into Halloween so I haven't missed anything about it, really--lol! It is really fun for the kids, though--and they're going to freeze this year! We have snow coming today and it has been so cold the mere inch of snow we got last week has never melted away. I'm hoping it is a pretty snowfall at least. :)

    1. Halloween has always been my absolute favorite time of year. I've always been intrigued by scary things and the macabre

      It's too early to get snow! The trick or treaters will turn into snowmen. When I lived in the Missouri Ozarks I remember when there was light snow on Halloween. Very rare gor that area.

  4. Jon, stop worrying about whether you're repetitive or not. You are not. You are talking about what you are going through and what you miss and what makes you happy. I don't care about halloween, but I did enjoy the video. You did a great job with the visuals.

    1. I'll admit that I'm too self-critical. I think I'm just getting extremely restless from being away from home. I suppose I should continue writing about my journey.
      I'm glad you enjoyed the video!

  5. Jon, your posts are not tedious and boring at all; I look forward to reading your posts and following your progress! You provide inspiration and motivation for many people. I'm looking forward to reading your posts when you return home; I expect that they will be poetic! Jackie in CA

    1. After careful consideration, it would be a shame if I discontinued my progress on this blog. I only have about (?) Three weeks before I go home. I'll believe it when I see it.
      Thanks for your continuing encouragement, Jackie.

  6. I'd like you to continue, but it's your choice of course.
    I think most of us enjoy your blog, your thoughts, and like updates on how you are doing.
    Personally, I hope we can continue to compare notes as this winter progresses, the holidays and beyond.
    So my wish is for you to continue.
    Persevere, and go forward, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Mike - - I always appreciate your encouragement and optimism. After all the updates that I've written, it would be unfair for me to vanish without letting everyone know was happening.
      I will keep blogging and will be happy to continue getting your comments.

  7. I'm so sorry you won't be able to return home to see the beautiful fall. But I'm very happy you're coming home fairly soon. I know....not soon enough. Happy Halloween (the best you can considering the circumstances). It's cold and rainy here in Ohio tonight. I just took a 40-minute walk and about froze. I'm humped up with a winter coat and scarf on and here comes some dude down the street with shorts on. Whatever. By the way Jon, your posts are never boring or tedious. Your stories about living in Hollywood/California are book worthy. It's good hearing your progress and you've come a LONG way, my friend! Keep on pushing. Home and Bosco soon!
    Paranormal John

    1. I just accidentally deleted my reply to your comment!!
      I am truly looking forward to going home - but it's depressing that it will be at the onset of winter. The daytime high today was 45 with frost at night. That's unseasonably cool for TN.
      I removed my recent blog post "Autumn of Escape" about my early Hollywood adventures, because I thought it would offend dome readers. I plan to repost it in the near (?) future.
      I hope you have a haunting Halloween. Keep warm!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.