Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I woke up this morning with a curious memory. I was suddenly thinking of my maternal grandmother Anna Gordon Knoll. 

I initially didn't know why she came to mind until I realized that today marked the day she died - October 17th.

I was only sixteen when she died but I vividly remembered her. She took care of me when I was a small child in New Jersey, because both my parents worked.

She was gentle and patient, never raised her voice and never said a harsh word. When she was young she wanted be a nun. Eventually she married the boy next door and they had five children (my mother was their third child).

She always called me Janczy, which was a nickname for Janos - - the Hungarian name for John.

She had a beautiful singing voice and often sang while doing work around the house.

She was also a fantastic cook (no exaggeration). My cousins and I always remember her incredible teszta leves, Hungarian noodle soup with homemade noodles. I never tasted a more delicious soup.

When she died, my parents and I drove from California to New Jersey to attend her funeral. We arrived in two days.

So many distant memories haunt me on this October day....



  1. My condolences, though it has been many years. What a blessing she was.

    1. Thanks, Sandi - I'm grateful for the fond memories.

  2. I'm glad you knew her long enough to have good memories.

    1. I'm glad I have an extraordinary memory. I still remember my grandfather, who died when I was three.

  3. She looks elegant. Having a loving grandmother is a wonderful thing. I also had one. She died in October also. 1974.

    1. October brings sentimental memories for both of us
      My grandmother's father was of royal blood, but he was disinherited when he married a peasant girl.

  4. I think your early morning memory is more than sheer coincidence. Like the poppy, perhaps she was saying, "Forget me not."
    Memories are gifts we give ourselves.

    1. It's amazing that I thought about her on this particular day. The memories and spirits of those we love are indeed potent.

  5. She sounds like and looks like a really positive memory. Nice way to wake up! :)

  6. She does evoke positive memories and I'm greatful for that.

  7. What a beautiful lady, obviously she was a huge part of your life, as was mine.

    1. She died when I was young but she left a wealth of memories. I'm certain you have treasured memories, too.

  8. She sounds amazing, and you were lucky to have her while your parents were working. Sixteen was young to lose her, but you were old enough to have been able to lay down those memories, and that's good. The noodle soup sounds great. It's funny how memories of food stay with us. I guess food is often really important to kids, they can make sense of food whereas other grown up stuff often just passes you by!


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