Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Possible positivity is on the horizon. As a devout pessimist, I wouldn't dare assume absolute positivity. I'm too neurotically cautious.

I had a good day today.

Despite my intolerably annoying roommate, severe pain from an infected radiation burn near my butt, and my usual anxiety and occasional depression - - - I have hope.

Today the wound care doctor said all my wounds have healed nicely - - and I'll be getting new antibiotics for the radiation infection.

I now have the ability to stand alone with no aide, and I have good balance. And I climbed the stairs in rehab three times.

I also walked through the entire rehab building (with the aide of a walker) - - the longest walk I've done so far.

I still tire easily, but my legs are starting to almost feel normal again.

Today the social worker said  there will be a meeting on Monday to discuss my possible release.

It was a good day.

Just for the heck of it, I'm posting some photos of my home which I found in my phone files. Unfortunately all of my good photos are on my laptop - - but these aren't bad.

Luv ya, Jon

The narrow one-way road that goes past my property. My house isn't near the road - - it's set way back by the forest.

One of my neighbors (no, I'm not kidding)

My front porch

My tiny humble living room

Bosco, enjoying where he shouldn't be

My cherished antique desk

Grandfather clock

Wooden Hungarian box where I keep old photos and other treasures

This wonderful spider web was in my back yard last autumn

The forest last October


  1. That is great news!!!!!! You seem to be on the upswing in fast clips now!!!! There will be no stopping you!!!! And we will drink to that!!!!! Cheers Jon!!!!!

    1. I'm feeling positive for a refreshing change
      BTW- - I got your card! Many thanks for thinking of me, and Big Hugs!

    2. Your welcome friend!!! Any idea how much longer you're going to be in rehab yet?

    3. I have no idea how long I'll still be here, but they're considering my discharge.

  2. Replies
    1. I had a huge house in Texas but I truly prefer this small one

  3. This sounds so good! Your home is lovely, no wonder you want to get back there. It's a good motivator for the walking and stairs. This was certainly welcome reading.

    1. Unfortunately my home is presently a real mess since I was sick - but I plan on making it look great again.

  4. Great news!. I can see why you are yearning for home, it's absolutely lovely. Good luck on Monday.

    1. It took me a long time to get used to a small place, but it really is lovely. Thanks!

  5. Yessssss! (*woo-hoo*) That's great news, both about therapy and your wound care doctor. Fingers crossed for your long-postponed homecoming!

    1. I honestly don't know what will happen, but at least I'm progressing in therapy. I deserve something positive for a refreshing change.

  6. That is so exciting to hear! All that physical therapy has been more than worthwhile!! whoohoo! Fingers crossed!! :)

    1. My fingers are crossed, too, Rita - because the social worker here is tough, very opinionated, and doesn't particularly like me.

  7. I hope the mice haven't taken over your house when you get back home. They tend to do that when the cat's away, you know. Or when the cat's owner is away.

    1. Donna, I am VERY concerned about what the mice have been up to. I will need several aggressive cats.

  8. Outstanding news, Jon!! Rehab often makes it way slowly to a peak, and then it comes to fruition. Sounds like you are there.
    I read your comment on Geo's post, I'm hopeful for both of you.
    Take care, Jon. Don't be worried about tiny setbacks on the road...they are common, and not to be taken seriously. Life is a sine wave, eh?

    1. You've truly been a great friend during my entire ordeal, Mike. I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.

    2. Well Jon, you're repaid the favor. You caused me, early on, to re-think many things, and look at my own thoughts and feelings. I'm pleased you call me 'friend'. It means a lot. Continue to persevere, my friend.

  9. Wonderful news Jon, hoping that you'll continue to improve daily, and once again return to your home in the forest, which I might add is a delight.
    Keeping my fingers crossed.

    1. I still have obstacles to overcome - - they never seem to end - - but I'm feeling a little stronger and more independent, and I'm extremely anxious to be released from this annoying confinement.
      Many thanks for your continuing concern.

  10. That little lane running past your property looks so inviting. But then, it is clearly pleasant weather. Not so good in the winter, I'd guess but I bet you'll be glad to see it again!


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