Tuesday, October 31, 2023



After careful consideration (and encouragement from others) I've decided to continue blogging my "updates". It would be a travesty to leave my medical journey incomplete. I truly hope you continue with me.

According to my crude calculation, I have about three (?) weeks left in rehab.

What do I expect afterwards? I want to regain health and strength, of course. But - - most important to me - - is that I want to resume my former life of peace and privacy.

Since June the 1st, I have spent five long months in a hospital and rehab. It was absolutely necessary, of course, and I'm beyond grateful to still be alive. But, during that seemingly eternal ordeal, I've lost my privacy, dignity, and independence. I also suffered every possible humiliation and embarrassment. I experienced the raw reality of severe pain, agony, and fear.

And the grim prospect of death.

I'm not looking for sympathy - I honestly don't deserve it. I'm certainly not courageous. I'm simply a survivor.

We all are.

Enough of my elaborate discourse. It's merely part of my nature.......

Are you prepared for Halloween? Some people dislike it or are indifferent.

It's my absolute favorite time of year. I've always been fiercely intrigued by scary things - ghosts, hauntings, mysteries, and everything macabre. And the delicious intoxicating background of autumn is the perfect accompaniment.

This is the poetic, passionate voice of my Hungarian soul.

I prefer the old-fashioned Halloween traditions that are now mostly passe - - celebrations at home, costume parties, eating goodies by the fireside, jack-o- lanterns and candles. Lights out for fortune telling, divinations, and ghost stories. While the chilling wind wails mournfully outside.

Did I put you in a Halloween mood?

No?? Shame on you.

How about some photos? I found more pics in my cell phone files. All of my good photos are on my laptop at home, but these are ok.

So why has Jon been sharing photos on his recent posts?

To make my blog seem more interesting. Maybe.

Hauntingly yours,  Jon

Photos from last Halloween

Halloween clock

Glimpses of the forest last Halloween

My video The Bogey Wail

Sung by Jack Hylton 1929

Check out my Halloween Dance video on my previous post.


  1. I love pumpkins. That's about as far as I get. The scary things...ne pas de scary things, to use French that I don't really know.

    It will be good to hear your updates from home! Soon, very soon.

    God bless you, Jon.

    1. I love pumpkins, too - - snd anything to do with autumn. I have no idea why I'm attracted to scary things.....life is often scary enough.
      I'm glad that you appreciate my updates, Sandi.

  2. You make Halloween almost enjoyable, Jon! At least, your collection and memories of days gone by. I'd suggest we all get together at your place next year for ghost stories and goodies by the fireside ... but remember you value your privacy.
    Not courageous? Oh, I disagree. This quote reminds me of something you might say: "Courage is looking fear right in the eye and saying, ‘Get the hell out of my way, I’ve got things to do.’”

    1. Almost enjoyable? It would be perfectly enjoyable if it wasn't for the dang trick or treaters. You are definitely invitef to my fireside Halloween party.
      I love the quote - it's exactly how I think.

  3. I'm glad you're continuing with your narrative, and I plan to follow along as far as you want to write.

    1. I really appreciate that. It encourages me to write. Thank you!

  4. Just called here from Mevely's Blog. Thank you for the video you posted there and the one here. You sure are talented. I am envious.

    Praying for you. God bless.

    1. Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, Victor. I always appreciate your wisdom and wit.

  5. I remember the Halloween clock. Love it! Wherever did you find that? Halloween is one of my very favorite holidays, too. I also love scary things (hence my name, lol). My favorite
    reading and movie genre. Look forward to your updates and returning home.
    Paranormal John

    1. I got that clock.on eBay long ago. I couldn't resist it. Halloween is my absolute favorite time of year - - but I'm devastated knowing that I missed the beauty of my back yard forest.
      Happy Halloween!

  6. I look forward to your updates, and progress of course. You definitely seem to be in the Halloween spirit, I'm smiling at your decorations, in England we used to carve a jack o lantern made out of a turnip, nothing as elaborate as today's offerings. Love the Bogey Wail.
    You'll probably be getting trick or treaters in the rehab this evening.
    Happy Halloween !

    1. I think it would be quite difficult to carve a turnip. I'm glad we have pumpkins, but I'm usually reluctant to carve them because they're so pretty.
      My Halloween decorations are simple, but they always make me feel good.
      Glad you enjoyed the video!

  7. My BFF from high school also loved all things creepy and ghoulish and scary. I never understood why with her, either--lol! Happy Halloween, Jon.

    1. I don't know why, myself. I've been interested in spooky things since I was a child. Not deeply morbid or dark things - - but mysterious things and the macabre.

  8. We don't do Halloween, but I have discovered your blog from Mevely and have added you to my reading list. I am interested in updates on how you are doing. What an ordeal! Take care.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and adding me to your reading list. I'm familiar with you from seeing your comments on other blogs.
      It's difficult for me to blog now, because I have to do it on my cell phone - - but I try to write as many updates as possible.
      I was hospitalized on June 1st and was there for over teo months! Now I have been in physical rehab for over two months
      My medical ordeal was a nightmare and I'm looking forward to going home.

    2. I meant to say "two months". Sorry for the typo.

  9. Louise, please don't appologize. I often feel selfish when I blog about my problems - - when I know that others have problems of their own.
    I'm delighted to know that you've been keeping up with my posts, even if you didn't comment. Thank you for beimg there. It means a lot to me.

  10. This time next year you're be home, for sure. So looking forward to hearing about you evicting all those critters who have taken up residence in your mountain home, including the ghosts!

    1. Don't scare me, Ron! *smile*. After being away for five months, I'm VERY concerned about what my place is going to look like. I think I'll need a dozen cats to catch the mice!!

  11. Late again, but I do have one memory of Halloween that endures: We were out obstensively doing the trick or treat, but really just young vandals. A neighbor had a 'miniature' apple tree, with 6-7 large ripe apples hanging. We ate the apples on the tree, it was only about 7 feet high at the top, leaving the cores hanging from the tree.
    Wretched kids....

    1. I laughed at that one. You were creative vandals. There used to be a lot of mischief (like soaping windows) on Halloween before trick or treat became popular.

  12. Hi Jon, I have fallen behind on blog reading while we were traveling out of the U.S. but I did enjoy seeing this post about your fondness for Halloween. We were in Edinburgh on Oct 31 and celebrated by meeting up with a fellow blogger so it was a memorable day this year🎃.

    Yes, please do continue to keep posting about your medical journey and recovery as one of your long-time blogger friends, I am certainly interested to read that you have been making great progress after such a long and painful ordeal. And, know you certainly have many more blog friends who are supporting you in spirit.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy, for taking the time to visit my blog. I have an appointment with my doctor in Cookeville on Monday the 6th - and I think I'll be able to go home in about two weeks.
      I'll keep updating - - and l'll look forward to hearing more about your travel adventures.

  13. Love your Halloween movie, I recognise some of the clips.... some of those old cartoons were amazing and you have put them all together so well. And I love Jack Hylton too. The perfect Halloween entertainment. I am spending less time at the computer than previously right now but I am to catch up on all past posts eventually! I too am keen to keep reading about your medical progress, and I'm very glad that you sound to be getting such good rehab... But yes, independence is better!

  14. I always have fun making these videos and I really liked the Jack Hylton song. I have another Halloween video on my previous post.
    Thank you for visiting my blog , Jenny, and your concern about my medical progress. After being hospitalized and in rehab for the past five months - I will hopefully be going home in a few weeks.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.