Tuesday, December 12, 2023


 This is not a medical update. It's an age update - - - and I'm trying to decide which one is the most annoying. Logically speaking (which isn't exactly one of my fortes), without the medical updates, there probably wouldn't be an age update. I suppose that deserves gratitude.

I'm purposefully rambling to avoid mentioning the subject of birthdays. I disliked them even when I was a child. They always seemed like a pompous self-serving inconvenience.

There's nothing special about treading the grueling years. We're all survivors in one way or another. I suppose survival is the most important cause for celebration. Perhaps. Walt Whitman could probably explain it. (*smile*).

Every passing year astonishes me - - but this one in particular was nothing short of an incredible miracle. I couldn't ask for a greater gift than that.

I have no concrete future plans accept to be humbly greatful for what I've been given. Every day is a birthday gift to cherish.

I can't celebrate myself without attempting to describe myself. Not an easy task.

I'm an inexhaustible collection of contradictions. An eternal enigma. Extremely diverse. Notoriously sensitive. Appallingly insecure. Annoyingly immature. Moody. Creative.

Indefatigably romantic and sentimental, with a deeply infused affliction of nostalgia and melancholy.

How's that for a self-description? Every word is true.

My personal obsessions include music, literature, art, history (in a proverbial nutshell). Among many other things.

I couldn't exist without opera and ballet. But I also like bluegrass, ragtime, country, rock, "oldies," whatever.  Puccini and King Crimson. I'm a nondenominational music lover.

The piano was my greatest solace. My mother was a brilliant pianist and my first teacher.

The worst times of my life?

The eternal battles with my father - who nearly destroyed me and , without a doubt, was absolutely the most insanely violent person I ever knew. The physical wounds healed. The psychological wounds still exist.

The happiest times of my life?

When I was in love. Absolutely. (no need to expound)

My accomplishments?

Foremost is my uncanny ability to be resilient.

Other accomplishments seem insignificant and trivial. I have no interest in college degrees or pompous, self-serving intellectualism.

I attended college solely to propel my musical career and interact with other musicians. I played cello as a second instrument. I studied piano, composition, and conducting.

I performed as soloist and accompanist throughout Southern California. When I was twenty, I performed a piano concerto with a symphony orchestra. (the concerto no.4 in D minor by Anton Rubinstein). Performed several chamber music concerts at UCLA.

Had nearly 100 poems published in literary magazines and anthologies. Some of those poems are included in my book Love Letters to Ghosts.

I no longer give a flying fig about poetry. It was my youthful passion (or one of my passions...)

I later became a freelance writer. At the time it was challenging fun but not financially rewarding (I was paid anywhere from $100 to $2,500 for an article). $2,500 was rare, of course.

I still have boxes filled with my publications. Extremely diverse. True confessions, history, music, westerns, fiction, erotic fiction (I'll reluctantly admit it). I specialized in the film industry and Hollywood history (I existed in Hollywood and knew a surprisingly impressive amount of prominent people there).

Admittedly, being a published writer was rewarding. Unfortunately, the onset of the Internet destroyed the old-fashioned literary world where knowledgeable editors and genuine talent existed. Nowadays, everybody is an online "writer".

Besides writing and music, I had other sporadic jobs. Dishwasher, cook, chauffeur, security guard, editor, proof reader, movie extra.......and the list goes on.

The most intriguing time in my sordid life?

When I was young, wild, careless, adventurous, extremely self-destructive, promiscuous, and obsessed with courting danger - - broke and often drunk - - haunting the hardcore midnight streets of Hollywood.

I could astound you with the tales I have to tell. But that was long ago in a different realm. 

Today I'm a completely different person. I look back at my youth with absolute astonishment and often horror- - but strangely enough with few regrets.

I've definitely said too much. Probably much more than you'd ever want to know.Thank you for eagerly joining my celebration.....or at least tepidly tolerating it.

With love, Jon

Incidentally, I don't smoke. This was a pathetic ploy to look tough.

BTW - - my birthday is tomorrow, the 13th. 


  1. Well, as one Sag to another, I shoulda known! Mine is Friday, but I've had a lot more of them than you have up to now. Happy trip around the sun!
    I've had several careers because life's too short, many interests and degrees which like yours had an ulterior motive, etc.
    Sags are practically indestructible, you and I attest to this!

    1. I'll admit it - - Sags are extraordinary people, and the first three who commented today all have December birthdays. We are diverse and, indeed, indestructible.

  2. Happy birthday, Jon! You've earned it.

    1. Birthday wishes to you ,too, Geo - - we've definitely both earned it. Thanks!

  3. Happy Birthday Jon!
    Mine was the 10th! I turned 79 Yikes!
    Did you ever hear of Bishop, California while in Cali? I was raised there.
    I hope you are feeling better as the days go by.
    Pat/Central Texas

    1. Well, another extraordinary Sag! Yes, I'm slightly familiar with Bishop - - been there a few times. My physical limits are extremely frustrating, but I'm doing my best to keep going forward. Thanks for your comment, Pat.

  4. I'll bet there have been times this year when you didn't think you'd see another birthday. Please make it a happy one as much as you possibly can.

    1. You're very right about that, Donna. Counting my blessings is enough to make my B Day a happy one.

  5. Brilliantly expressed, my friend! Your first two "self-description" paragraphs might well have come out of my own mouth ... were I as candid.
    Like Donna said, there were more than a few "what if?" moments this year. I'm so very grateful you persevered. It's an honor to call you friend.

    PS - Forget December 31 ... Happy New Year to you!

    1. I really had trouble trying to describe myself, but it turned out unnervingly accurate.
      My "what if" moments this year were more prevalent than I care to admit. I cherish your friendship, Myra.
      Happy New Year, indeed.

  6. Happy, happy birthday, Jon! I felt gratitude, amazement, and delight I was still here at my birthday this year, too. Looking back it's like observing a series of other lifetimes--yes.
    It is wonderful that you are here. May you have many, many more. :)

  7. We've both went through hell this year and shared many similarities. Surviving another birthday was truly a miracle for both of us.
    Looking back is definitely like viewing another world. Now we can concentrate on looking forward. Hugs.

  8. Happy Birthday, Jon. What a life! I, too, had those 'wild days' and have often wondered how I made this far? Luck, no doubt! LOL! I hope you have a good birthday and wish I could send a cake over. I'm a decent baker...or was. Haven't tried those skills in a while. You really should write a book. What adventures! Wishing you many more b-days. Is Bosco on the horizon yet? Take care!
    Paranormal John

  9. I honestly never thought my life was interesting or amazing, but in retrospect it was incredible (in our youth, we both probably had guardian angels). A cake would be a sweet gesture (no pun intended). Right now all I have are Christmas cookies.
    I'd love to write a book about my adventures. Hopefully....
    Bosco is still with my cousin. If only I can get the house prepared. Before the holidays end....

  10. You share your birthday with my beautiful talented granddaughter. Happy Birthday Jon!

    1. December people are very special. Happy birthday to your granddaughter!

  11. Cello! Have you ever heard of the 2cellos? Well worth a look see on the you tube. 🙂

    Happy Birthday, John. I made you this cake. 🍰

    1. I appreciate the cake. I never heard of the 2cellos. I'll check YouTube.
      I was probably the worst cellist in California.

  12. thecontemplativecat here. Happy B-day. What adventures you are experiencing. God is there, He is watching over you.

    1. I am truly greatful for my blessings and all the people like yourself who care. Many thanks.

  13. Wishing you the Happiest of birthdays Jon, you have so much to celebrate !

    1. It's been an extremely grueling journey but I'm finally feeling more content. I'm having help from many people, which is reassuring. Thanks, Jo!

  14. Early Happy 🎂 Birthday wishes to you, Jon, and you indeed have much to celebrate this year -- life being the best gift of all! You have definitely led a diverse, full and interesting life with so many experiences to look back on, good or bad. Celebrate you!

    Also, do you have a mailing address where your blogger friends could send snail-mail?

    1. I certainly have many blessings this birthday.
      Unfortunately my mail box is extremely far from my house and it's very uncertain when or if I'll get my mail. Once in awhile a home health care nurse can get it, but that's rare.
      I would hate to have people send cards that I'll never get.
      I'm trying to remedy this with the postal service.

    2. Thanks, Jon, for letting me know about the mail box situation which you had mentioned before. Hopefully, something can be worked out with the post office. Know that you have our (Patrick and myself) best wishes for a merry Christmas in your own home and we wish you a better 2024.

  15. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day. Take care, Sheila

    1. Thank you, Sheila! I had a fairly good day, with lots to be thankful for.

  16. 🎶happy birthday to you
    mew mewmew mew mew mew🎶

    1. Thank you , Lisa. Posh and Whiteface sing very well!

  17. No doubt about it Jon, you are a very interesting person. A multi-layered talent. What you're doing in those Tennessee mountains has always puzzled me. Maybe the explanation is as simple as you just want to "get away from it all." Who was it that said "We all live lives of quiet desperation."? I know you know the answer.
    Ron of Retired in Delaware


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