Sunday, February 11, 2024


My personal problems and health issues have become so completely overwhelming that I have no desire to blog or give my usual updates.

I can no longer force myself to pretend that things are going smoothly, when in fact my entire existence is a disaster. I am physically and mentally exhausted.

This isn't the end - - it's merely a respite during which I will try to gain strength and salvage what's left of my sanity.

I never give up easily. I shall return.

With love, Jon


  1. Take what ever time you need to, Jon. We all understand and will be here for you.

  2. I'm sure you will return and meanwhile I hope you turn this corner and start doing better.

  3. I hope you feel better soon, Jon. We'll be here and wish you well. :)

  4. Take care!!! We all need those. I just a month off to give a online break and do other things. We have to remember we come first and our well-being. Take good care Jon.

  5. Take the time you need. Do realize you don't need to pretend to us. We are here to listen and sometimes give unsolicited advice. Like this.

  6. 100% ... please take whatever time you want/need. An airbrushed version of Jon is no good -- either to yourself or those who care about you. (We do, you know!)

  7. Take all the time you need, Jon. As someone else said, we all need a break sometimes. Remember that we do care about you and wish you well. I know that you are a survivor, and you will return strong. Getting better takes time; give yourself time to get stronger.

  8. Thanks for letting us know Jon, we'll be here waiting, and cheering you on.

  9. Take care of yourself, we will be here. 🙏🙏


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.