Saturday, March 23, 2024


In all honesty, I never thought I would live to see another spring. I'm standing at the threshold in amazement and gratitude, but my fragile mind doesn't dare to venture toward future possibilities. I'm here now.

The day is bathed in a surrealistic golden light. No exaggeration. The sunlight here in the Tennessee hills is submerged in an ethereal yellow haze that I've never seen anywhere else. I've tried to capture it in photos but it seems to be evasive.

Spring is here but no blossoms are in sight. Greenery is sprouting on the ground. Today is cool with a defiant windy chill.

Did I ever mention that I live on King Mountain? The family that previously owned this property was named King. This was named by their ancestors.

So how am I doing? I'm still in agonizing physical pain and mental anguish, but no need for alarm. I'm used to it. My spinal injuries are so intense that it takes me twenty minutes to get out of bed (I've timed it). The edema is so bad that my legs are stiff and numb. Walking is a near impossibility - - even with the walker. I'm gasping for breath most of the time.

But these afflictions are minor. I'm more worried about "other" things......

For the past few weeks I've been battling with Walmart's online pharmacy. I desperately needed to refill my edema meds. I accurately provided them with all my information. I kept getting rude messages that they can't validate my identity.

Infuriating! I might be half dead but I'm still here.

So yesterday (Friday) I got a visit from a new nurse (a male nurse). When I told him my plight, he immediately called Walmart and demanded my refill. Then he drove into town and brought my meds within two hours. I can hardly express my gratitude. His help was a miracle from heaven.

My physical limitations are humiliating and frustrating. I'm slowly but surely turning into Blanche DuBois - - depending on the kindness of strangers.

Think about that for awhile. It will eventually get funny.

One thing for sure is that I'm absolutely dreading my two upcoming medical appointments in Cookeville on April 2nd and 4th. I have no way to get there except for the Transport Company from Hell - - who made me miss all of my February and March appointments.

I have absolutely no faith in them and their sublime incompetence. I'm dreading April so much that my nights are sleepless.

This is only one of about a thousand other worries I have.

I won't expound. It would be too painful.

No need to be alarmed - - I'm merely thinking out loud.

Thank you for reading this. And a special thanks to you who watched my recent videos. It means a lot.     Jon

Top photo facing north toward the cow pasture

Two photos (below) of my uninteresting front "yard"


  1. So glad the nurse read the riot act and got the meds to you. And that you've lived to see another spring! Day by day, good way to see it.

    1. The new nurse was an incredible stroke of good luck. I don't think I'd ever get my meds if it wasn't for his help and determination.
      Now, if I can only get the Transportation company to function normally......or is that asking for too much?

  2. Your nurse gives me faith in people. When we think of it, if we think of it, the here now is what life is. Enjoy spring.

    1. I was stunned at how quickly solved my problem. I wish there was some way that I could repay all the good people who helped me since last summer.

      At this point in life, all I can do is savor one day at a time.

  3. Blanche du Bois .... that's a good one! 😉
    I'm enormously intrigued by that yellow haze you mentioned. I wonder if the local meteorologists don't speak to that; or maybe, that's 'normal' to the citizenry?
    God bless that male nurse who took ownership of your prescription snafu. Don't lose his number!
    I hope the coming week is kind to you, my friend. Still praying!

    1. I suddenly thought of Blanche DuBois and it made me smile.
      That male nurse was truly a lifesaver. I don't have his number, but he said to call the Homecare office any time.

      I am intrigued by the yellow haze (or glow). The entire light is drenched in it. It only happens here in the hills when it's sunny. On grey days there are mists and fog.

  4. My medical appreciation for the nurse acting as all should have, it seems to not be common nowadays. Is there any alternative to the drivers taking to you your appointments. I think it's very important that you get to those.
    I've been retired for awhile, but if you want I'll contact the docs where you have appts, to see if there is any help they can give. You have my email, I think.
    Glad you have some good weather, it's raining here, but it's a preternatural spring, early by nearly a month. Many leaves are well on their way, and the daffodils are already gone.
    Best to you.

    1. You're right, Mike - - good deeds nowadays seem to be rare. Here in the TN hills there seem to be a lot of generous and caring people. No place is perfect, but this rural lifestyle is a refreshing change.
      I really appreciate your offer to help, but I don't think much can be done. I've complained to the Transport Co. numerous times.
      I also talked to people at the Cookeville Medical Center and they promised to contact the Transport Co. and see what can be done. This is an inportant situation.
      It's been unseasonably cool here, but I'm sure blossoms will emerge soon.

  5. I've been feeling some similar things with my birthday coming up on Thursday. Wasn't expected to make it--or, if I did, to last much longer, you know. Been feeling how precious life is--big time--this birthday. We are lucky to be here. No matter what shape we are in, my friend.
    I love that new male nurse, BTW! I hope he keeps coming and helping out like he did. You can tell him from your blog family that he is greatly appreciated and thank him!! ;)

    1. We've both been through nightmare journeys, Rita, and it's a miracle that we survived this far. You're right that we're lucky to be here, despite our ravaged physical shape. It was a humbling experience for me.
      Unfortunately, I think the new male nurse was only here temporarily. My regular nurse has been having health problems (I'm hoping he'll return).
      I'll be thinking of you on your birthday. It's certainly a precious day to celebrate!

    2. I meant to say I hope the new nurse returns.

  6. thecontemplativecat here. The yellow tinged air reminds me of a day on the farm in my childhood. The air was yellow, the leaves hung limp, it was quiet. I was sure we were set for a tornado. Did not happen. The nurse did his job perfectly, and I hope he set t hings straight at the pharmacy. I am praying for you. Honest. (People often say something that about prayer.) I am praying for you, Jon.

    1. The air often seems strange before a tornado. I experienced numerous tornados when I lived in the Missouri Ozarks. Really terrifying.
      I don't know what causes the yellow-golden glow here in the TN hills. Perhaps it's the light reflecting from the hills.
      I truly appreciate your prayers and kind thoughts.

  7. Yes, Jon, add my vote to thanking that helpful nurse, no matter if male or female, just glad you were able to get those needed meds with forceful intervention. The upcoming appts are definitely a concern with that transport company’s terrible non-service and hopefully some pressure can be exerted to make sure you are picked up on time and transported to and from safely.

    1. The male nurses seem to be more aggressive when dealing with problems. It's so fortunate that this new nurse showed up at the right time.
      My biggest concern is being able to show up on time for my appointments. I have absolutely NO faith in the transport company and there's no alternative.....unless I rent a horse...*smile*

  8. I'm glad the new (male) nurse was a big help. Being one myself, I appreciated hearing that. Now...if that transportation service gets their shat together, maybe you can move forward a little easier. Your area has some harsh weather, but the beauty ((when Mother Nature behaviors herself) is truly awesome. Your music videos have been so enjoyable. I admire your talent. Having zero talent in that neck of the woods, I really appreciate hearing someone who has that gift. Keep em coming! Take care and fingers crossed that transport service will show up when scheduled.
    Paranormal John

    1. The male nurse was truly a gift from heaven. He got my problem resolved in a matter of minutes. The Walmart online pharmacy kept me going in circles for weeks.
      Unfortunately I don't think the transportation service will ever get their "shat" together. I am dreading my April appointments more than anything....
      Thanks for your kind words about my piano videos (I need all the positivity to salvage my lack of confidence).
      So far, spring has been unseasonably cool - - and very windy today, but at least the sun is shining.

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