Friday, April 5, 2024


Easter was absolutely beautiful with a sunny 75 degrees (Fahrenheit). Then - - as if the Thunder Gods suddenly realized their mistake - - the following week was plagued with foul weather.

On Monday night the temperature dropped drastically in the wake of wild winds. Tuesday presented a Tornado Watch, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds. My muddled mind can't remember exactly when the frosts came, but I think it was Wednesday night. It's been cold ever since. Winter blankets are back on my bed. The furnace is in use again. Hot cups of tea and coffee abound. I made soup yesterday.

Last night (Thursday) there were snow flurries and I was almost forcibly inspired to sing Christmas carols.

April? The spring blossoms are definitely frozen.

Yesterday I was visited by one of the home care nurses. She said I'll be reevaluated sometime in May. I'm presently able to care for my wounds, which is good. But I still need to be monitored for my (numerous) other problems.

The meds for edema seem to be having some positive effect. My horribly swollen legs have been deflating. My pants were previously extremely tight. I noticed that lately they've become baggy. I can finally move my tight knees....

My blood pressure is normal, and I'm not taking the blood pressure meds. But I still get breathless when I stand and indulge in physical activities.

Astonishingly, my weight is now 180 lbs. (!!!) Of course, the edema might contribute to the weight gain, but I'm still delighted.

When I was hospitalized last summer I weighed 130 lbs. - - truly skin and bones. I was absolutely horrified to look at my body. My arms, hands, chest.....I was exactly like a corpse.

The doctors at Cookeville sent me to Nashville Centennial Medical Center. Nothing could be done. The gaunt, somber doctor - - whom I called the Grim Reaper - - told me to go home in the care of Hospice and die.

That was over eight months ago. I am extremely cautious and skeptical about everything. I never breathe sighs of relief. There are no happy endings. But I'm grateful for what I have.

Life is only a gentle whisper that leaves the sweet trace of an echo.

And after the journey, the shadow of things past will cradle us like the  fragile memory of a prayer.

Nothing profound here. As always, I'm merely thinking out loud. Which is a risk.



  1. sending our love

  2. Replies
    1. I try to make them good. Not always easy......

  3. Thanks for the update, Jon, as there was some better health news, as for the weather, it’s crazy here too with a nor’easter snow this week and mid 60s by next week. It was good to read you had a home health care nurse visit not only so you could have some human contact too.

    1. I used to have three nurse visits a week, but now I only require one - - but they also call to check up on me.
      It's supposed to warm up by next week. I have my doubts, but perhaps by July.....*smile*

  4. I'm so glad your furnace is working. Also that the meds are finally helping. About time, too.

    1. I really needed the furnace this winter. I'm glad I had it fixed!
      I initially thought the meds wouldn't work, but they proved me wrong.

  5. Replies
    1. Your insight and wisdom is very helpful when coping with life's problems.

  6. Oh mister, you've done it again! How your closing "Life is" moves me. Material for another book, perhaps?
    I'm so encouraged by your (remarkable) progress. Tom, too, struggles with edema, but his doctor put him on some new med that seems to be helping.
    Keep on!

    1. Myra, I always appreciate your uncanny ability to understand what I'm trying to convey. I often confound myself, and make it necessary to read between the lines.
      I never knew what edema was until I became plagued with it.
      I hope the meds keep working....

  7. I'm delighted to hear about your improvement, especially about the edema. That augers well for other health issues. I hope the medical center can help with the transportation issues.
    Our weather has also been variable. We had a day of near 75 a week or so ago, it's been in the 40's ever since. I'm not too unhappy, I hate the heat of summer.
    I hope everything continues on an upward slope, Jon.
    Take care, my friend.

    1. I initially thought the edema meds weren't working. I can now see a definite improvement happening - which really encouraging
      (I'm presently on Lipitor, Lasix, Aldactone)
      I'm very pleased that I gained weight - I never thought it would happen.
      It's supposed to warm up next week. I agree with you, I hate summer heat. Fortunately the summer heat isn't very intense here and doesn't last very long.

      When I lived in San Angelo, TX, the summer humidity would often drop so low that it was in the minus zone, like minus 5. That is dry!!

    2. One thing to watch with the meds is your electrolyte balance...a chem panel blood test should be done every few months...the meds can effect potassium, sodium levels particularly. Be sure your doc is ordering those, or suggest it.

  8. So glad you can finally see the meds are helping with the edema! That causes many subsequent not being able to bend your knees. ;) We are warming up here so maybe it's headed your way. It's been super windy so it is blowing somewhere--lol! Our humidity has been so low and with the wild wind we've had fire watch the past few days. But we are finally seeing the start of some green grass trying to burst forth between the dead brown. :) Have a great weekend.

  9. I mistakenly thought the meds would help alleviate the edema. As with all such things, it takes time. I'm so glad that I'm finally seeing positive results.

    Wind and low humidity is a perfect combination for wildfires - - it happens extremely often in Southern Calif.
    It's been unusually windy here in TN but dampness prevails. I hope the frosty nights are finally over!

  10. I meant to say that I thought the meds would help the edema immediately.

  11. So glad the diuretic is working for the edema. Good to hear you're putting some weight back on. Your mobility will improve with less edema. Time, patience and prayer.
    The sun is finally out here in Ohio with a warming trend. Some sunny, warm days will help.
    Take care and feel better, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. I was initially depressed because the diuretics didn't seem to be working, but now with my prescription refills I feel a definite improvement. Patience is a necessity.
      It's sunny and warmer today (Sunday). Rain is predicted for most of next week, but it's better than frost.
      It's always good to hear from you, John.

  12. I am glad that things are finally beginning to look much better for you, Jon. I told my husband the other day that I can NEVER let my guard down - life always proves me wrong for some reason.

    I am sorry I have been away. My mom declined rapidly and had to have hospice four days before she passed away which was the day after Easter Sunday. I just finished writing a post on my blog about it. A friend told me last night (a Vietnam vet from our local VFW we belong to) that the two most important days of our lives are the day we were born and the day we die - everything in between is just a dream..

  13. Kim, I'm so very sorry to hear about your mother. Words seem to bé futile during times like this. You've been through so much and you need time to heal after all the stress.
    When my mom died I was entirely alone with absolutely no one to help me. I can't convey all I went through.

    I agree that when we are born and when we die are the most important days of our lives.......but everything inbetween is a nightmare.

    1. Thank you, Jon. And I said the exact same thing to my husband, "everything in between IS A NIGHTMARE." I will check in with you later here on your blog, my friend. Take care!!

  14. Wonderful news on the medications working for you, edema can be such a difficult thing to control.
    I'm hoping we are over the frosts and freezes by now, but who knows, it's
    Continued wellness thoughts and prayers sent your way !

    1. I generally don't like to take any medications, but the diuretics (finally) seem to be helping. I'm glad that some positive things are happening.
      Today (Sunday) was nice and sunny. Unfortunately it's supposed to rain all week - - but it's better than frost.
      Thanks, Jo!

  15. Glad you are finally seeing improvement with the edema. Stay on the blood pressure meds unless the doctor takes you off, some help with heart failure. Take care, Sheila

    1. I initially didn't think the meds were working, but it takes time. It's a wonderful feeling to finally see an improvement.
      Thanks for your comment, Sheila.

  16. Hey Jon, haven't read your blog for awhile. Nice to see you're at home again ready to enjoy spring and summer. Another season! Good to hear your edema is reducing. Bill had a bad case of edema when he first came home from the hospital and rehab. Walking helped to reduce his edema. You're a survivor Jon!
    Ron (from Retired in Delaware)


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