Saturday, April 20, 2024


The past few days were hell. My edema was so bad that the nurse practitioner sent me to Jamestown Medical Center. They (eventually) sent me to the Livingston Hospital. Tests and medication. Went home the next day.

I initially felt good but within a few hours I started to feel alarmingly rotten. I suddenly had a fever of 103. I was sent back to Livingston. Tests and medication. No tangible resolutions, but most of the tests were basically good with no problems.

The entire ordeal was strange, since I was feeling fine for a long time - - and I haven't had a fever in years.

To be continued......

hopefully.          Jon


  1. I'm glad you got care, but let's hope you start doing better. That fever sounds like an infection. I hope your np is on top of it.

    1. I can't imagine why I suddenly got a fever. Hopefully they'll find out why.

  2. That is very strange! I agree with Boud about signs of infection which could explain many things. PLEASE keep us updated, Jon.

    1. It really is strange. I will keep you updated. Thanks, Kim.

  3. I'd usually suggest infection when seeing edema and fever combined, but that should show up in blood work, the white count in the CBC would be elevated. Was the edema just in one leg, or both?
    Hope it resolves quickly.

    1. The edema is in both my legs and also made my stomach slightly swollen. At least the fever is down. I presently have a normal temp.

  4. So sorry to hear that. I hope they figure out why you were running a temp and get a handle on the edema. Please keep us informed when you can on how you are doing.

    1. My temperature is finally back to normal but I feel weak. I'm still on my prescriptions. Will keep updating when I can.

  5. How curious! I'm so sorry you're having to endure more tests. I'm reassured by good tests results, but the stress and 'what ifs' are a whole 'nother thing. Prayers that you're feeling stronger soon!

    1. This was strange and completely unexpected. The sudden mysterious fever really had me worried. Your right about the stress and what ifs.
      I feel really weak....but hoping for the best.

    2. I should have said you're instead of your

  6. Yes, your labs should have indicated an infection (elevated WBC's). There's that 24 hr. 'bug', but you'd had to been around someone? I sure hope things level out there. You'd had enough crap to deal with. Keep your feet elevated when sitting, keep an eye on the temp and keep hydrated. Take care, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. I'm puzzled about the test results, since they didn't seem bad. The sudden fever was very strange. My temperature is finally down - - but I'm a worrier and always cautious.
      I try to keep my feet elevated when I can.
      Thanks, John.

  7. Oh no! I'm sorry to read about this. We all thought you were on the mend. I hope you will be getting well again soon and they can pinpoint what's going. A fever of that high is just not nothing. Are you back home?

    1. Yes, I'm back home and my temperaure is normal. The whole ordeal was bizarre and annoying. I doubt my problems will ever end...

  8. Read your post and all the comments, Jon, and you and everyone else have covered it all. Thanks goodness, the nurse practitioner got you some immediate care. I was curious as to how you were transported to treatment and if this means you can get to those cancelled appointments.

    1. An ambulance transported me to and from the hospital and (thank God) my insurance paid for it. I'll keep updating when I can.

  9. I'm sorry this happened to you, Jon. I read all the comments and I think your readers have said it all for me. Let's hope this mystery is solved sooner rather than later.

    1. I honestly thought I was doing better, but this knocked the optimism out of me. Thanks for thinking of me, Sandra.

  10. Saturday🎶Night🎶Fever

    1. That is funny - - the first smile I had all day.

  11. So sorry to read you have been feeling poorly Jon, a fever showing up unexpectedly is always concerning.
    There is an awful lot of sickness going around right now, the pollen is to blame, causing people sinus infections.
    It's a good thing they took care of you at the hospital, and hopefully you can continue your path to recovery.
    Rest, all you can.

    1. The fever was mysterious and it happened so suddenly. I haven't had a high fever since I was a child.
      The pollen is always annoying, especially in the rural area where I live. I still don't feel very well but at least I'm back home.
      Thanks for your concern, Jo.


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