Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 I've decided to write this boring, senseless post for one reason - - I've noticed that when I write great posts (like Suicide Sign) my readership dwindles drastically.

When I write absolute crap about my health issues and my pathetically mundane existence, I get abundant comments.

I notice things like this because I'm unnervingly insecure and alarmingly narcissistic. Not to mention annoyingly sensitive and infuriatingly touchy.

Do I feel better getting this off my chest?

Yea. A little.


Don't lose any sleep over this. I still love you.

So what about almost a jungle? It's extremely hot today and intensely humid. Like the Amazon.

One thing I like about this part of Tennessee is that it's not humid all the time. The humidity often drops nicely here at the edge of the forest.

The most humid place I ever lived was in the Missouri Ozarks. The driest place was San Angelo, Texas. In the summer, the humidity would sometimes drop below zero!! Minus 5 or even lower.

Enough of the humidity lesson.

So how am I doing? I check my pulse numerous times a day, just to make sure I'm still alive.

I had an absolute horrendous back ache for over a week. The spasms were extremely intense. They could probably hear me scream in Kentucky.

Did you know that I live only about five miles from the Kentucky border?

Other than the back problems, my heart rate is good and I haven't had another fever. The edema is bad....but what the heck.

So what have I been doing?

Screaming from pain....and wondering why you ignore my best blog posts.

I'm only jesting of course. Despite being half dead, I have a sense of humor....(??)

Today a local church group came over and put down a gravel walkway to my front porch. They also removed the tall weeds that were engulfing my porch. This was arranged about a month ago. I truly hate to accept charity, but they were extremely nice and helpful. I am greatful.

My oven stopped working two days ago. The burners and broiler still work, so I know something's wrong with the heat element.

The same thing happened over two years ago. I replaced the heat element myself and it worked perfectly.

The problem now is that I can't fix it myself. In order to do that, I have to lay on the floor. If I ever got down on the floor in my present condition, a crain would be needed to get me up.

I'm considering getting an air fryer. Or kindling wood and a match.

Yesterday I made Italian sausage with peppers and onions in the broiler and it turned out pretty good.

I also need a new refrigerator, but let's not get into that....

Eternally, Jon

(Don't take my sarcasm too seriously)

The tropical weeds were engulfing the front porch

Today the weeds were cleared out

The gravel walkway extends to the driveway. It's better than nothing.

My front property looks decent now.


  1. Maybe your "best" posts 1) you have already posted before so those of us who have followed you for a long time have already read them before, and 2) they aren't about you most of the time but about Hollywood and relatives and such. They're interesting, yes. But maybe people are more interested in you and your life right now...even if you aren't.
    Generous, kind, wonderful people voluntarily came when they could to clear your yard and add a NEW gravel walkway to the NEW gravel driveway...and you say it is better than nothing!? Good grief!

    1. I have a few long-time blogger friends like you, but very many of my readers are new. I post reruns solely for them. Also, I try to occasionally like to divert attention from my mundane, uninteresting life. I can't imagine people being interested in my boring existence. My younger years are much more worthy of documentation.
      I am certainly extremely greatful for the new driveway and walkway. My "better than nothing" comment was never intended to be negative.
      Sometimes my words sound more harsh than they were intended to be.
      Words often spill out before I think.
      I know it's hard to belive, but I'm not always perfect.

    2. Typo alert - -Believe, not belive.

  2. Here's the thing: I'm interested in the minutiae of your life now. Like the church folk clearing the weeds. And your decision making about appliances. It's important. Your family history is important and interesting.
    It's immediate. The old show business related posts? Not so much.
    Now, about that air fryer..

    1. I try to make my daily boring routine sound interesting. I sometimes write about my wild Hollywood past, because it's a heckuva more fascinating than my life now.....
      .....but I'll write more about weeds, ovens, air fryers, and coyotes....just to keep you interested *smile*

  3. Despite all my health problems, I'm feeling more like my old self.
    My property looks better than ever. I hired someone to mow the "lawn". The people who did the new walkway also cleared the tall "weeds" around the porch.
    With the lottery money I'd build a new house on this property.
    I'm not in the mood to move again.

  4. Your front property looks great! With all of the damned rain we keep having the grass, weeds, etc. grow out of control far too quickly it seems!

    YES, Jon - purchasing an air fryer is WELL WORTH IT and healthier as well! We love ours! We still have the microwave for some things but we use our air fryer EVERY DAY!!

    1. I always dread the rain because it makes everything grow very quickly. Some of the "weeds" here grow to 5 feet.
      I do think an air fryer would be better than an oven - especially since I live alone. I like to keep things simple.

  5. The front yard looks good now. Kind people. And an air fryer sounds like a great idea !

    1. My "yard" looked like a jungle for so long - - it's a great relief to finally have it looking decent.
      I'm amazed at how many people are so kind and generous here in rural Tennessee. It truly restores my faith in humanity.
      I think there will be an air fryer in my near future.

  6. Jon, I wouldn’t give up writing about what interests you as I often do the same with my posts. And, as you said and Rita touched on in her comment, others like to read about the bits in other blogger’s lives. But, that doesn’t mean you should only, and always, write about those details because that would not be who YOU are. It is so true that you can’t please all of the people all of the time, so why try?

    It was truly wonderful to read about the church group that came to spruce up the front yard. How did that come about? And, all sarcasm aside, I suspect you are very thankful. As for the air fryer purchase, did you know that you can get a toaster oven that would also have that option? And, you would have more options. We have one and use the toast, bake and other functions instead of the air fryer.

    1. You're absolutely right. Instead of constantly writing about my daily existence, I like to write about my past and reveal (hopefully) interesting things about myself. My wild youth, my abusive father, my music. I prefer variety in blogs. My mood is always changing, so I write whatever comes to mind. And I sometimes rehash old posts for people who have never read them.
      The kind and generous people here in TN really touch my heart.
      I agree that a combination air fryer and toaster oven is the way to go.

  7. Sandra/ this and thatJune 27, 2024 at 9:45 AM

    It's not charity, it's help from willing people. I don't think I saw that post? Not that I remember. Your yard looks nice. I have an air fryer and use it all of the time. It would be a good solution to a non-working oven. Since I got a new computer I have become anonymous and don't know how to fix it.

    1. I always feel very humbled when I get help from other people. I'm so used to doing things myself.
      I think an air fryer would be easier to use. I really don't need a large oven, since I live alone.
      I got a new laptop over a month ago, but I've been to lazy to set it up. It's still in the box that it came in.

  8. Wow. (*picking my chin off my chest*)
    This transformation looking out your front door looks so good! I, too, have always resisted any offers of help (ie, charity). In fact, I still hold a 10-year grudge that I shared with my Bible study friends ... only to have them express (that) by refusing I was taking away THEIR pleasure in being able to help. Perspective!
    I hope you'll let us know if you go forward with the air fryer ... and what kind. I'm hugely disappointed in ours -- and resist using it -- because trying to clean it thoroughly is near impossible. (It's a Ninja Foodi.)

    1. I'm used to doing everything myself, so I feel awkward and humiliated when I receive help. I certainly don't want to seem ungreatful. These generous people were fantastic - - they even brought me lunch! Yes, I do believe they get pleasure from helping others.
      I'm delighted that my "yard" finally looks decent.
      The more I read about air fryers, the more confused I get. I'll probably get a combo toaster oven and air fryer.

  9. I like both your posts, Jon. I love the 'Hollywood' stories and your escapades of youth. They remind me very much of mine. Naughty me! I like the variety. An air fryer would be a nice addition. Since I became a vegetarian last year, a crock pot and air fryer are pretty much my sole cooking tools. Lost 63 lbs. in the process, too! Walking 3 times a day helps. Glad to see your cleared land and new driveway. Any kitties in the future? Take care.
    Paranormal John

    1. I always enjoy sharing my wild youthful adventures, which I think are more interesting than my present mundane existence. My Hollywood stories don't thrill everybody, but I like them.
      (there are so many shocking things that I wouldn't reveal on a public blog...).
      It'd hard to believe that my property now looks decent, instead of the hideous jungle it used to be.
      Your lifestyle sounds healthy. Walking is so beneficial, and I REALLY miss it now that I'm handicapped (I hate that word). I really miss walking in the forest.
      Hopefully kitties will be in the near future.

  10. Church groups help a lot of people, I'm glad to see you have accepted help, the pathway looks great and weeds gone !
    You sound like you are improving overall, minus the back pain....I can identify with that.
    Your porch looks inviting Jon, and the Cicadas in our neck of the woods have finally gone underground for another thirteen years.
    Thank you for the update, keep moving forward.

    1. I'm not used to having help, I have always done everything myself. The people around this rural area are genuinely kind and helpful. I'm overwhelmed.
      My property has never looked this good - - it's a pleasure to behold (*smile*).
      I finally saw some lightning bugs last night - - and numerous birds were chirping after dark, which is unusual.

  11. thecontemplativecat here. In all my varied falls, head injuries and the results of same, I have learned to accept help. I am a retired schoolteacher; I have been used to organizing and executing plans. Now I have to be so careful. You are in my prayers. I would love to sit on your porch at dusk. I am praying for you.

    1. I was initially stubborn, but I finally realized that I had to accept help - - and I'm glad that I did. The physical ordeal that I went through taught me to rely on others. I'm truly grateful for all the generous people who care.
      Thank you for your prayers.
      It is always peaceful and lovely on my front porch - especially at dusk.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.