Thursday, July 25, 2024


There's nothing more annoying than a frequent blogger.

I'm talking about myself.

If I only blog once in a proverbial blue moon, my existence will become mysterious.

Whatever happened to Jon? Devoured by coyotes? Or finally committed to Bellevue?

If I blog every day, the general consensus will be - - we're tired of that verbose, arrogant, sarcastic Hungarian with his damn piano videos and his endless tales of things that happened eighty years ago.

I depend on my irresistible charm to keep my existence alive (don't ponder that for too long).

Updates? I have a few.

My health is presently okay. I've stopped taking my meds two weeks ago. My blood pressure and heart rate are normal. It seems to me that the edema is slightly diminishing.

I'm presently still without water and nobody yet has looked at the pipes under my house. I'm not worried. Dusty the nurse always keeps his word. There is a shortage of nurses this summer. Three have quit, so those remaining are overworked.

If I could go under the house myself, I would. I used to repair things under there before I got sick. Now it's an impossibility.

On Saturday morning members from a local church are going to haul my trash away. There is no way to describe the amount of trash accumulation that I have since the past two grueling years. There is no trash pickup available here, and I can no longer drive a zillion miles to the city dump.

Due to having all my supplies delivered here, I have hundreds of cardboard boxes. I've disassembled all of them so they can be recycled - - and I must have two hundred bags of trash (there's nothing perishable in them).

I honestly don't know what I'd do without the generous help from others. I'm embarrassed and humiliated, but also humbly grateful.

One extremely good thing has happened.

As I have often said - - I have to have all my supplies and groceries delivered here. The entire tedious process is complex and often expensive. Walmart doesn't deliver perishable food via FedEx. I can only get canned food or things like cereal and crackers.

Fresh groceries from local stores are not allowed to be delivered in rural areas.

If I have to get things like frozen food, I must order deliveries from out-of-state companies.

The only milk I can get is Parmalat, which comes in containers. It is a highly pasteurized milk that has a long shelf life. It will keep unrefrigerated for months - - but once it is opened, it's like regular milk. It then has to be refrigerated and will go bad in a week or so.

To be brutally honest, I have been eating very poorly. I don't have fruit or vegetables. I have to order very expensive bread from Chicago.

So what's the good news?

The local Walmart Supercenter has very recently changed their delivery policies. They will now deliver groceries to my rural area!!!

This will help me immensely. They have same-day deliveries and I can get food within a few hours. Now I will be able to get fruit, vegetables, dairy products, frozen food, and everything else. There's also a deli with salads, sandwiches, and roasted chickens, etc.

Other positive aspects - - the local groceries are less expensive than what I order online, and I won't have to deal with cardboard boxes! They deliver in plastic bags.

I'm going to try my first order next week. I'm extremely excited being able to have "real" food again.

July is waning, only a few days left. Beautiful weather here in rural Tennessee and the temperature has cooled.

Summer is yawning.

Cheers, Jon


  1. That is very good news about the fresh produce. I hope it works well. It will certainly improve your health. You sound amazingly calm about the lack of water supply!

    1. When I first got out of physical rehab, one of the water pipes was broken. I was without water for over a month. It probably sounds crazy, but I'm not as worried as i should be.
      I am really excited about the prospect of having decent food.

    2. I was always envious when I saw the good food you get from Misfits.

    3. Misfits does deliver in Tennessee.

  2. That’s great that Walmart changed its policy. Do they have a meals on wheels type service there? That would give you maybe one meal a day, that you didn’t have to worry about fixing. Take care, Sheila Y

    1. There is a local Meals on Wheels but I refused it. Thankfully I'm not helpless yet, so I prefer cooking my own meals. It's a great relief to have rural deliveries from a local store. I never thought it would happen.

  3. Glad you posted. I was wondering!

    I have never heard of Parmalat. Sounds...ew. How does it taste?

    1. Parmalat is the name of the company but it sounds rather unappealing. It is real milk, and I honestly think it tastes better than the milk available in stores. The only drawback is that it's expensive.

  4. I blog every day. It makes me feel good and no one has to read it if they’re not interested.
    Cheerful Monk

    1. I was joking about my blog - - but I really think that blogging frequently is beneficial. It is an exellent emotional outlet, and I agree that bloggers should keep writing even if other people aren't interested.

  5. Your place looks real nice!!!! And it's nice that you have people to do things for you. Take the help while you can, and continue to get well. I can recall getting food or groceries delivered a few times, and when they come back next time, I would always give them the box back for re use. They seemed to actually appreciate it.

    I hope it's not been too hot down yonder.

    1. My place is a rural dump, but I try to make it look as nice as possible. I've always been extremely independent, but right now I really need help for some things. I'm glad there are generous people around here.

      The weather has cooled down somewhat - in the low 80s. Very little rain, which is unusual.

  6. Out of the food desert. Hard to believe they won’t allow deliveries of fresh foods from local stores in rural areas , that’s where our fresh foods come from.:(
    May your health improve, healthier foods are the way to go.:)
    Maybe some people from the church know someone who can repair your water pipe. -Rj

    1. I am SO relieved that they will now deliver groceries in the boonies. I desperately need nourishing food, and I'm tired of having to order groceries from other states.
      The church people might know someone who could fix the pipe. I'm always hesitant to ask for help......but I need it.

  7. Jon, ask for help! People want to help. I was once somewhat like you. Not anymore. I help where I can and gratefully accept help when offered. The local delivery is really good news. Your life just got a whole lot better. I don't have an exciting nor very interesting blog, but it's ok. It reflects my life!

    1. I have always been stubbornly independent. Asking for help seems like a humiliation, but I couldn't exist without it. I'm slowly getting used to it.
      You might think your blog is uninteresting, but I believe that every person is interesting. We all have a special story to tell.

      I'm overjoyed with the new delivery policy!

  8. Thanks for this update, Jon! I, too, always struggle to ask for help and will go to practically any lengths to avoid. Then again, that's taking away someone else's joy.

    That's great news about WM's changing their delivery rules. I knew you were a resourceful fellow, but having fresh milk, veggies and deli items will make such a difference.

    1. I never asked for help from strangers in my entire life. It's definitely a humbling experience - - but I couldn't exist without it lately.
      I almost passed out when I discovered that local groceries can now be delivered to my rural area. This is going to help me immensely!

  9. Lots of great news!! I think Dusty is somebody who has been helpful and dependable and will come through for you. Having the trash hauled away--OMG! That's fantastic! But--best of all!!! Walmart deliveries!!!! Whoohoo!!! You will be able to eat healthier for less, too! This is just great news all around! :)

    1. I'm not used to having great news *smile* but it's a wonderful feeling. Getting rid of the trash is a relief - - but I'm mostly excited about the new policy about grocery deliveries. Finally I can decent local food whenever I need it. YAY!

  10. That's great news that you can now have local delivery services. I hope your water pipe issue(s) can be resolved soon. I'd be somewhat 'cautious' about going under the house to look at pipes....snakes and critters and all those things you don't want to get up close and personal with. LOL. Glad there's some brave souls out there who will. I would imagine they have a few scary stories! The temps in the evenings here in NE Ohio feel almost like early fall. I'm sure summer isn't done with us yet. Enjoy your 'fresh food' delivery services!!
    Paranormal John

    1. Hi, John - my water pipe issue was resolved today, just a few hours ago. I'll post (another) update soon. It is scary to go under the house. I recently heard that a lady in this area found rattlesnakes under her house!
      The weather is cooler now, in the low 80s, and humid. Foggy every morning, which I love.

  11. Jon, That's great news that you're having fresh food delivered to you by Walmart! I get a lot more delivered myself, mostly from Amazon and now Walmart. You don't have a cat yet. Oh Jon, you don't fall into that "childless cat ladies" category now do you (smile). YEs, it's me, Ron from Retired in Delaware.
    I'm glad you're on the mend and life for you is getting back to normal.
    Have a great week!


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