Wednesday, August 14, 2024



I've written a blockbuster new post entitled "The Secret Ghost of Myself". It will knock your bloomers off.

Some of you might loathe me after you read it. Others might....politely tolerate me.

Wait a minute. How could anybody possibly loathe me? It seems completely inconceivable.

This new post will appear soon. Beware.

What about updates?

My mysterious fever returned this past weekend. Nearly 103 on Sunday. 102 on Monday. 100 on Tuesday. Normal today.

The thought of me being normal is nearly an impossibility. 

I didn't eat for two days. I had a good appetite today. I'm planning to order more groceries tomorrow. It's a great luxury for me.  I'm finally enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables and eggs and cheese. I broiled hamburgers today.

I might even buy ice cream. I used to be addicted to sweets, but lately I hardly eat them. And I've cut down on salt.

This is going to sound unbelievable. A few weeks ago I secretly stopped taking all my medications. I don't need the blood pressure meds, because my BP is just about normal.

My heart rate is now normal. Most astonishing - - my edema has seemingly diminished!! Previously my legs were so swollen that I could hardly get my pants on, and I had extreme (and I mean extreme) difficulty getting in and out of bed.

Right now my legs look much more normal. Instead of feeling the swelling, I can now feel the muscles - just like I used to.

I still have lots  of difficulty walking because I can't stand straight anymore...but yesterday I walked to several places without the walker. Perhaps if I strengthen the back muscles....? And I can finally get in and out of bed with ease.

Enough of this crap about my health.

My laptop crashed yesterday  - - because Avast crashed (my antivirus software). It was all very weird. Hours later - when Avast regained consciousness - I rebooted my computer and things slowly got back to normal.

I've been using Avast for years. It's totally free and I really like it. Of course, they also have a "premium" Avast $$$ but I always ignore it. No problem.

I still have the task of "renovating" my tiny kitchen. I love the new fridge and new freezer. I now have to resurface the horrid  kitchen floor, repair a broken cabinet, and order a new cabinet for the (long awaited) air fryer oven. I'm slow but with good intentions.

Mid August already. My three favorite months are August, September, and October.

The days have been mellow, balmy, and sunny - in the 80s. I went out on the back porch about an hour ago (it's late night). It is foggy and damp. The vast expanse of the forest is only a few yards from me - - filled with restless spirits and wandering ghosts.

I don't dare go out on the front porch after dark, for fear that the little bird will fly inside again. I think her nest was (is?) on top of my porch light.

Late last night a pack of coyotes came into my front "yard" - -  they howled and made unearthly noises....and then left. The owls were making a ruckus. 

I truly love the wilderness.


I don't have any good photos, so I'm just posting one of the front "yard" which I took yesterday.


  1. Nothing wrong with boring, Jon, and in your case, there have been a lot of positives, aside from that mysterious recurring fever. No meds, being able to get out of bed with less difficulty, leg swelling reduced all sound like good things. Getting fresh food delivered is also a positive, so go for a treat and enjoy some ice cream, which hopefully would not be a melted puddle when delivered. As for the kitchen renovation, have you considered asking the helpful church group if perhaps someone could help?

    By the way, I will be looking forward to that great post in the future.

    1. When I mentioned ice cream, I immediately thought of you. It's very strange that my health seemed to improve when I stopped taking meds. Just coincidence? I don't know.
      Doing the work in the kitchen won't be too difficult at all. I (fortunately) won't need to bother the kind church people.
      My next post will contain shocking (?) details of my sordid past. I'll post it in a few days.

  2. What blood pressure meds were you on? When my husband was on Hydralazine, brand name Apresoline, his edema was so bad, he could barely work. He was taken off of that, and things went back to normal.

    1. I was on carvedilol and lisinopril for blood pressure, and several diuretics (which didn't seem to help). It's amazing that I'm much better without the meds.
      Thanks for your comment.

  3. Well, now...this is positive. Maybe, just maybe, you are on the mend! I have a small amount og ice cream everyday after lunch. I hope you order some.

    1. I initially assumed that I'd deteriorate without the meds - - but I'm pleasantly shocked that I improved without them.
      I did order ice cream and the groceries will be delivered today.

  4. Just got caught up on your blog. I am so happy that a church group came and helped with your garbage and fixed your water line. What a blessing they were to you.
    So good that you now have a reliable frig, even if it is smaller and now a cute little freezer. It's good that Walmart now delivers in your area. Fresh fruits, Veggies, Milk, Cheese, Eggs, Ice Cream. The staples we need, especially Ice Cream :-)
    Isn't it something how going off a couple of medications can really change you for the better, I'm happy it helped you out. Take care Wendy

    1. It's good to hear from you, Wendy. A lot of positive things have happened lately, which gives me cautious optimism (I'm a hardcore pessimist). My groceries will be arriving soon today - - and I'm eagerly awaiting the ice cream!

  5. I try to avoid meds as much as possible. When you have chronic health problems, I find out if I can do without them, too. Some of us have bad reactions to certain meds, either immediately or over time. Some meds seem to be useless for some people. But some are necessary. Only you (and your medical checkups and tests) can know for sure. I know a lot of people would be aghast at the way I approach things...but it sounds like you are feeling better in general. The fevers that come and go are troubling, though. ??

    I am so happy that you have your new freezer and frig...and that you can order fresh foods now!! All the accumulated trash is off to the dump. Makes a world of difference! Your yard looks good. Does someone come to mow regularly? Do you have somebody lined up to take trash to the dump for you? Did you ever figure out the new cell phone?

    If you continue to feel better and are able to get around better...might be time to think about getting a rescue cat? Just saying. I didn't think I was ready for another cat, but I'm so very, very glad Leah talked me into it. Being a cat-servant gets you up and moving every day--ROFL! Could you get a ride from somebody to go look at the rescues? Or use a transportation service?

    Yes! Building up those muscles you haven't used for so long takes time! I'm still working on sitting longer at the table in regular chairs and standing longer. Made a lot of progress this year. Little by little it makes a difference.

    So happy for you, Jon! :)

    1. I've never taken any medications in my entire life, until last summer. I was skeptical, but trusted the doctors. I soon started feeling worse - - and the diuretics didn't do a thing to help the edema. I started wondering if all these meds were helping me. Then I got tired of it all, and decided I could exist without them. I'm glad I did.

      Things seem to be going fairly well for me. The food delivery is a true blessing. Yes, I did hire two guys to mow the "lawn" every two weeks. All I need now is somepne to haul away my trash once or twice a month.

      There is a pet sancturary near here called Best Friends. I could use a transport service to get there. Life is empty without a cat. Thanks, Rita.

  6. I certainly look forward to your forthcoming post! Sounds 'juicy'? Don't worry about knocking my bloomers off....they were knocked off decades ago and never put back on. You fill in the blanks! LOL! So glad you can now order groceries. The fresh fruit and veggies will be a boost for your health. A new kitty (or two) would be wonderful. Keep us posted.
    Paranormal John

    1. Thanks, John - - my post will indeed be juicy. I know that you won't be shocked or offended.....but I'm worried about all the sweet, innocent church ladies who read my blog. They aren't prepared to hear about the sins of hell.

      I'm laughing about your bloomers which have never been put back on.

      My groceries will be arriving late today (I just got a message). The driver is probably lost in the wilderness.

  7. Hurray for great BP numbers -- and no more edema! That's crazy coincidental how kicking those meds to the curb seem to have reset your systems. I'm so happy for you, Jon. Now, please enjoy a big dish of that ice cream!

    1. I'm hoping I did the right thing. I still have edema, but not nearly bad as it used to be. The diuretics didn't help me at all.

      I was really looking forward to the ice cream, but for some strange reason my order has been delayed! Walmart assured me that it will be delivered ASAP.....I sure hope it will be before Christmas.

  8. I like your story! I don't blame you for stopping the meds.

    1. Donna, I've never taken meds in my entire life. I had a strong feeling that these meds were doing more harm than good. They made me have irregular heartbeats - - and now my heart is normal.

  9. Reducing your meds is a good thing, I think doctors push too many pills as an answer to our ills.
    I just saw a Kroger grocery delivery truck coming down the lane, do you have that close by as an alternative to Walmart ?
    Keep up the good news Jon !

    1. Doctors definitely push too many pills. My mother never took pills, but the doctors had her on eleven (!!!) medications a week before she died. I was outraged.
      We don't have Kroger here. Walmart is the only local store that delivers.

  10. How did you come to live out there?

  11. Out where? Tennessee? I had some relatives here. I decided to move here to a rural area for peace and privacy, and the low cost of living.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.