Saturday, August 10, 2024



 I wrote this several years ago on my old blog Lone Star Concerto and decided to post it again - -  this month marks the 55th anniversary of actress Sharon Tate's murder (August, 1969).

It has nothing to do with ghosts - -  but I still think it's fairly interesting and worthy of a "rerun" post, for those who've never read it.

 The house on Benedict Canyon in Beverly Hills where
I (temporarily) lived as a young musician. It was located near
the house where Sharon Tate was murdered.

Everybody has heard about the Sharon Tate murders. If you haven't, look it up and you'll find plenty to read. Here's a quick recap:

On the night of August 8/9, 1969, fledgling actress Sharon Tate was savagely murdered in her rented Beverly Hills house, along with four other people. Tate was twenty-six years old and nine months pregnant. She was due to give birth in two weeks.

Her husband, movie director Roman Polanski, was in London at the time and expected to arrive back in L.A. within a few days. Since Sharon didn't want to be alone during her husband's extended absence, she had invited three friends to stay with her:
Abigail Folger (the coffee heiress), Voytek Frykowski (Folger's lover), and hairdresser Jay Sebring.

A nineteen-year-old boy named Steven Parent was also murdered that night, simply because he happened to be visiting the caretaker of the house, who lived in a guest house on the premises. Steven Parent didn't know Sharon Tate.

The murders were committed by the  hippie cult "family" members of Charles Manson.
To say that the murders caused a mega media frenzy would be a gross understatement. Sharon Tate and Charles Manson became household names and the L.A. news media feasted on the subject for years. The Manson murder trial was undoubtedly the biggest media event in Los Angeles history.

Ill- fated Sharon Tate

So why am I writing this? Because, about a decade after the murders occurred, I lived in a Beverly Hills house that was close to the house where Sharon Tate was murdered.

Sharon Tate and her husband Roman Polanski

I lived on Benedict Canyon Rd. The house where the murders took place was on Cielo Drive, which was only a stone's throw away. Cielo Drive was a narrow road just off of Benedict Canyon, which wound into the nearby hills. The house where Tate and Polanski lived was secretly nestled in the hills. If you didn't know it was there, you'd never notice it.

I knew it was there, of course. I'd even heard   rumors about resident ghosts and bad things that happened to people who lived in the vicinity of the murder house.

It might have only been a freak coincidence that I had an auto accident on Benedict Canyon - - directly in front of the cut-off to Cielo Drive and within walking distance to the Tate-Polanski house.
And it happened  on the 9th of August - -  the anniversary of Sharon Tate's death.

The exact spot on Benedict Canyon 
where my accident took place.
The 30 MPH sign is in plain view.

I'm pulling out of my driveway on Benedict Canyon late one afternoon. There's a curve in the road and the view is blocked by large juniper trees. As I slowly emerge I'm immediately hit by a speeding Ferrari. The speed limit on the Benedict Canyon curve is 30 MPH. The Ferrari was going at least 65 MPH. The force of the crash was enough to send my modest Ford spinning. 

Major damage to my car, but miraculously I'm not seriously hurt.
Substantial damage to the Ferrari. The driver gets out. To my surprise, it's an elderly lady with a long cigarette dangling from her Max Factor red lips. Her face-lift was dragged down with a ferocious frown.

Long story short - -
the old buzzard tried to sue me. I had to make an appearance at the Beverly Hills Courthouse. I politely (and timidly) presented my case, then Miz Ferrari presented hers. The judge couldn't decide what to do. After thoughtful consideration he announced that he thought we were both very nice people and he called it a "draw". Nobody won anything. To this day I still maintain that the lady was sailing at a reckless speed.

At the time I was only twenty. I was a musician. I wasn't Perry Mason. I probably didn't present my case with enough passion or conviction.

A few months later, Miz Ferrari attempted to sue me again, but her efforts were denied.

In time I put the unpleasant incident in the distant realm of my memories - - but I always had the strange feeling that being near the Sharon Tate murder house had something to do with my accident and bad luck.
Especially since it happened on the anniversary of the murder.
Who knows..........?

The Tate-Polanski murder house on 10050 Cielo Drive was eventually purchased and subsequently torn down. A new mansion presently stands on the spot. The infamous address has also been changed. I think it was wise to expunge the old address and the horrible ghosts of memories.

A side note:
At the time of the Tate murders, Charles Manson and his drug-crazed cronies lived at the abandoned Spahn Movie Ranch in the Simi Hills near Chatsworth.

Years later, I was at the Spahn Movie Ranch, on location, to watch a movie being filmed (it was an "underground" flick).
All the movie sets had been destroyed in a 1970 wildfire, but the surrounding area was still intriguing enough to be used for "location" shots.

The area is now an historic park.

So much for my adventurous Beverly Hills days.........

The house on Cielo Drive in Beverly Hills where the murders occurred in August, 1969.
It has since been torn down.



  1. So sad and aggravating that some people think they are always in the right no matter what they do. Thank goodness you were okay!
    Such a beautiful house for such horrors.

    1. I was dumb and (almost) innocent back then. I should have done a better job of presenting my case.
      The (murder) house was beautiful and located in a lovely secluded area. Charles Manson was familiar with the house, because he knew musician Terry Melcher (Doris Day's son), who lived in the house before Sharon Tate.

  2. The house built on the Cielo Drive site has been investigated by a number of those TV ghost hunters. Supposedly haunted by Tate and her murdered guests. Who knows? Bad juju most certainly. The guy who owns (owned ?) the house has made a number of claims about hauntings. I wonder whatever happened to the old face lift that hit your car? I imagine she'd be long gone by now. Did you ever find anything out about her? Great story, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. I heard many stories about ghosts, curses, and other negative things in that area - - many which happened before the Tate murder. Rudolph Valentino's mansion Falcon Lair (now demolished) was also in that area, and it was haunted.
      I don't know whatever happened to Miz Ferrari - - in fact, I can't even remember her name. She must be a ghost now, because she was about 50 years older than me.


  4. That was my post above. Paranormal John

    1. I just got your post. It was marked as spam. Thanks, John

  5. Had an aunt and uncle who rented a house in Westwood on the corner of Sunset Blvd and the 405 back in 1962.
    Some of the neighbors were celebs who rented houses, while their homes were being rebuilt after the Bel Air Fire of 1961. Burt Lancaster was one of their temporary neighbors, my cousin would play with his kids. My grandmother would visit and had a shock when one day she answered the door and Mr Lancaster was standing there looking for his kids ! Anyways, my aunt and uncle considered buying a house in the Hollywood Hills but were deterred by my aunt’s best friend who was the wife of a recording executive. She told my aunt there was a bad vibe to the area and very bad crap happens that’s kept out of the news by the movers and shakers in town, and this is back in 1962.

    1. I vaguely remember the Bel Air fire. It must have been an amazing surprise when your grandmother discovered Burt Lancaster at her door!
      There are very many stories about ghosts and bad vibes in the Hollywood Hills, and you are right - - a lot of them were kept secret and out of the news.

  6. Did the Manson girls ever express regret? How did the do such a thing...drugs? Brainwashing? What were they thinking? I recall it had something to do with wanting to start a race war. Or that was one accusation. Who knows.

    1. No, as far as I know they never expressed regret. Charles Manson snd Susan Atkins are deceased. One of the girls was released after 53 yrs, Patricia Krenwinkle (spelling?). The other three are still in prison.
      You are right on target. Drugs and brainwashing inspired them to commit murder.

    2. They had the Manson girls on 20/20 with Diane Sawyer.
      When she asked them if they were to leave prison would they still stay in contact with Manson, the smiling grins on their faces said it all as one of them said she couldn’t be sure. :(

  7. I know someone who got married
    on the anniversary of these murders
    I told him and he said
    I never knew that.
    They’re divorced now anyroad
    I bought the white album
    pre-teen I think
    I found Helter Skelter paperback
    in my folks front closet as a teen
    My Mom didn’t want me to read it
    She thought I might run away
    and join a cult
    I read it anyway
    I saw the made for tv movie Helter Skelter
    I read my Mom’s second hand copy
    of Doris Day’s book mentioning her son
    and now you my friend...
    All very interesting

    1. I had the Helter Skelter paperback, too. I read it when I was eighteen. I think the book is still around somewhere. I can't remember the TV movie, but there are several documentaries on YouTube.

  8. I wasn't a big fan of either Sharon or Roman, yet for whatever reason, that tragedy impacted me deeply. Even today I wonder about the baby, had he/she lived.
    It troubles me to no end, realizing people like Charlie and his followers walk among us.

    1. I wasn't a big fan, either - - but there were so many intriguing ghost stories and rumored curses connected to the area where the murders took place.
      Sharon Tate's unborn baby was a boy. The satanic evil in this world is beyond chilling....and so is the ability to brainwash.

  9. We live in wildfire zone where so many homes have been destroyed. What a life story you have had. Definitely a story that needs to be told. Who can imagine that life was snuffed out, along with a 9 mo. old infant ready to be born.

    1. thecontemplativecat here. My comment is just above.

    2. Southern Calif. has always been notorious for wildfires - - I remember so many of them. Really scary.
      I never thought my life was particularly
      interesting, but now - in retrospect - I think it was very unique.
      The tragic Manson murders still give me chills.

  10. I have always said what a shame they got rid of the electric chair - Manson and his cohorts should have fried! Sorry, just the way I feel about it.

    1. California was always extremely lenient about the death penalty - in fact I can't remember any executions there. Manson and his scum cronies lived out there full lives


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