Sunday, August 18, 2024


 I've been a pessimist my entire life. I learned at a very early age that you can't count on anything in life.

As a child, it seemed like nearly everything I cherished was taken away from me.

When I was four, I got a puppy for Christmas. I loved it. The dog annoyed my father. He beat the hell out of it and gave it away.

On my fifth Christmas I received a huge train set, complete with a village and tunnel. My father decided it was too big, taking up too much room. He took it away. It was returned to Santa Claus.

Every pet that I had would quickly disappear. I had several cats at different times. My father always said that they ran away. It wasn't true. The son of a bitch got rid of them.

If I had a toy that was in his way, he would destroy it. Once, he smashed up my bicycle and tossed it in the trash.

As soon as I got used to school and made friends, we would move. Happened numerous times.

Nothing good in life will last. The evil Gods of Injustice will take it away.

I was always cautious when something good happened, for fear that something bad will erradicate it. And I was often right.

Pessimism soon became combined with dissatisfaction.

Whenever I had an article published in a major magazine, I would dislike it - - knowing that it could have been much better.

After giving a piano concert, I'd criticize the jeeters out of myself. 

I'm not a neurotic (not much, anyway).......I'm a realist.

No matter how you try to avoid it - - life is going to kick you in the ass one way or another.

I know - - you want me to cut the pathos and get back to boring basics. Okay.

I was absolutely delighted when I recently discovered that Walmart was now delivering groceries to my rural area. It was truly an answer to my prayers.

Not so fast, hombre.

My dream vanished last Thursday. I ordered groceries early in the morning. Got a message that they'd be delivered by noon. Noon passed and I got another message that my delivery would be delayed - due to unforseen circumstances.

Friday. No groceries. I called customer service. The delivery drivers are completely "backed up" and no one knows when my food will be delivered. No refunds allowed.

Sunday. No groceries. According to the Walmart web site, they are currently not taking any more grocery orders.

I'll politely keep my thoughts to myself.

Yesterday - -

the leg broke on a large cabinet in my kitchen. It toppled over. All of my dishes, cups, mugs, and bowls smashed to smithereens. It'll take days to clean things up.

Yesterday - -

a HUGE storm did a lot of damage here. I'm not in the mood to expound.

One more thing

After carefully reading my previous post, The Secret Ghost Within Me, I dislike it intensely. I tried to say far too many things in a short amount of space. I offered extremely condensed versions of very long stories. 

I mainly wanted to reveal glimpses of interesting chapters in my unconventional life. Perhaps fragments are suitable.....(?) Whetting appetites for my memoir.....

or did I suppress appetites??


Should I repost it?

My mind is muddled.

Jon, devout pessimist


  1. I read and commented. You told a story with snapshots of your life.

    1. I read your comment and greatly appreciated it. It is saved with the post - - in case I decide to repost it.

  2. I read it too. You are silly removing any page of your blog. It's all interesting.

    1. Thank you, Donna. I desperately try to be interesting *smile*

  3. First off, I do think you should repost it most definitely! I love reading ALL of your posts Jon, I truly do.

    And I agree about your feeling on pessimism for I am the exact same frame of mind as you are on that scale. We take the good with the bad and we have little to no choice unfortunately. Just know that you are in good company, my friend.

    1. I truly hate to be a depressing pessimist, but bad things seem to dominate my life......or perhaps I focus too much on negatives. I do believe that my gloomy childhood had something to do with it.
      (I always appreciate kindred spirits). Thanks, Kim.

  4. Fie(!) on Wal-Mart ... and Fie(!!!) on the memory of your father's ways. Please try and focus on the good, and I'll try to do the sa
    I was too late to catch that post, but hope you'll reconsider. My appetite for worthwhile prose desperately needs whetted.

    1. "do the same." (Stupid fat fingers.)

    2. Every time I focus on the good, something bad happens. I think it's a Hungarian curse......
      I removed that post so quickly that I think only speed readers saw it. I'll reconsider about reposting it. Heck, I have nothing to lose but my.....reputation.....

  5. Can see where your pessimism stems from. So sorry your childhood was so bad, Jon. Thank God for your mom!
    Curses on Walmart. Did your order ever arrive? They better not have charged you for it if it didn't or for any foods that went bad because of a late delivery.

    1. I hate to play the blame game, but I truly do think my childhood contributed to my pessimism.
      I never did get my groceries from Walmart and I am really getting concerned. I can understand that the drivers are over-worked, but the whole situation is bizarre.

  6. Certainly, no one can fault you for feeling this way, Jon, and sadly it does seem like when things are looking good (Walmart delivery) some bad news happens. Hope that situation gets straightened out at least with you getting your final order that was paid for and that nonsense about no refunds is unacceptable.

    1. I dislike always sounding negative, but negativity seems to abound in my life. But, of course I'm not the only one.
      The Walmart situation is really upsetting and I was surprised that they don't give refunds on grocery orders.
      And I never got my ice cream!

    2. Not getting the ice cream is the ultimate letdown, Jon!

  7. Well....that sucks. Walmart should be held accountable....but....we know how that goes.
    These folks that 'whistle a happy tune' when life craps on them all the time always seemed rather unbalanced to me, and I was a psychiatric nurse for 25 years. Maybe I'm pessimistic, too? I guess we just have to keep on keeping on as they say. Better days ahead....we hope.
    Paranormal John

    1. I was never smitten with smiley faces, rainbows, and unicorns.
      Whenever somebody said "Have a nice day" I would reply "I'll try."......well, at least they had good intentions.
      Walmart cancelled my order, refunded my money, and encouraged me to try agsin.
      Like a fool, I ordered more groceries today. They will arrive in two hours. If they don''ll hear me scream.

  8. Pessimism comes from bad experiences that we all go through, and it also acts a self defense mechanism and adds to our intuition to protect ourselves.
    Get your hopes up too high and you get burned, just when you think you’ve had enough.
    Reminds me of that matter of fact song Smiling Faces by the Undisputed Truth from 1971.

    1. Pessimism definitely does come from negative experiences, which I have been plagued with much of my life. I've always been apprehensive when I have good experiences, for fear that they will bring something bad.
      I can't seem to recall the song Smiling Faces, but I could probably find it on YouTube.


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