Monday, August 26, 2024


When I was a child, summer seemed to last forever. Now, a thousand years later, the weeks and months pass so quickly that I'm rendered clueless - - left in the dust of fleeting time.

I'm slowly emerging from a potent depression - - the cause of which would be too intricate to reveal.

You don't want to hear about my disturbingly dark side.......nor do I. These final days of August and first days of September are going to be agony for me. I would rather face a quick execution. If I survive, I'll reveal all. Otherwise, I despise the subject of tests and doctors.

Cut the crap, Jon. Don't talk in riddles. Give us something substantial.

Enigmas are my specialty. Anything substantial is out of the question.

The goldenrods are appearing. My abode is infested with mice. Coyotes visit my property every night. Barn owls offer after-midnight serenades. Mourning doves soothe my mornings with plaintive coo-coos.

Yesterday I watched an old MET performance of Die Walkure. Wotan's farewell transports me to heavenly realms. As a human being, Wagner was very unlikeable ....but his music is sublime.

Food. I finally have food again!

For the past two weeks I've been going through absolute hell with Walmart's grocery delivery service. I'd submit my order and receive an email message that the food would be delivered in two hours. 

Four hours later, another message informed me that my order was delayed. Two days later I was told that my order was cancelled.

This exact thing happened to me THREE times in two weeks. I got refunds, of course. But I was starving..... 

Customer Service said that there was an overflow of grocery orders and drivers were scarce. So sorry.

So today I took a gamble. I submitted a grocery order at 7:00 a.m. - - as soon as the Supercenter opened. 

My groceries were delivered by 10:00 a.m. - - to my absolute amazement!!

So I have food again.

And - for those of you interested - I finally have ice cream!


Photo of my front "yard" yesterday


  1. No matter what will transpire in the next week, Jon, there is great news in reading that you have ice cream and a freezer to store it. Good to read about the timely delivery and hope the next ones go as well. The photo of your front yard looked wonderful.

    1. I'm hoping that the overloaded delivery situation will subside after Labor Day. It's not easy to find my place out here in the woods.
      Anyway, I'm delighted to finally have ice cream .

  2. I, too, have come to despise seeing the calendar littered with medical appointments. I'm not going to try and solve your riddle -- you're too darn intelligent for my pay grade (lol). Instead, I'm counting on reading all when you feel ready.
    Yay for nourishment! Ice cream's always a good idea.

    1. I dread medical appointments more than anything else on earth - - especially since I have to use a transport service and it takes over an hour to get there.
      I only pretend I'm intelligent. I'll reveal more after the appointments.

  3. At least the groceries made a most welcome appearance. Ice cream is worth celebrating. Fingers (or any other appendages) crossed that they continue to show up on time. Mice infestation. Yikes! You DO need a cat or two! Good luck with your medical tests. Sucks, I know. Keep us posted. The pic was beautiful. Take care, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. For awhile I was afraid that I'd never get get grocery deliveries. I was overjoyed when the long-awaited food arrived.
      I've been plagued with mice ever since I first moved here. It's one of the joys of rural living. I need about half a dozen aggressive cats.
      I've had snakes in my house...and possums. Even though I'm a sissy, nothing shocks me anymore.

  4. Yes, it sounds like a cat is needed at your abode. Hurrah for ice cream! That's a fabulous view you have on your property.

    1. For some reason your comment was in the spam file. I just rescued it.
      I think I need several cats.
      My property is unusually lush and green this summer. It's soothing to look at.

  5. Yes, you need a good mouser or two. But at least you have ice cream!! ;)

  6. Well, at least the mice can't get into the ice cream....

  7. thecontemplativecat here. Not a shining couple of days for you. when we were sick with Covid, we used Albertson's delivery. It is a supermarket nearby. Good experience. Is there another sort for delivery? Any way, that is me trying to solve everyone's problems. Sorry. I have suffered with depression since I was 8, when I almost jumped out the upstairs window. abusive home, high anxiety. My prayers are for you, for peace, for comfort, and for food. God has His hand over you, just ask Him. He will talk to you.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. My father was extremely violent, and it almost destroyed my life. It takes a long time to get over it - but the emotional scars remain.
      I remember Albertsons when I lived in California.
      I now live in a very rural area of TN and Walmart is the only place that will deliver groceries here.

  8. UGH, doctor appointments are the worst, I swear. I am currently seeing two specialists and I shutter to think what would happen without my having insurance! The only upside is that September is fall weather!!!

    I am glad you FINALLY got your groceries delivered!

    1. I don't know what I'd do without insurance. My doctor appointments are agony because it takes over an hour to get there.
      I don't know what I'd do without grocery deliveries.
      Autumn will be here in just a few weeks!

  9. Where does your pessimism come from, Jon? You have survived more than most and you love in beautiful Tennesee.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.