Friday, August 9, 2024


I dislike writing about my present boring life. Numerous others think it's much more interesting than fallen angels.

I vehemently disagree. 

Inspired by my recent SOS post, Lisa of Salem's Lot emailed the above picture to me. I think it's sweet (no, the cats aren't drowning).

There was no significance to my SOS post. I was merely in a bad mood. I felt like my ship was sinking......but I found a lifeboat and feel better.'s the long awaited boring stuff.

On Tuesday my new freezer arrived. It was safely brought to my door by FedEx.

It was heavier than my new refrigerator, but I managed to drag it inside. I wanted to put it in the kitchen, but I'm redoing the kitchen floor and repairing a broken cabinet. So, I presently have it in the adjacent dining area.

It was a nightmare to unpack. No exaggeration - - it took me way over an hour to pry it out of the box. An extremely strong tape was used on the box. I couldn't cut it with scissors or a knife. Even a carpet cutter didn't work. I eventually clawed at the cardboard and tore it into shreds. Then there was the styrofoam....and more tape.

I've never had a freezer before. It's larger than expected and (so far) works well.


On early Wednesday morning I turned the freezer on and decided to order groceries from the local Walmart Supercenter. I was completely out of food - - only had a few cans of soup left.

Suddenly - - BLAM!!

There was a big power outage. Very strange, since there were no storms. It was a sunny day.

I used my cell phone to report the outage. The power wasn't restored until early evening. So my day was ruined. It was 98 degrees. Thank goodness I had water.

So.....(breathless anticipation)

On Thursday morning I ordered all my groceries from Walmart. This was the first time I tried the "new" home delivery. I was told the groceries would arrive in three hours. 

I was shocked when everything arrived in just over an hour! I was absolutely overjoyed. I can now get everything I need without having the agony of long-distant shipments. Now that I'm stranded at home it's truly a lifesaver.

I have eggs and cheese, fruit and vegetables, milk, and all the frozen food that I want. I ordered huge sandwiches from the deli with potato salad - - and two pies (cherry and blueberry).

For the moment, I'm content.


Freezer on the porch

Freezer temporarily in the dining area near the bookcase. The mark on the lower part of the wall is a reflection.

Inside freezer....

I can keep 'possum and coyote meat in there   *smile*

My next post will be about Hollywood again.......

Brace yourselves.



  1. Jon (Mother Hen here!) next time, order a pack of bottled water from Walmart and set it aside in case you run out of water.
    I’m so glad you’re feeling and doing better!
    PS - When I give my 5 Granddaughters a little advice, I always sign it “Mother Hen Here!” Haha
    Pat/Central Texas

    1. I think everyone needs a mother hen now and then. I do have some extra bottles of water, but I should buy more just in case. I never know whaat will happen next.....

    2. "What" - - typos are my specialty.

  2. Your little freezer is the perfect size, I used to have a large chest freezer by the time I used the food stacked at the bottom it would be freezer burned.
    Great news about the fresh food delivery, it surely makes your life easier, I'd still stack up on some canned meat products and dried milk, just in case.
    Hope your health is doing better Jon !

    1. I hate freezer burn, and it happened often in the old refrigerator freezer. Canned goods are important if there's a power outage, but my stove is electric, so I wouldn't be able to cook anything. A wood burning stove would come in handy.
      I 'm feeling fairly good.....which is better than nothing.

  3. That looks like my freezer, a great idea. And I get food delivered on my step, too, it's such a comfort to know it will be there. Good to over stock and freeze the extras. I'm impressed you were strong enough to unbox and move it around.

    1. It's really fantastic to have groceries delivered - - it's a great relief.
      I really shouldn't be dragging heavy things around - - but, despite my disabilities, I like to do things myself.

  4. Ps: I'm here for the boring bits. The exciting bits not so much!😉

    1. I'll try to alternate - - so everybody can be happy.

  5. What a darling image! (Those kittens, I mean.)
    Your freezer looks smaller than I imagined, actually. That's wonderful news about the WM deliveries. Bon appetit!

    1. There's a surprising amount of room in the freezer. I was going to buy a larger one but it wouldn't fit in the kitchen. I couldn't believe how quickly the groceries arrived. I was worried that the driver might get lost in this rural area.
      Kudos to Walmart!

  6. I love the cat SOS picture!
    That is a nice little freezer! What a blessing to be able to order whatever foods you want now from Walmart. Changes things so much! :)

    1. I never thought I'd live to see the day when fresh groceries would be delivered to my rural area. It has made my existence a lot easier. ...
      And everything comes in plastic bags, rather than cardboard boxes.

  7. Three cheers for Walmart! The freezer looks like the perfect fit for one. I'd keep lots of water on hand....just in case. Glad you're feeling better (relatively?). We're heading into fall and look forward to that. My favorite time of year! Take care, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. I presently have some bottled water, but I should get more. Plumbing trouble and power outages are frequent annoyances here in the boonies.
      I'm really looking forward to fall - - my favorite time of year, too.
      I'm feeling reasonably good....better than nothing.

  8. That freezer is the perfect size for one person. Just enough room. It's a real bonus to be able to order whatever food you want and have it delivered to you. It's good news that you are feeling better. Current or past escapades, I'm here to read and reply!

    1. I agree that the freezer is the perfect size for one person - and it will fit in my small person.
      I wish that Walmart could have delivered groceries in my area long ago. It would have saved me a lot of trouble.
      Glad to know that you're courageous enough to read my past or present adventures. Thanks!

  9. You even make
    your grocery list
    sound exciting!

    1. You made me laugh at that one - I suppose grocery lists can be interesting.
      Meow to Posh and Whiteface.

  10. All is well, Jon, with a new freezer and fresh food delivered. Now, if the water and electricity don’t fail again, you will really be set. Glad the temps have cooled and it’s the same here, and ready for fall myself.

  11. Hi Jon, catching up on your postings again. I have a freezer chest like that. They work well, especially when the power goes out because since it's not constantly automatically defrosting your solidly frozen food will stay frozen longer than in a regular refrigerator with a top or side freezer. Glad to hear your Walmart delivery went well. I also get some food delivered from Walmart, not charge yet. Nice!
    Have a great day!
    Ron from Retired in Delaware


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.