Saturday, September 7, 2024


......and now it's after. 

Next month marks the tenth year that I've been in Tennessee. When I bought this property, my main concern was having blessed peace and privacy. My expectations were realized. 

Living in a rural area has many inconveniences and unexpected annoyances, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've lived in big cities. I've had insane neighbors (no exaggeration). I would much rather be living among coyotes, raccoons, 'possums, deer, wild turkeys, wild hogs, owls, hawks, and.......snakes.

My nearest neighbors are cattle and cows. I'm admittedly a city sissy, but I learned to be tough when I lived in Texas.

It requires some psychological adjustments living alone in the wilderness. During my first two weeks here, my imagination became rampant after dark. 

The howling coyotes spooked me. The nearby forest seemed to be alive with unknown dangers - - restless spirits, wandering ghosts, evil witches.......and the grim reality of wayward ax murderers and bands of demented hillbillies.

Soon, I began to savor the deep darkness and all the wonderous magic that it holds.

I even got used to the occasional critters that invaded the house. Several 'possums and three snakes (so far). The first snake was discovered in my bedroom and it took two days before I could capture him (her?). The next two snakes didn't cause me to panic. Well, not much.

So what am I getting at? What is before and after?

I'm thinking about how much this property changed physically since I first moved here. It looks entirely different. New trees and shrubs have sprung up everywhere. Many old trees were toppled from violent storms. Some of which missed the house by inches.

I used to have a wonderful view of the forest from the back porch. Now it's obscured by toppled trees and rampant overgrowth. The lawn cutters trimmed everything away from the back porch, but the annoying obstructions remain.

I used to take wonderful photos. The forest is only a few yards from the back door - - and only a few feet from my bedroom.

I'll eventually take photos again, but for right now I'm posting older photos - - how it used to be.


Rising sun in the back "yard"

A group of extremely tall trees, only a few feet from my bedroom. Some have been destroyed by storms.

The neighboring cow meadow at the edge of my property. It's now completely obscured from overgrowth.

The back yard forest, as it looked two or three years ago.


  1. Replies
    1. I've always been a hardcore night owl. I'm alive after dark.
      Perhaps my Hungarian vampire heritage.....

  2. Replies
    1. Big Foot has crossed my mind, but I've never seen him. Well, not yet anyway.....

  3. Do you hear foxes scream? They're unnervingly like the sound of people.

    1. Yes! Foxes do scream like people. I hear them occasionally. The coyotes make scary unearthly sounds.

  4. I am a born night owl, too. My favorite place I ever lived was in the country in Wisconsin where we couldn't even see a neighbor. Woods and a creek. I LOVED it there. Even if we had a lot of mud in the spring and had to walk on boards to get to the house--lol! What scares me most of the smaller critters is skunks--lol! Up here it is bears you don't want visiting. That's why we had dogs and cats--to keep away the critters that could do damage or invade the attic. I love the solitude and the peace of the night. Maybe peace to me is more no people than no critters--lol! ;)

    1. I was nocturnal even as a child. Night is always inspiring and magical.
      Ironically, one of my California friends recently told me that there are baby skunks under her house. The other night her son came to visit and a big skunk squirted him.
      Those critters can be annoying.
      I haven't seen any bears, but some have been sighted in this county.

  5. I love the fall colors you get. We don’t get much in our neck of Florida. A snake fell on hubby’s arm when he went out the door to the garage. He slammed the door shut so it wouldn’t get in the house. I hope it found its way out when he opened the garage door, we haven’t seen it anymore or smelled its remains. 😵‍💫 Take care, Sheila

    1. I only wish that autumn was longer - it seems to be much too brief.
      That was creepy to have a snake fall on your husband's arm! Snakes show up in unexpected places. Yuk!

  6. The pics are beautiful. I wouldn't fare well with the isolation....and snakes. I can appreciate the beauty and why you moved there. Autumn is fast approaching, and I know it'll be awesome there. Enjoy. This is my favorite season! Enjoy!
    Paranormal John

    1. The isolation never really bothered me - - but now I'm more apprehensive due to my physical limitations
      Autumn is my favorite season, too. And I would like Halloween to be all year long.

  7. The trees with their autumn leaves are stunning. In Tennessee you get all four seasons, in California it seems we only get two. Even in suburban California we get the critters of the nocturn, possums, racoons, the occasional coyote or fox and once a bobcat ! Not to mention lots of bird life, some with unusual and exotic calls as if from another world. Sometimes evenings can be spooky and conjures images of spirits, demons, and Bigfoot. Nothing worse is a night fright nightmare while sleeping , where you literally have a demon clasping its talons on your face, and you wake in a panic. I had several of those years ago, luckily not since then. -Rj

    1. One of the (many) amazing features of Southern California are the rural areas that are so incredibly different from the nearby big cities. And lots of critters.
      I've had several experiences with spirits and demons. Some people scoff at it, but I'm an absolute believer.

  8. I've had a couple of 'experiences' with the paranormal myself. The most amazing one was when I was working in an old psychiatric hospital on the 3-11 shift. It scared the hell out of me! Haunted house books are my guilty pleasure.... which you'd never guess from my moniker. LOL. I'd love to hear about your experiences! I bet there's some good stores there!
    Paranormal John

    1. Old creepy places seem to be a perfect setting for paranormal activity. I wrote a blog post a few years ago about a haunted eight ball that I had. It was so incredible that it's hard to believe. I might consider posting it again - - but I'm sure some people will think I'm bonkers.
      I luv haunted house books, too.

  9. I've love to read the eight ball story. Please consider reposting it.... Halloween is a comin! If you like haunted house books, I'll recommend a few of my favorites. "Echoes of a Haunting" by Clara Miller. It's about the Hinsdale NY house in the 1970's, "House of Darkness, House of Light (3 volumes) by Andrea Perron. The movie 'The Conjuring" is based on those books. Andrea lived there with her parents and 4 sisters during the 1970's. What's up with the 70's? The last is "The Black Hope Horror". It's about a new house that was built in the 1980's in Texas. Happy reading!! You can google the Hinsdale house and the Conjuring house in Rhode Island.
    Paranormal John

    1. I've never heard of these books. Thanks for the information!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.