Wednesday, September 4, 2024


September Song?

I think it sounds better than Welcome September.

It's no secret that I dislike writing boring updates about my health......but many visitors to my blog are genuinely concerned and I appreciate that.

Hence, this will be a boring health update.

Last summer when I had a malignant tumor, a heart attack, and other unnerving things - - several doctors said there was no hope and told me I would die.

At that time I was so sick that I didn't really care. Ever since then, I've become extremely apprehensive about doctor appointments and medical tests. I now have them every four months - - and every time I go, I fear negative outcomes.

I've very often stated that I'm a pessimist.

Weeks in advance, I was getting physically ill thinking about my upcoming tests and doctor appointments.

I had a TC scan in Cookeville last Thursday (August 29). It takes an hour to get there via transport bus (or van or truck or whatever). It was a hot day - 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which is rather rare in Tennessee. Everything went smoothly, but my biggest fear was the upcoming dr. appointment.

Yesterday (Sept. 3) another trip to Cookeville for the dr. appt. and CT results.

They got my appointment mixed up due to a computer glitch so I had to wait one and a half hours.

I saw my doctor in the hallway, but my appointment only consisted of a nurse - - who explained every detail of the CT scan.

Best news of all - -

No evidence of abdominopelvic recurrent or metastatic disease.

Everything is stable - - even my heart (I have congestive heart failure). Heart size is normal - - but there are triple-vessel coronary artery calcifications. Mild aortic valve leaflet calcifications. No significant pericardial effusion.

But....(there's always a but)

I have two nodules on my lungs. One is 12mm, which hasn't changed since April. The other is new, 13mm.

I never smoked, nor did my parents. 

But (yup, another but)

I lived in Southern California for thirty years and - at that time - the smog was EXTREMELY heavy. My mother developed pleurisy. I had frequent bronchitis bouts, pneumonia, and very frequent strept throats.

Could have effected my lungs.

I now have two more dreaded Cookeville appointments. October 1st and 10th. (tests concerning the nodules etc.)

The beat goes on.....perhaps.

This post was boring. 

I think the tales of my colorful past....and my videos....are MUCH more interesting than medical crap. Unfortunately, some disagree........

Eternally yours, Jon

The Cookeville Medical Center, where I spent two and a half months last year.

Tennessee countryside

The scenery is gorgeous on the way to Cookeville.


  1. Very good news and a little iffy news, yes--but I am sooo happy for the good news!
    Looks like you do have a beautiful drive when you go to your appointments--wow!
    I hope you ordered yourself some extra ice cream. ;)

    1. I'm relieved because of the good news - - but irritated with the rest. More appointments......*sigh*
      The scenery is relaxing and beautiful.
      I'll order more ice cream next week.

  2. thecontemplativecat here. the horse grazing beneath the fall colors is so beautiful. Good news! Rejoice! God answers prayers.

    1. I truly believe that God answers prayers. I'm relieved with the outcome of the CT scan. It could have been worse.

  3. On the whole more good than not news. Well, I'm glad the scenery is beautiful on the way to the dreaded appointments. That's a small but good thing.

  4. Mostly good news, the rest, you'll find out soonish. Go with the good, Mr. Pessimist! Coming from someone whose husband calls Debby Downer. Do as I say, not as I do. ;)

    1. Your comment was in the spam file - - I just found it.
      I'm a pessimist, but a delightful one....*smile*

  5. Well, at least the good news outweighed the far. I hate the appointments, but the scenery is relaxing and beautiful.

  6. Hi Jon
    I wouldn't be too concerned about the calcification of the aorta and coronary arteries, its fairly common with men over 60.
    Regarding the lung nodules...are they planning a biopsy? One done via bronchoscopy are pretty safe, and you'd be pretty much asleep. They can also do a sputum analysis.
    Benign lung modules are common, so don't worry much.
    The front entrance to Cookville MC looks startling like the entrance to Seattle Swedish MC, when I spent a fair amount of my medical career.
    Hope everything else is well with you, sorry for the continuing tests, but you seem to have a patient approach, which is good.
    Take care.

    1. Forgive my ignorance, but I have no clue what kind of test they will give me. I was told not to eat anything after midnight. The test will be at 8:00 a.m.
      I assumed a PET scan (??)
      Anyway, thanks Mike.

  7. I understand your frustration and dislike of doctor appointments and ongoing tests, I've suffered my share lately :(
    Necessary evils I suspect.
    Tennesse is a beautiful green state, it reminds me of my homeland so much, and one of the reasons I found it easy to settle here, there is an English village not far from Crossville Tn where English settlers made their home, it's calle Historic Rugby, and a lovely day out.
    Keeping fingers crossed that your lung problems are benign, and everything goes well.

    1. My appointments are particularily annoying because I live so far away and have to get a transport ride.
      I've never heard of Historic Rugby, but it sounds like an intriguing place. The countryside around here is so beautiful. Take care, Jo.

  8. It sounds, I dare say that maybe your health woes might be behind you?!? Let's hope you continue to mend and heal. You sound better then you have in a long time. Nice to read this. I myself don't know whether I'm coming or going still. I'm still trying to get caught up with everyone.

    1. I was feeling a lot better - - until I found out that I need another annoying test and dr. appointment.
      You've been having so many exciting end-of-summer adventures that it will take awhile to recover *smile*

  9. Wonderful news... more good than bad. But I understand the transport worry, I know its always iffy. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics! take care Jon. (Louise here)

    1. I'm relieved about the good news, but annoyed about having another test and dr. appointment in October. The medical adventures never cease. Thanks, Louise.

  10. It does seem, Jon, that you have taken healing steps forward then get a backwards jolt. Still, the overall health report was better than perhaps you even suspected. Hopefully, the lung nodules will not be worrisome, but then tests are always that way. And, yes, a long ride for you but at least with photogenic vistas. Please keep us posted when you can.

    1. I was really hoping that I could enjoy autumn without any medical appointments, but fate thought otherwise. Now I'm worried about what the next test will reveal.
      I'll keep updating.

  11. Beautiful! That could be a sought-after picture postcard. (Do they even make those anymore?)
    I'm right there with you on medical appointments and tests. Waiting is the worst, and I've my PhD. in "What-if-ing". The power of suggestion is real. But so is the power of prayer.

    1. I used to collect picture postcards. I think they still exist.
      I am so weary of tests and doctors, and was hoping for a medical-free autumn. I guess it wasn't in the cards.
      I love your two final sentences.
      Prayer is our only salvation.

  12. The good news is definitely good. I totally 'get it' about waiting for the other shoe to fall.
    Lung nodules are not uncommon (benign). So, keep that in mind. Best to check this out and at least they caught it early on. Fall is in the air in NE Ohio. Lots of goldenrod and iron weed are showing are allergies! Take care.
    Paranormal John

    1. I'm dreading more appointments in October - - but it has to be done. Unfortunately my anxiety still exists.
      The golden rods are abundant here, too. The weather is delightfully cool now - - in fact, it's supposed to be 40 degrees this coming Saturday night.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.