Friday, September 13, 2024


 We interrupt Jon's intriguingly interesting previous post to relay some good news on this Friday the 13th.

(don't get too excited - - it's nothing spectacular)

First of all, I've had a fairly rotten week. Nothing unusual about that. My mysterious fever returned last Sunday. It only lasted two days, but I felt worse than rotten.

The blood/urine tests turned out  "normal" (hell, I was never normal). I still think it is some sort of bladder infection - - because every time I get a fever I have to urinate very frequently.

Now, you didn't really want to hear that, did you?

So, what about the good luck?

I like to procrastinate while writing these posts, just to keep you on your toes - - or on the edge of your seat.

I kept TRYING to order groceries from Walmart all week and I tried for three days in a row.

The exact same thing happened on all three days:

I'd get up very early and put in my order right after the store opened. They assured me that the groceries would be delivered in three hours.

Three hours would pass by....and then I'd get an email message saying that the delivery was delayed. A few more hours would pass.....and then I'd get another message saying the order was cancelled.

This happened three days in a row. Customer Service had no plausible explanation. It was EXTREMELY frustrating - - but I assumed that they were short of delivery drivers again (this happened in the past).

And I'm always worried because I don't live anywhere near town. I'm a zillion miles away in the wilderness.

The drivers probably panic when they see my address - - and I don't blame them.


Today, Friday the 13th, I was drinking a cup of early morning coffee and  suddenly thought that I'd try another grocery order. What have I got to lose? I chose the two hour express delivery.

To my absolute astonishment, I got a message that my order was in the "shopping" phase! The next message said the delivery was en route. I watched the progress on a live-stream map. The groceries were delivered within an hour!

A Friday the 13th miracle!! If I wasn't  a friggin cripple, I would have jumped up from my wheelchair and danced with joy.

But I danced with joy anyway. Lately I'm able to walk a little without the aid of a walker. Progress, I suppose.

Also, it was supposed to rain heavily today but there wasn't any rain at all. It was warm and slightly overcast. A subtle hint of autumn is in the air.

And there's a subtle hint of optimism in my soul.


I got two pumpkins to start the autumn season.

The painting behind the pumpkins is an original 1850 Hungarian landscape.

Another boring view from the front porch taken today. The peak autumn foliage won't appear until the end of October, but the leaves are getting weary.


  1. Yeah for the Walmart delivery, Jon. Glad your persistence paid off and hope everything you ordered was delivered. Good nes too about being able to walk a bit without the walker.

    1. It's very frustrating when I need food and they won't deliver. I'll keep up with persistence. I'm trying to be as mobile as I can.

  2. It's about time they got their act together, and happy to know you were finally able to get your grocery order delivered. I'm glad to read you are persevering with pushing yourself to walk, those leg muscles need to be kept strong !
    Rain headed our way, thanks to Francine.
    Lovely view from your home.

    1. My spine is really damaged but I'm trying to push myself to be as "normal" as possible.
      We are supposed to get rain from Francine, but nothing so far.

  3. Thank God your groceries arrived!! That must have been a huge relief to say the least!

    I like your start to the autumn season - I began decorating last weekend, but I am limited to how much I can do right now. I find that it helps bring my spirits up because, like you, I LOVE AUTUMN and everything associated with it!!! Decorating is good for the soul I say. lol

    1. Walmart frustrates the hell out of me, but it is admittedly difficult to navigate to my house.
      I absolutely love every aspect of autumn. My only complaint is that it's too brief.

  4. So glad you finally got a delivery! Sorry about the fever again.
    Glad you are able to walk without a walker a little bit. That is progress. :)

    1. Walmart delivery is like Russian roulette- but I'll keep valiently trying. We've both made a lot of physical progress....but it sure takes a lot of work. Hugs to Allie!

  5. Are those pie pumpkins? I love the bake them, the whole thing in the oven all. I poke a few holes in it first. Delish!

    1. What happened with my sentence? Ha ha.

    2. Yes, they are pie pumpkins, but I just use them for decorations.

  6. Hallelujah for your grocery delivery. Has to be so frustrating waiting and not getting your delivery. Good to hear you can walk a bit without the walker. Be careful though. Sorry about your fever again. Dang! Wendy

    1. It's especially frustrating because I live alone in a very rural area. Running out of food is unnerving.
      I'm able to do a lot of physical things that I wasn't able to do before, which is encouraging.

  7. As my husband's apt to say about unexpected good news, "It's probably going to snow!" I do love that Hungarian landscape. I hope you ordered something delicious?

    1. I try to be optimistic but (unfortunately) it's just not in my nature. I bought that painting long ago from the mayor of a city in New Jersey - but I can't remember what city!

  8. Great News about the groceries!! Let's hope this is the 'trend' now. This truly is a 'mystery about the fever of unknown origin'. I know you've had blood work done, but have they done 'blood cultures'...which is different than you regular blood draws/labs? A few trees here and there are turning in NE Ohio. Lots of goldenrod and ironweed. Fall is in the air. Keep up your mobility the best you can. I'm assuming they gave you strengthening exercises. Take care. Keep them groceries coming!
    Paranormal John

    1. I've been having so many different tests that I don't know if they were blood cultures or not. I'm really trying to keep up mobility - - I sure don't want to be helpless like I was in the hospital.
      This is such a glorious time of year. Autumn is awakening!

  9. Love the painting behind the pumpkins...looks 18th century oil.
    Glad Walmart finally delivered, weird they have so much difficulty.
    The reason you pee more when you have a fever (as long as you stay hydrated) is your metabolism is up, and your kidneys are working overtime. Same is true for most of your other organs
    Hope things continue to go well, Jon. We just had, as I write, a heavy rain, first in a few days. Hopefully it'll be cool tonight so I can sleep.
    Take care,

    1. I never knew about kidneys working overtime during fevers. Thanks for that information. I always stay hydrated with a fever.
      I hope the cooling rain will provide an enjoyable night. There's no rain here lately, but the temperature is fairly pleasant.


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