Monday, September 16, 2024


My video is an homage to autumn. The sole intention is to offer a relaxing moment to indulge in the soothing intoxication of the autumn season.

(I'm already hearing sighs of disgust)

Okay, I'll give fair warning - - it's six minutes long. That doesn't bother me, because I'm shamelessly prejudice. I think it's worth a view (full screen view, of course).

The music I chose is the andante from the Piano Concerto no.2  op.102, by the Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich (1906 - 1975).

It is steeped in exquisitely haunting beauty and echoes the essence of my soul: a deep sense of melancholia enmeshed with sporadic sentimentality.

Blame it on my Magyar heritage.

The somber introduction is about a minute long. I portrayed it with images of misty dawn.

Towards the end, the music seems to convey a persistent sense of yearning - -perhaps a reluctance to let autumn go......


Dmitri Shostakovich composed this concerto in 1957 and dedicated it to his son Maxim for his nineteenth birthday.

The recording that I used for this video:

Maxim Shostakovich is the pianist and his father Dmitri is the conductor.

The Musici de Montreal orchestra.

Dmitri Shostakovich with his cat

I hope this post wasn't boring. I'm in a nostalgic autumnal mood.

Cheers, Jon

BTW - I made this video a few yrs. ago, but I recently revised it and converted it to several different file formats.



  1. Somehow, a beret makes everyone look like an artist.

    1. ...he was also an artist! 😃

    2. "Magyar heritage"

      Every time I see the word Magyar I am reminded of Paprikash made with Hungarian paprika, which is different than all other paprikas. Agree?

    3. Perhaps the cat should have worn a beret, too.

    4. Hungarian paprika is the ONLY paprika.

  2. Your introduce something as relaxing and soothing...but then expect disgusted sighs.
    You confound me, Jon. Is this just your persistently pessimistic nature rearing its head? It was beautiful...despite your attempts to tarnish it. ;)

  3. I couldn't resist inserting my dark, pessimistic humor. A few people aren't exactly fond of my videos....but I'm glad you said it's beautiful. Thank you!

  4. Beautiful video. I think Autumn is becoming a favorite for me. Take care of yourself, Sheila

    1. I'm admittedly addicted to autumn. Thank you, Sheila!

  5. Autumn has always been my favorite season. It always brings a wistfulness and
    melancholy (not in a bad way). When autumn arrives, I often think back to my college days at OSU and the youth and freedom that was so fleeting. I think I was having a love affair monthly back then. LOL! Nonetheless, sweet memories of days of yore triggered by the changing of the leaves, chilly nights and the occasional smell of wood burning. The video was beautiful. thank you for posting, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. Your autumn memories bring back many similar ones of mine. Good memories that nourish my soul. And I agree - - melancholy, but not in a bad way. Thanks, John.

  6. So cultured, visions of autumn and Shostakovich with his cat :)
    My maternal grandparents had the family appreciate Liszt and Chopin, so proud they were of their mixed Hungarian and Polish heritage. And grandma would prepare Polish foods with Hungarian flair ! Pierogis and mushroom soups seasoned with paprika and marjoram, along with the traditional Hungarian pörkölt and paprikas dishes.

    1. I'm thinking of all the delicious Hungarian food made by my mother and grandmother. My grandmother's soups were the best I ever tasted.
      Strangely enough, Shostakovich was never one of my favorite composers, but I'm in love with this andante from his piano concerto.

  7. thecontemplativecat here. My farming family listened to hymns and country music. I discovered classical when I was 14. It enriched my soul.

    1. I like hymns and country music - - but I agree that classical music greatly enriches the soul. It's powerfully theraputic.

    2. Therapeutic - - I am a terrible speller!

  8. Thank you for capturing my favorite time of year so wonderfully!

    1. It's my favorite time of year, too - - and it evokes fond memories. Thanks, Myra!

  9. This music is perfect for the beautiful autumn season! And you are quite right, it evokes fond memories - especially of my early childhood.

    1. I wish our complicates lives could be as carefree as our childhoods were - - but autumn never fails to soothe our souls and lift our spirits.
      Thanks, Kim.


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