Sunday, January 19, 2025


Yesterday another mysterious visitor came to my room. A tall, slim, bespeckled lady with short butch hair.

A social worker? Psychiatrist? Agent of the FBI?

She had a notebook on a clipboard. Wanted to ask me questions.

Okay. I'm easy. I like questions. Most of them.

The questions seemed benign. What kind of food do I like, what kind of I like animals..... I vote? Uhoh. Hell, no. I never vote. I keep my political opinions safely to myself. I'm a secret patriot. Ssssshhh....

I was waiting for the sexual questions - - hoping I wouldn't shock the jeeters out of her - - but she strayed to more appealing realms.

What were the happiest times in my life?

Actually that's a tough one. As a devout pessimist and a life full of absolute stress and chaos, it's rather difficult to find the rainbows.

I fluffed my way through that one. After she (finally) left, I started thinking about my happy times.

All of my happy times were generated by modes of escape....escape from ugly reality.

When I was young, I escaped from my violent father by reading. I'd hide in my room, escaping through literature. I read books, one after another. My world was deep in the realms of imagination.

And then there was music. The piano, of course. And opera, ballet, symphonies, the deliciously limitless world of classical music. To this day, the greatest balm that soothes my soul is music. I always calm my nerves listening to opera.

Later, I derived some pleasure/satisfaction being a professional pianist and freelance writer. But I'm my own worst critic. I'm never satisfied with myself.

And I was always immensely happy when I was in love. Love can lift the soul to heaven (or occasionally bring you down to hell).....but my love affairs were epic.

Do you know when I was truly absolutely happy?

In October, 2014, when I sold my house in Texas and moved to Tennessee. A monumental milestone.

I packed up everything, put my belongings in storage. I put my three cats in my tiny Toyota...and we were off!

I had two cages in the back seat. Kitzee (nine years old) was in one cage, Bosco and Scruffy (both six months old) in the other cage.

As I drove out of Texas it was exhilarating, a feeling of absolute freedom. No home, no job, no worries, no ties.....I was FREE!!

This must be the Hungarian gypsy singing in my soul. Cigany lelke.

I knew my destination would be Tennessee, but I didn't want to arrive. I just wanted to keep driving the Flying Dutchman....

In retrospect, I never regretted moving to Tennessee. I love it here. The only thing that ruined it was when I got seriously ill (see previous post).

This next revelation will be somewhat of a shocker...maybe. Maybe not.

I was happy in my young, wild, reckless years - - when I haunted the midnight streets of Hollywood and L.A.  Youth was my weapon. 

I was never tough or wild - - but I assumed a completely new identity. I played tough and faked my way into the hardcore world of darkness and danger....endless one night stands, booze, drugs, encounters with lowlife criminals, pimps and hustlers and (later) hobnobbing with the famous....and infamous.

I was never into drugs, but tried them. Often with negative results. Alcohol was my weakness. To be blunt - - how could I have existed in such a hedonistic lifestyle if I wasn't completely soused?

Destructive? Absolutely. But at that time, it was a great escape from reality. I savored the danger. And despite self-destruction, I still retained my romantic soul. I told myself "Someday in the distant future I'll write about my unholy adventures....."

Was that really happiness? In my quest for freedom, it was. A pathetic facsimile of happiness.

Surprisingly, I have no regrets. I had a unique lifestyle that few people could ever dream of.....or understand.

Why am I writing this?

Perhaps to purge my soul.

Jon 💙 a complete enigma


  1. So just who was the bespeckled lady with the short butch hair cut anyhow??? Anf you happy moment when be young and reckless doesn't shock me one bit. I was reckless too with partying, enjoying many earthly delights and sleeping around. I wouldn't change any of it. Hope you on the mend and still healing up sweet cheeks.

    1. This was the second time that I had a visitor asking questions. I don't know what the purpose is, but I played along.
      I lived dangerously and recklessly in my wayward youth and I truly have no regrets. I wouldn't change a thing...
      ...and I knew you could identify with it.

  2. I wonder if she's an occupational therapist. They ask this kind of thing before you find yourself learning to weave!

    1. You made me laugh at that one! They'll have a difficult time teaching me to weave....

  3. I'd say the lady was some kind of social worker, or as already mentioned, an occupational therapist. The Ombudsman representitive used to come around every week when I was in therapy, they took their position very seriously.
    Purging one's soul is healthy for the individual involved, I've partaken several times, although silently.
    You sound like you are in better spirits Jon, I'm hoping the pain is less, and better days are ahead.
    Stay warm and cozy !

    1. I think she was a social worker. I don't know what her purpose was, but she was nice and I honestly didn't mind the questions.
      I think I am in (slightly) better spirits.
      It's snowing this morning! I'm watching it from the window by my bed. Glad I don't have to go out.
      Thanks, Jo.

  4. So glad to hear you more upbeat and I am glad you still feel happy in Tennessee.
    I can't remember if you already said, but did you get somebody to go out and drain your water pipes? Such unusually cold weather all over it seems. Keep on keeping on! :) :)

    1. I feel slightly upbeat....which is an improvement.
      The weather is very cold and it's snowing again. I'm extremely worried about frozen/broken water pipes. I called the water co. and had my water meter shut off, just in case.

  5. thecontemplativecat here. Moving from texas to Tennessee was a leap. I have driven across Texas, which I thought was a mistake. It never ended.

    1. I only lived in Texas because my retired parents lived there ( they were deceased when I moved to TN). I really disliked TX.

  6. Glad you are coming along rather nicely, Jon! Ahhh yes, memory lane lol!

    - Kim

    1. I'm coming along - - but don't know if it's nicely 🙂
      I always enjoy trips down Memory Lane.

  7. What a curious visit! Sometimes I regard my past with equal parts astonishment and chagrin. Like you, however, I don't think I'd change anything. Please let us know if you learn why all those questions. Perhaps one of your caregivers is planning a "This is Your Life!" revival? (Maybe you're too young to remember that show.) Cheers!

    1. I honestly don't know the purpose of these mysterious question visits. Do they just want to get to know me - - or are they testing my sanity?? It's rather weird.
      Hopefully they won't do a "This is Your Life". It would be horrifying.

  8. Jon, my presumptive guess is that your visitor was there to ascertain your mental state, but I would think that some sort of ID would have been extended. One thing is very certain, you have not lead a boring existence. It’s good to be inside and watching the snow vs. struggling in your home right now.

    1. I'm wondering why there have been two visitors plying me with questions....but one seemed to be focusing on nutrition.
      It is bitterly cold - - snow and two (2) degrees last night! I'm glad I'm in a safe place.

  9. The 'butch hair cut lady' should have identified herself and the reason for the visit. I'm wondering if it has to do with your aftercare. Next time, I'd ask. Yes, be thankful you're where you're safe, warm and have your basic needs provided. This weather is not kind
    right now. It was 2 degrees here this morning in NE Ohio with temps threatening to nosedive soon. All the schools here will be closed for the next several days. Dangerous being out. Where's spring when you need it? I got stuck in a whiteout in Cleveland yesterday and that was scary. I'm too old for that nonsense. Take care, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. I've been playing along with all the questions, but I'm very careful about the answers I give. Saying the "wrong" thing could be a disaster.
      Tennessee has become Arctic - - the temp. here last night was also two degrees. Right now (at noon) it's 12 degrees. Spring can't come soon enough.
      Stay safe and warm, John! 😺

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Maybe she was clergy?

    It's cold here. We have been running the taps at night. Your concern about the pipes made me cringe. When I was settling my Dad's estate a few years ago and had his house for sale, back a pipe broke. I was states away. A neighbor noticed it. It was the outside faucet. Fortunately, the real estate agent was able to get someone to take care of it.

    I'm glad to hear people are taking care of you.

    1. It was zero last night, and I'm extremely worried about my house which is unattended. I had the city shut off my water meter just in case a pipe breaks. This Arctic winter weather is too much....and rather unusual for TN.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.