Thursday, January 9, 2025


 It can get surprisingly cold in Tennessee - - colder than a penguin's kiss.

Winter Storm Warning for Friday (tomorrow) with 6 to 10 inches of snow predicted.

Wish I was home snug in my humble house. Wish I could take photos of my snowbound property like I used to and show it off on my blog.

Instead I'm still here at Alcatraz - - - or Camp Los Diablos. Whatever.

Am I being cruel? Unfair? Unjust? Heck, it's my unpleasant nature.

Yesterday a social worker came into my room, with a pile of unnerving questions.

Her: Have you ever had long bouts of depression?

Me: Yup. I was the only three-year-old who got depressed watching Romper Room on TV. Haunts me to this day.

Her: Have you ever considered suicide?

Me: Absolutely. In eighth grade Literature Class Mrs. Rhoades forced us to read "Mill on the Floss" and had us write a report about it. Death would have been better. I'm still allergic to George Elliot.

Her: Have you ever considered harming anyone else?

Me: I planned to kill my father when I was eighteen....and there was a barber in Anaheim who I could have gleefully killed with his own clippers.

My above answers are true, but of course I never revealed them. Gotta be very careful when dealing with social workers.

See, my friends, even when I'm depressed I still maintain a sense of humor. 

( your sense of humor isn't funny, Jon)

So how's life in physical therapy?

Good and bad.

I'm plied with meds in the morning and at night. Still lasix, blood thinners, antibiotics, other stuff I don't know. Makes me groggy, jittery, discombobulated ( I used a big word to impress you).

My blood work is good, blood pressure normal, oxygen and heart rate good. Septic bed sores have just about healed.

The horrifying edema is now under control. My legs almost look normal. I was told that it's periphereal (?) edema and not necessarily related to heart failure. Who knows? I'm no expert.

The grim side.

I still have enormous back, spine, and hip problems. I've lost all the strength in my legs. Can't get out of bed without help. My right leg is useless - - can't move it.

I have physical therapy every day. Sit in a wheelchair, where I ate lunch. Today walked (carefully, usteady) in a walker. I'm admittedly terrified that I'll never walk again. Whatever.

One of the therapists, Crystal, whom I've known since my previous stay in Signature...has told me something exciting. She's a cat person and has some cats she'd like to give me.

Of course, I'd want to wait until I'm settled back home and can function, etc. It would be a joy to have cats again. I told her to keep me first on her cat list.

Well, we're waiting for the Big Snowstorm here in rural TN. Arrives at dawn. Last night it was 15 degrees (Fahrenheit).

Thanks for reading this. My luv to all of you.🧑

Jon, in a rare fairly good mood

Photos from winter on my property a few years ago. Blogger won't let me enlarge some of these. Damn!


  1. I hope you get cats! Could be a whole new blog. Cat Concerto?

    Jon, it sounds like you are doing well there. I know you'd rather be home, but let them take care of you for now. (Especially with the storm coming.)

    1. Cat Concerto would be nice.
      I would actually rather be in rehab during a winter storm. I pray that there won't be any power outages.

  2. Hoping you are able to get your strength back Jon, you have put in so much effort and now have to start over 😞
    Not looking forward to the snowstorm tomorrow , they have literally shut our town down, schools, government, and grocery store shelves are bare.
    On a positive note, it sounds like some of your problems are being addressed and you have familiar faces around you.

    1. It is bitterly ironic that I have to start physical therapy all over again. A lot of the staff remembers me and are kind and helpful.
      People are anxiously waiting for the storm in this area. Schools are closed and I'm sure driving will be impossible.
      Stay warm and safe, Jo.

  3. Wow! Sounds like you have made tremendous progress health-wise in the time since you've been away from home. Wow! You really needed to be in the other hospital! Just like now in rehab--you've already got cats lined up--OMG! This was meant to be. Don't ever go back to that other hospital!! (That's how I feel about Essentia oncology!!) You've got real motivation to get back to being mobile again...CATS! :) :)

    1. I deeply regret that I didn't go to Cookeville in the first place, instead of Livingston. They completely wasted my time and didn't help at all. At least now I'm making some progress.
      And the cats are indeed a motivation. Hugs to you and Allie.

  4. It sounds like things are moving along in a 'relatively' good way. That's good news. That was especially good news about some kitties potentially coming your way. Fingers crossed! Glad the peripheral edema is coming down and the ulcers are healing. Did you ever learn why your right leg is unable to move? Spinal/nerve damage? The PT will certainly help strengthen your extremities and help with mobility. Keep us posted. I was not aware TN was getting slammed with that Arctic weather. Yikes! We could get some more snow this weekend in NE Ohio and the temps remain frigid. The high was around 20 in Cleveland today. That Canadian air blows in off Lake Erie and we get what they call the 'Lake Effect' snowstorms. Not fun. Best wishes with your healing and therapy. Think.... Kitties and Spring! Each will eventually come.
    Paranormal John

    1. At least I'm receiving logical treatment rather than the nonsense I got at Livingston. I'm sure that spinal/nerve damage has wrecked my leg. I've had several bad falls long ago and everything is deteriorating.
      The Arctic weather often arrives here. I live only a few miles from the Kentucky border.
      Can't wait for spring and kitties!

  5. Well, this sounds like a bit of progress. I hope you can regain the movement in that leg. And I admire your grit in working once again to walk unaided. I think your will is the strongest thing about you!

    1. It's frustrating and tedious, Liz, but I don't want to give up. I've been through too much. Thanks for your continuous encouragement during my journey!

  6. Jon, your place is wildly beautiful. I love the snow, if you listen you can hear it. A wonderful memory of my childhood.😘 Gabrielle Gengler

    1. I had many better photos than these, but couldn't find them. It really is a wildly beautiful place. I think I can hear sleigh bells (smile).
      Thanks, Gabrielle!

  7. You’re all freezing back East and we’re having fires galore in Southern California. :(
    Good to read you’re starting to recover and getting better. We all have to hang on :) -Rj

    1. Seems like there's no escape from dangerous conditions. I lived in CA over 30 years and never saw such massive fires. It's heartbreaking to watch the news.
      I'm not thrilled with snow storms, but I'm glad to be here in therapy.
      Stay safe.

  8. Progress is great to read about, Jon, and when it snows you will be safe as well. Hope the physical therapy will help get you back to walking and nice to read the staff is good. If you given those replies to the social worker you might be in for a longer stayπŸ˜€

    1. If I ever gave those replies to the social worker, they'd never let me out!
      Well it's early Friday now and the snow is falling. I'm glad to be safe and warm - - and hope you are, too.

  9. Your humor is funny, Jon. It sounds like you are better and that is good news. You do live in what looks like a rugged area.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! I think I'm funny. Some people think I'm strange. I really do live in a wild area. And I'm trying to keep a positive attitude with my progress.

  10. Those endless questionnaires are so annoying! Just once, I'd like to ask, "Don't you people talk to one another?" .... or even give deliberately false information (like DOB) to see if they notice.
    I'm so glad to hear you're in a better state of mind ... and super optimistic about the possibility of a new kitten (or two). Please, keep on keeping on!

    1. They really ask a lot of personal questions. I wouldn't dare answer truthfully....they'd put me in the Funny Farm.
      My state of mind changes abruptly but I'm trying to stay positive.
      Thinking of spring and kitties...

  11. The questions are ridiculous! Both my parents were plagued by them every time they were hospitalized or were sent to physical therapy/rehabilitation facilities. One time I asked the social worker WHY they put you through so many mental tests when you are NOT there for dementia, etc. She said it is because the (damn) insurance companies force them to do so. I get that they have to ask some things, BUT the questions they ask/test you on after they tell you a stupid little story and God forbid you did not memorize it is insane. I doubt that I would remember enough to answer their stupid questions!

    So exited at the thought of you getting a kitten or two! They are the best emotional therapy in my book.


    - Kim

  12. The questions on the forms that hospitalized patients and patients going in for a visit are not designed by the health care staff...neither docs, nurses or other health care people write them. They are designed by companies hired by the medical institution to account for possible lawsuits, injuries, complaints about care, etc from patients. The staff, particularly the docs, do not read them. It's why, when they ask you to fill out what meds you are taking, often you get asked the same question during the visit, by the MA or the nurse. They usually don't read them either. The forms are there for a different reason then your health.

  13. Jon,
    So happy to see an update here from you! So you're in the dreaded rehab. Oh how I hate being in that position. And the dreaded social worker. I had one of those come frequently when I was caretaking Bill. I had to be very careful with my answers. I had to keep Bill and home and if I answered her questions truthfully without a doubt they would have taken bill away from me. Bill was suffering enough but it would absolutely kill him if he was away from me and his home which he so loved. Did he or me consider suicide? Absolutely. Almost daily I had to talk Bill out of taking his own life. I didn't know where he had those Exacto knives hidden. I explained to him many times that if he killed himself he would only create more problems for me. I think that's what convinced him to stay alive until he could no longer get off the floor because he was so weak and he finally had to leave his home. But he was unconscious the whole time and only spent three days at the hospice center before he died. His spirit has returned many times to me (usually by way of a burned out Christmas light) to let me know he is in Paradise now and awaiting me to rejoin him.
    I know how much you want to return home and I hope you can sooner than later. And with another cat! Oh wouldn't that be wonderful? So looking forward to that day for you Jon!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.