Saturday, February 22, 2025


Prince Siegfried aimed his arrow heavenwards, shot high into the sky.......

.......and the swan came tumbling down.


So, how are you doing, Jon? Three descriptions quickly come to mind:

Nightmare, Twilight Zone, the deepest realms of Hell. And that's putting it mildly.

Severe degenerative joint disease in my right hip.

Severe degenerative disc disease in my lower spine.

I never ever never knew that these maladies (not melodies) could cause such brutal, unrelenting, torturous PAIN. Enough to make a grown (?) man scream and cry.

This past week was (and is) the absolute worst one of my life. They've given me double doses (!!!) of tramadol - - which gives me horrific side effects (dizziness, lethargy, irregular heartbeat) and it does NOTHING to alleviate the pain.

I've refused it - - - while all the experts are searching to find a suitable pain medication for me.

Takes a few decades, I'm sure.

Wanna see a list of the daily meds that I'm taking? (these are not pain meds).

Vewy impwessive. It's a wonder I'm still breathing.

So I have an appointment to see an orthopedic surgeon next Friday (28th).

Wanna hear the shock of the century? When I heard this, I almost keeled over and croaked.

My insurance co. decided that during this past week I haven't made any sufficient progress - - so they are kicking me out of physical therapy in four days!!!!!

I'll have to go home....or wander in the wilderness.

No more therapy. No orthopedic dr. No more nothing.

I still have at least thirty more days available with insurance, but they don't give a rat's ass.

How the hell can I make "sufficient progress" when I'm in such agonizing pain that I can't get out of bed?

I have only one option to stay in physical therapy.......IF the insurance co. takes my SS and everything I own.

Shit. No way, Jose.

I paid cash for my humble home and I'll be goddamed if anyone will take it.

Well, that's the latest update, and probably the last.

Who knows?

Jon  💜

Baffled, disgusted, shocked, bewildered, confused, frightened beyond words.....


  1. Noooooo I just discovered your blog today! The Daniel Lockin entry had me on my seat. Please keep writing :)

    1. I had completely forgotten about my Daniel Lockin post! Thank you for reminding me - and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I remember writing the Medicare stuff along with my husbands doctor and physio, to find a way to express his impossible dream as progress. Talk about fantasy fiction.

    1. Dealing with insurance companies is an impossible dream.

  3. What these insurance companies do to people is absolutely DISGUSTING. Went through this sh*t with my mom when Geisinger Gold refused to cover her while she was in rehab at Mifflin Center. They had to help her fill out the paperwork to switch to Medicare in order for her to be able to stay there longer. Why? Because, like you, she was not making progress and it got to the point where the prognosis was impossible to do anything about and it was terrible what they put her (us) through!! Medicare will not take away your home, BUT Medicaid will!!!

    All they care about is their all mighty dollar - always the bottom line with insurance companies. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Jon.

    - Kim

    1. Anything to due with insurance is a complete nightmare - - and I'm ready to give up. I've already been through too much and I'm thoroughly exhausted.
      Thanks, Kim.

  4. Your battles seem to keep coming. doing battle with insurance providers is infuriating. I hope you get relief with no hassles.

  5. It's one battle after another and I'm finally ready to surrender. I no longer care.
    No hassles would be wonderful....

    1. Praying for an answer to it all. 🙏 I have been told this symbol means high five, but I use it as praying hands. Maybe someone in the business office there can think of something. Maybe the doctor can write something on a form that says you should stay longer. Maybe, maybe...I don't know. Actually, I have been praying for your healing. It happens. Have you ever heard of Dru Hammer? She was on Chynna Phillips Baldwin's podcast on You Tube recently and, well, you just have to hear the story. She had a kidney condition. Well, it is a good show if you get a chance to see it.

  6. Thats our wonderful health care companies in the US. I mean who are they to decide on medical issues. Are they doctors??? The US has the highest cost of healthcare and the number of people it bankrupts....yet we have the worst outcomes and lowest life expectancy. How it got this far is disgusting. I hope if they send you home, you will at least have some kind of home health coming in? I feel for you Jon. I wish I could magically make you well.

  7. Are they not able to implant a pain pump Jon ? Darn insurance companies, they are a nightmare to negotiate with, I feel for you.
    Hopefully they will come up with a solution that can help you prolong the care you need.
    My heart breaks for you :(
    Prayers and healing wishes.


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