Wednesday, February 14, 2024



What? Am I back already??

Not really. I'm still immersed with problems and hanging from a slender thread - - -

but I wanted to share a video that I made a few years ago.

With sweet thoughts, Jon

(I didn't reply to your comments on my previous post- - but they are greatly appreciated!)


  1. Love it! Happy Valentines & thanks for sharing! πŸ’•
    Pat/Central Texas

  2. A Happy Hearts ❤️ day to you as well, Jon, and remember we are here for you, so vent anytime!

    1. I'll be back venting soon, Dorothy - I promise *smile*

  3. Such a nice blog. I wish I had been gifted with a musical talent. I sing (2nd Alto) but my voice nothing to write home about. *lol* There's a lot of enjoyment in it though. So, there's that.
    It breaks my heart to hear about the physical troubles. Not to diminish your very real agonies but I went through a season of a lot of physical pain as well. I've always been so athletic! It was awful to feel trapped in a failing body but one's mind wants to keep going. This morning I lifted you up to His throne of grace for healing and direction. May the love of Jesus Christ comfort your heart, mind, and soul that you can feel your worth again. Remember you are loved by the One who leaves the 99 other sheep to seek you. I've been stuck in the brambles at times me self. He always comes looking for those of us who stumble (thank God!). That's real love.
    Blessings from SE Georgia.

    1. The only time I dare to sing is when I'm alone.
      I'm sorry to hear of your physical pain. It is extremely difficult adjusting to a handicapped life, when I was once extremely independent and did everything myself.
      Thank you so much for your beautiful comment - - it is greatly appreciated.

  4. That's a lovely video, Jon. Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Sandra, and have a sweet Valentines Day.

  5. Only a few hours ago I was singing this to my girls! Sharing your video (with credit) now.

  6. Thank you,Kim. Big hugs to you and the fuzzy felines.

  7. Ironically, I watched the video this morning and I thought of your two fur babies!
    Share it anytime you like. Thanks.

  8. Thank you for a favorite song! And happy vee day, Jon! Never worry about responding or not. You're at a point in your life where you can do what you can do. No complaints from here!

    1. Perpetual guilt is one of the negative sides of my personality (smile). I feel guilty when I don't reply to the comments.
      You have a happy Vee Day, too!

  9. Perhaps my favorite Sinatra song, along with 'Summer Wind'. Hope this finds you well, and seeing some improvement. Take care, Jon.

  10. It's a classic Sinatra song. Thanks, Mike.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.