Wednesday, December 26, 2018


A few more days until the end of the year. Every year seems to pass more quickly than the last. 

As I grow older, the days and months become an elusive fury of wayward hours that race towards the unavoidable but inevitable destiny of oblivion.
I try to grasp them - like reaching for the brass ring on a runaway carousel - but to no avail. 

Don't be alarmed at my inane musings. It's surprising what a few ounces of beer can do to a sedentary mind on a cold winter night.
I'm merely thinking out loud.

Someone recently mentioned that I'm probably not "the religious type". This was definitely not a derogatory statement. It was simply a very apt observation obtained from reading my blog. 

My mother was deeply religious and I was raised with an enormous knowledge of the Bible. I once was religious, too. 
When I eventually set out on a long and dangerous path of self-destruction and extreme promiscuity, I did it with an enormous amount of guilt. I was a heathen with a conscience.

As I grew older (not that I'm old, mind you) life's harsh lessons rendered me very bitter and emotionally drained.
Am I still religious?
Well, I still believe, but I no longer care. 

I'm still sipping beer and probably saying more than I should. 
Hell, let's just call it a case of Cyber Confessions. 

Change of subject
The holidays seem to have a way of bringing everyone together. Even my two cats.
Scratch (who is 13) was never particularly fond of Bosco (who is 4). She tolerates him but isn't exactly in love with him (kinda like a marriage, huh?).

I think it mostly has to do with the difference in their ages. Scratch basically wants to relax and be alone. Bosco is very active and likes to play. 

One time Bosco sneaked up on Scratch and scared her so hard that she had an asthma attack.

Lately, they exist in cautious harmony.
I took this photo a few days ago.

 Bosco (left) and Scratch
 A word here about the atrocious color scheme:
The cats spend a lot of time on my bed (especially Bosco, who sleeps with me).
I don't want them messing up my good blankets and bedspreads, so I always throw mismatched old blankets on the bed.

I was originally going to write about the recording of White Christmas on my previous post and why it means so much to me. But I'll save it for another time.


  1. Time flies by, enjoy each day, enjoy each year, we can't stop time, we can't save it, or stretch it, or bend it, fold it or mutilate it.

    1. I always like to think, tomorrow never gets here because it's always today!

  2. What do you mean 'atrocious color scheme' - it looks rather nice to me and Bosco and Scratch look very content and well behaved.

  3. I am always amazed around the new year at how fast the time has gone by.
    Glad Bosco and Scratch are tolerating each other more. That's sweet!
    Happy New Year, Jon. :)

  4. "... a heathen with a conscience." I can relate. I know Scratch's asthma attack wasn't funny, but I had to giggle at Bosco's impish side. I still spend my days grasping for that brass ring.

  5. Your poetic side is showing! Parts of this post were very lovely and lyrical. It's nice that a few ounces of beer can make you philosophical. I don't drink beer at all, but if I did, it wouldn't make me write delightful lyrical musings. It's make me burp and fall asleep. Maybe to snore. Um, I mean "purr." Yeah, I don't snore... I purr. (Sometimes very loudly, but still...)

    Happy New Year, Jon!

  6. Sounds to me as if you were well and truly rebelling against God. that is a scary thing to do if you were raised to believe. The animals bring us closer to everyday life, I sometimes think.

  7. i can relate to your comment, "I still believe, but I no longer care." bosco sounds like my dara.

  8. I remember grandma saying "the older you get, time goes by like turning the pages of a book" makes me want to cry.

    1. I never realized how true that is until I got older.


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