Saturday, August 14, 2021




Yesterday was Friday the 13th. I thought this portrait of Bosco was appropriate. Black cats don't bring bad luck. They bring mysticism and entertainment.
Hell, I had a myriad of bad luck long before Bosco was born (and it persists....persists....)

Everyone is undoubtedly sick of my political posts and tedious critiques of the recent Olympics. You'd rather read funny, uplifting posts.

Well, my funny days are officially over. I'm definitely not in a funny mood. If you want entertainment, go to the Kim Jong-un website.

As for politics - - I get a sadistic high when I torture the  hardcore liberals - because they can dish out the crap but can't take it. They're not used to receiving backlash.

I'm in a hostile, fighting mood. So shoot me.

Change of subject (before you decide to leave)

How would you like to wake up in the morning and see your front "yard" looking like this?

The brush is ten feet high due to endless endless rain. It's IMPOSSIBLE to control.

I can't find a decent brush cutter. Most of them are nothing more than glorified weed whackers.

So I'm tackling the jungle single-handed with long-handled clipping shears and a chain saw.

It's difficult to discern my handiwork in the above photo. The right side is what I've cut. The left side is what needs to be cut.
It's a slow and torturous process - especially with my ravaged back and crippled spine. And the broiling heat.

I FINALLY bought a pair of work boots. If I had them six years ago I probably wouldn't have fallen on the ice and destroyed my spine.

They're comfortable and easy to put on. And they'll dissuade the snakes.

Do you remember the snake that I discovered on my bookcase a few weeks ago (or was it a few months ago?).

Well, he (she?) completely disappeared and I never saw him again. I did a very thorough search throughout the house.......but no snake.

I figure he must have slithered out the same way that he came in (wherever that was....).

Gnats, anyone?

Thousands and thousands of gnats everywhere. Extremely aggressive gnats.
I can't even eat a decent meal. I have to keep EVERYTHING completely covered and sneak quick bites before the gnats get it.

I've found gnats in my nachos (I'm not kidding), gnats floating in my iced tea.

The best way to kill gnats is with bowls of vinegar. They love vinegar and will quickly dive in the bowl - never to emerge again (I use plain white vinegar).

Add one or two drops (no more) of dishwashing liquid into the vinegar. This will assure that the gnats won't escape (that might just be an old wives tale, but I do it anyway).

Use OLD bowls that you never want to use again. I usually use old pet food dishes,

These are bowls of gnats that I caught only within a few hours. I presently have three bowls of vinegar in different rooms.

It looks completely disgusting, but the vinegar really works.

And meanwhile......
Kitzee is outside on the front porch, savoring the lazy midst of August.


  1. But I love Political rants. Totally forgot about Friday the 13th. I usually have a good day on those days. ( I actually did have a good day yesterday) does this mean I'm cursed? Unlucky? Or super lucky?
    Have you tried using a scythe for those tall weeds. I know it might be killer for your back, bu it could be good exercise. Also, those "brush cutters suck! They can't take any hemlock or wild parsnip with those wimpy blades. But a sharp Scythe can handle shrubs and brush almost 3/4 to an inch thick! And you would looks really cool and scary using it! That should keep the gnats away.
    Sorry to hear your pet snake is missing. I'm sure he will find his way back when the weather changes in the fall. After the gnats are gone, I'm sure.

    1. A scythe just might be a very good idea. Most brush cutters are worthless, and I'm sick of using gas-powered tools (there are, of course electric ones). Many times the best route to go is old-fashioned muscle power. With a scythe I'd look like the angel of death.

      The gnats should be gone soon, but in September I can look forward to Asian beetles and stink bugs.

  2. I, too, loved your political 'rants.' Hey, I can tell you made a big dent with your shears and chain saw. Tom came home this afternoon with a new machete to take on the kudzu. (I've 9-1-1 on speed dial.) We weren't here in Alabama 3 weeks when I went to Wal Mart and bought myself a pair of boots like yours. Terrified I would run into a snake on the way to the mailbox. So far no snakes, but with all the rainfall we get I keep them at the ready by the back door.

    1. I never knew a rural existence could be so much trouble. It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't CONSTANT rain. The brush literally grows overnight.
      I love those work boots and should have definitely had them long ago. I was a fool to wear cowboy boots around here. They are the main reason I fell so many times.

  3. The vinegar (apple cider) and detergent was our go to method for fruit flies. We lived in VA in an agricultural area and also had a small garden. We also had bowls in several rooms, but thankfully not as many victims as you, Jon. Work boots like yours were also common in VA. You do have a garden jungle and a bush hog, the powered type, would sure be handy and save your back.

    1. Being a sissy city boy at heart, I had never thought about getting work boots until recently. They really come in handy and make it a LOT easier to trudge around this impossible terrain.
      I would definitely need a brush hog but they're cumbersome and expensive.

      The insects are a huge problem here and I honestly think gnats are the worst. Strangely enough there are never very many mosquitos (thank goodness). I can't figure that out...

  4. Replies
    1. Wine definitely draws gnats - but I'm too greedy to give them wine.

  5. I mow my 'yard' with cows here in wv

    1. My property is so lethal that it would probably kill cows.

  6. I hate bugs of any kind and this godforsaken heat and humidity is bringing out the gnats even worse than usual! I am glad you finally got boots!

    1. I used to think Texas had a lot of bugs, but it can't compare with TN. The insects come in cycles here - - bees and wasps in early spring, then gnats and fruit flies, and finally Asian beetles and stink bugs.

  7. I also wanted to say I rather enjoyed the cool pic of Bosco!! COME ON AUNTUMN!

    1. I recently discovered that photo of Bosco. It was probably taken when I first moved here. Looking forward to autumn and Halloween!

  8. Jon,
    Vinegar definitely works to attract gnats. We had them at the hotel where I used to work ( on leave of absence now caregiving for Bill). Wine works too. Cover the top with plastic wrap and punch holes in the wrap. Tge gnats get in but can’t figure their way out. I’


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.