Monday, January 31, 2022


I'm presently going through some of the worst times of my life. The onslaught of major problems that I have seem completely insurmountable, and my health issues are increasing at an alarming rate.
In short, I'm in free fall without a net.
And this brutal, eternally frigid winter is a devastating accompaniment.

As if things couldn't get worse, my cat Kitzee (also known as Scratch) isn't doing well at all. She's sixteen years old - which is an incredible age for a cat - but she was in such remarkably good health that I had no concerns. In fact, during these sixteen years she was never sick - not even once.

During the past few days, however, I noticed a sudden and marked change.  She's rather lethargic and sleeps constantly. Most concerning is the fact that she stopped eating, but drinks a lot of water.

I generally feed my two cats dry food - but nearly every morning I give them some "wet" canned food as a sort of treat.  Every morning Kitzee would run into the kitchen and eagerly wait for her food. The past few mornings she won't even look at the food. I tried everything to get her to eat, with no success.

One of my on-going concerns is that my other cat - seven year old Bosco - has lots of respiratory issues, constantly sneezing and wheezing. I've always had separate food and water dishes for them, and separate litter boxes - but lately these cautions have been ignored. Bosco sometimes eats and drinks out of Kitzee's dishes - and Kitzee occasionally drinks from Bosco's water dish.
Also, they both sleep on my bed in close proximity.

In short, I'm wondering if Kitzee finally contracted something from Bosco - - or is it just old age that's quickly catching up with her.

Anyway, I'm extremely upset and absolutely can't bear to see her sudden deterioration. For me, it's beyond heartbreaking.  She has been such a major part of my life for so long that being without her seems like an impossibility.

This post is probably of little interest to anyone but myself, yet I plan to write more about my cats in the near future.

Right now, everything about my future seems extremely bleak.





  1. I'm sure they would have given each other all the ailments and bugs that would have come up by now. But 16 years old is up there for a cat. And as long as she drinks water, that is a positive sign. I'm no vet, but when one of our cats had a kidney problems, they stop drinking all together. Cats are tougher than people think, able to survive the most ridiculous situations that they get themselves into. ( Like stuck under the neighbors house!) Good luck! She will pull through if she is supposed to. Warm safe place will do wonders.

  2. My Starbooty was much the same as what poor little Kitzee is going through. She sadly didn't make it. She was the best cat I had. 16 is a good run for a cat. Or she could be just in one of those phases and it will hopefully past. I sure hope the universe sends some good vibes to you soon and all this ends. Keep us posted Jon.

  3. It is distressing to think about possibly losing a furbaby on top of everything else. Annie is also about 16 (rescue so could be off a year either way). I am pretty sure she has diabetes. She's been eating and drinking like crazy for way over a year and has been gradually losing weight. I can't afford a chronic cat illness and Annie--well--if I had to catch her and bring her to the vet regularly (let alone have to give her shots) it would destroy the trust and bonding it took us so long to get to...the very peaceful life with me she has grown to love. Plus, I'd never be able to catch her in the first place as soon as she knew what was coming. Being a rescue she is afraid of people in the first place and very wary. The only natural possible cure or help we could research was feeding her raw meat. That is why I've been making raw food for her and switched her to the more expensive no grain foods. However long she has I want her to live as happily and peacefully as possible. As long as she is not in pain and doesn't appear to be feeling any pain--Annie just lives contentedly with this old lady fighting cancer. ;) She and I both have our issues, I guess.
    I really hope it is a passing thing with Kitzee! Sending positive thoughts.

  4. I have cats, and I find them quite interesting. So I'd love to hear more about yours.

  5. I'd don't blame you one bit for feeling distressed. Is there any way you can get Kitzee to a vet? There's lots of bad stuff I can take as a human -- not so when it extends to one of my animals. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. I am sorry that you are going through such hard times. Poor Kitzee. I wish that there was a veterinarian in your nearby town that you could take Kitzee to. Poor Kitzee Kitty. I am sending positive thoughts that she will recover, and times will soon get easier for you. Take care,Jon.

  7. My heart goes out to you Jon with your concerns about Kitzee. Losing a pet is one of the worst things that can happen to us. I'm still not over the loss of my beloved Horace who died after sixteen long faithful years in 1998. It's hard, very hard.

  8. Either one of those things are possible, of course. I wonder if perhaps Kitzee's teeth are bothering her and that is why she is no longer wanting eat if maybe her mouth is hurting her? That happened to one of our boys and he had to have 6 teeth pulled at the vets!

    My heart deeply goes out to you and I for one am both interested and concerned for your fur babies. Please keep us updated and I am sending LOTS of prayers your way!!

  9. Dear Jon—I am more of a dog person, but we love our pets so much that they’re our family too. I am definitely sending positive thoughts for a good recovery.
    I worry about you, Jon! Is there anything I can do to help? If there is a way that I can get you my email address privately, please let me know. I want to help any way that I can.
    Jackie in CA—your one liberal reader

    1. Jackie - I TRULY appreciate your concern - it means more than you'll ever know. I think I'll be all right. I've survived more horrible times than I'd ever care to remember.
      I'm (unfortunately) usually slow at replying to email, but here's my email address:

  10. As a former cat owner who has also lost beloved felines, Jon, I also understand your distress and sadness about Kitzee and as you can see from previous comments so do other blog friends. Pets bring so much companionship, joy, and unconditional love into our lives sometimes at the darker times. The best thing you may be able to do is to be there and sure Kitzee knows you care, and as sad as it is to say, sometimes that is all that can be done.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.