Wednesday, February 2, 2022




Photo taken yesterday morning from the back porch - a fiery ball of sun, rising beyond the trees.

Today (Wednesday) it's pouring rain. By Friday, the wicked ice is supposed to return. Winter taunts...and never leaves.

I don't want this blog to turn into a cat and crisis blog - but lately those two things have completely infiltrated my life. My own health issues were so alarmingly bad this morning that I.......well, never mind.  I always pray that I won't die here alone. No one would ever find me.

Many thanks for your comments on my previous post. I'll address some of the things you mentioned, concerning my ailing cat Kitzee. 

Kitzee hasn't been eating, but it's not because of tooth trouble. Her teeth seem to be fine. She is still drinking a lot of water. She tried to nibble on some dry cat food yesterday - - but she absolutely won't look at the "wet" canned food which, only a week ago, she always loved.

I can't discern exactly what's wrong with her - but she sleeps a lot, and behaves rather strange and seems slightly confused. She stays in my bedroom constantly now. I keep water and cat food in there, and a litter box in the adjacent bathroom. Bosco (my other cat) likes to stay in my bedroom, too. It's the feline home base.

I've checked Kitzee carefully. The only thing I can see is that she seems to have a stuffy nose, runny eyes, and some wheezing. Upper respiratory infection?  Possibly.

I'm very hesitant to take her to the vet. The excruciatingly long drive to town, and all the involved stress, would probably kill her.

Besides, I'm thinking of something that happened about three years ago (2018, I think). My four-year-old cat Scruffy was extremely sick. I called the vet's office and told them it was an emergency.

I was curtly informed that the vet was out, tending to horses and livestock. She couldn't see Scruffy for two days.
I knew that would be too late. I took Scruffy to the vet two days later - - and she died there. I'm still extremely upset every time I think of it.

This afternoon I sat on my bed and Kitzee crawled over and got into my lap. Kall me krazy, but I'd rather have her home. I don't think a (heartless) vet would care much about a sixteen-year-old cat.

In my horrified memory, I'm suddenly thinking of when my mother was dying. The indifferent doctor - who could hardly speak English - curtly said "She's old. She has to die."

Somehow, that ice cold pronouncement hit me like an avalanche.

Anyway, yesterday I decided to put a vaporizer in my bedroom, with the hope that it might help Kitzee. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the vaporizer anywhere. I searched the house numerous times. Finally (miracle of miracles) I found it today. It's an ancient Vicks vaporizer, but it still works and emits a fair amount of steam.

I had it in the bedroom for over an hour this afternoon. I stayed in there the whole while, because I wouldn't dare leave it unattended. I'll probably bring it back in tonight.

Kitzee, sleeping on my bed yesterday.

The vaporizer this afternoon. The steam looks much more sinister on a photo than it is in real....

Meanwhile, Bosco looking out the bedroom window. The photo's kind of blurry because I didn't use a flash.

Change of subject:
I've finally started ordering some things online, because I'm tired and disgusted with having to make the long trek to town.
My rural location is difficult to find and in the past, packages have been delivered to the wrong address. Lately FedEx has found my address and has delivered right on time.

Unfortunately, today - in torrential rain - the FedEx truck nearly got stuck in the mud.

It's happened to me dozens of times.......



  1. I hope the vaporizer will help you and Kitzee.

    The vet who said that to you about your other kitty about she has to die, she's old, was a cold-hearted bitch. She is in the wrong profession.

    Our little 17year old Fuzzy Pomeranian has suddenly started pacing for hours on end, falling over, having to be helped to get up, only to start pacing again. I don't know if he suddenly has dementia or one of his health problems is causing him to act this way. Back in June of 2021 we were told that he has a failing liver, heart murmur, and testicular cancer and probably had only 2 weeks to 2 months to live due to those problems. Since then he has been his funny little self. Well here we are in February 2022, and just yesterday he started having this crazy pacing for hours on end, until he gets so tired he keeps falling over and needing help to get up so he can pace some more. I was reading on google that sometimes pain can cause a dog to pace like that, but he doesn't whine or scream in pain when picked up, so I don't think he is in pain. I was up all night with him last night and tonight, it's 6 am now and I am still up with him pacing. So far,he hasn't been falling down. Maybe he is trying fight off death, I don't know. Most of the vets were closed here yesterday because of ice on the roads and it is still snowing now. I don't know how much longer we will have little Fuzzy with us.I don't know if we will have to have him euthanized, or if death will catch him before that, or if he may snap out of this and be fine tomorrow.

    In my life winter has been the time when family members passed away. I hate winter.

    Take care and I hope Kitzee feels better today.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your precious dog Fuzzy. It's heartbreaking to watch our beloved pets deteriorate,after they have been our constant companions for many years. You and I seem to be going through the same ordeal.
      My cat Kitzee was fine a week ago, but has very suddenly deteriorated. She refuses to eat and seems rather confused and behaving strangely. It's hard to know what to do. I suppose all we can really do is try to make them comfortable and give them love.

      My thoughts and prayers are with you and Fuzzy.

  2. Thank you, Jon, for addressing our Kitzee questions! Still praying, and hope the vaporizer provides some measure of relief. That's great news about FedEx making good on their Mission Statement; perhaps you could reward that driver with a bottle of your homemade wine?

    1. The homemade wine would come in handy if we have to push the FedEx truck out of the mud. I'm heartbroken over Kitzee - she seems to have deteriorated so quickly (last week she was fine). I'll be using the vaporizer again...and try to encourage her to eat.

  3. I could never EVER work in a hospital environment, for a physician like you mentioned. Sure, and they're forbidden from becoming emotionally involved, but that's outrageous. One of Tom's friends recently posted on FB what his father's doctor said. Something to the same effect -- he's old and probably won't recover; we need the bed.

    1. I suppose the doctor was just trying to be realistic - but to me he sounded harsh and cold.

  4. I know just how you feel with wanting Kitzee at home where she is relaxed and feels safe. I hope the humidifier helps.
    I'm glad FedEx has found you! Much easier to get deliveries when you can. :)

    1. Going to the vet would really traumatize Kitzee - and I know you feel the same way about Annie. It's a hard decision, but I prefer to keep her home.

      I'm delighted that FedEx has my correct address (finally!) and is so prompt.

  5. I completely understand how you feel about Kitzee. I hope the vaporizer helps her! Sometimes it's difficult to know the right thing to do - trust a vet (I hate dealing with them, too for the same reasons you mentioned), or let them enjoy what is left of their life by being home and surrounded by LOVE!

    Still praying and thank you for keeping us updated, Jon.

    1. It's extremely difficult deciding what's the right thing to do. I honestly don't think the vet could do much for a sixteen-year-old cat. Right now, I think it's best to keep Kitzee at home in her familiar environment. I'll use the vaporizer again and try to get her to eat.

  6. Thanks for the update on Kitzee, Jon, and your thoughts about anting to keep her at home are well taken because traumatizing her would not be in her best interest now. If the time does come, it would surely be more a comfort for her to be where she feels safe and much loved, sorry to say that.

    Thanks very much for the birthday well wishes and safe travel thoughts. Also I like that we think alike on celebrating year long. Glad you enjoyed reading the post, I do learn much and enjoy sharing with everyone (can't you tell?)

    Interesting to read that we were both born on the same day of the week, Thursday, and in the a.m. hours.

    1. Dorothy, I think it's best to enjoy the celebration of life all year, rather than on just one day. Your blog posts are always interesting and informative - and accompanied by great photos.

      As for my cat Kitzee, I think it's best to keep her here at home in a familiar environment. The whole ordeal of going to the vet would be traumatic for a timid sixteen-year-old cat. I only hope that I can get her to eat again. I'll be using the vaporizer again tonight.

      Take care and enjoy your road trip adventure!

  7. Think of you and your fur babies Jon. Hoping for the best!

    1. Thanks, Ron! I hope you are doing well and staying cozy during this rotten winter. Hugs to you and Bill.

  8. Jon, thinking of you and your sweet cat. I have been lucky so far to have wonderful, caring vets and it makes a huge difference. I agree with you that the ride in the car, if she is not used to it, and the trip to town would be very traumatizing for her. Your love and care, and your presence, will be the best for her.
    Jackie in CA

    1. Hi, Jackie - the positive news is that Kitzee seems a little better today. I'll do my best to keep her comfortable here at home. A long trip to the vet would be far too traumatic for her. Many thanks for your concern.

  9. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry about Kitzee. It's heartbreaking to see them get sick and not know what to do for them. But, I wonder if you cooked up chicken and shredded it fine if she could eat that and get some protien in her. I hope the vaporizer works too. Wendy

    1. Hi, Wendy - Kitzee has always been a picky eater - she wouldn't eat the chicken (but I sure would!). Lately, she won't even look at her favorite canned cat food. I do think that the vaporizer is helping. I'll post another update soon. Thanks for your input and concern!

  10. I agree with the Cat action. Vet kill cats.... Period. Everything we take a cat to the vet...unless it is for a fixin'.. they come home in a box. The vapor is a great idea. We had a cat with pneumonia and they told us to "vaporize" her in the shower... I sat with her for two days. At least your cat is still drinking water. We had to force Rasha to drink and BOOM she finally broke the sickness. That cat had all 9 lives used up by the time she finally passed.

    1. Vets are like doctors - their main purpose in life is to write prescriptions and send bills.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.