Thursday, January 27, 2022


Counting the weeks, days, hours, minutes until spring. March 20th. It can't come soon enough.

Here in the frigid wilds of Tennessee, more snow is expected tomorrow. Nothing heavy this time, but enough to frost what's left of my soul.

There was no water today - which scared the living jeeters out of me, because I thought the pipes froze (although I tend to them very carefully).
In about five hours, the water was back on. This happens quite often here - even in the summer.  One time I turned on the tap and solid MUD came oozing out. I called city maintenance and they told me to run the tap for five minutes to clear it out.
I ran the tap for five minutes.
It cleared out.
Unpleasant surprises never end in the Rural Twilight Zone where I live.

My furnace still isn't working, but I really don't give a damn. I'm keeping sufficiently warm with space heaters and electric blankets.

Here's a BIG flash for you:

Last year in January, when my furnace was working - my utility bill was nearly $300.

This month - without using the damn furnace - my utility bill was $25. Twenty-five dollars!!!!!!! 

I just realized that I don't have any photos to accompany this blog post. Photoless posts are boring

Wait a minute, Jon. You're never boring.

I've been physically sick and very deeply depressed, but that seldom stops me from writing.

My next post will be much more interesting. I know that for certain because I've already written it. It's about my sordid, unconventional past - - debauchery, one-night stands, danger and murder (I'm not kidding)....... won't be disappointed.



  1. you may want to take good look at your electric bill.
    $25 may be estamated amount if they could not read your meter in blizzard conditions.
    they will hit you big time next month

    1. Ron, I already paid the $25 bill. I'm not sure how they calculate the utility costs, but no one has ever come way out here to read the meter.

  2. It's good to hear from you Jon.. I've been thinking about you. I can't wait until your next blog! I guess all the snow has been going your way because we haven't had much at all here in our side of Tennessee. Stay warm and safe. Take care of yourself!

    1. My area seems to be a target for snow this season. The temp. is supposed to drop drastically tomorrow night (Friday), but slightly warmer weather is predicted for next week.
      My next blog post will possibly (probably?) offend some people - - but being offensive is one of my specialties.

  3. Yeah, it is already snowing here and we are supposed to get A LOT more tomorrow of this white shit! I am being forced to work mandatory overtime tomorrow BUT if we get what they are calling for I will use my last 1 in 4. SPRING CANNOT COME SOON THE F**K ENOUGH!!

    1. This frigid winter weather is bad enough if you can stay home, but it's FAR worse if you have to go out. I certainly hope you can get out of going to work. The temperature here in TN is supposed to be around 5 degrees tonight (Friday) and I'm DREADING it! Take care.

  4. P.S. - Looking forward to your NEXT post! lol

  5. That utility bill didn't surprise me, Jon, because when we lived in VA we also paid high electricity costs. For us, it was higher in summer when we had to run the AC a lot because of the hot, humid temps which could create mold in the house. Our monthly electric bill in the mill apt is rarely over $50 now and often lower in winter months. Living on the top floor may have some benefits! We're forecast to get our first major snow hit of the winter, but the forecast keeps changing.

    By the way, your comment did dome through on my post today, thanks. I agree the realtor did a crap job on the listing, but bet the condo has been long sold.

    1. I'm really surprised that your winter electric bill is so low - especially in NH. I think there are benefits to being on the top floor5. My bill is very low in the summer because I don't have AC.

      I seldom have trouble leaving comments on your blog - but some other blogs have lots of Blogger glitches. I'll never figure out why....

  6. Must admit, I dread the end of Winter ... but in your case I'm gonna put a lid on it. You deserve a break, that's for sure. We're due for a last gasp of frigid temps in the next 24 hours. As the 'authorities' predict the possibility of broken pipes, Tom's out wrapping the exterior pipes now. Never mind your warning label, I'm looking forward to your next post!

    1. I hate cold weather and hot weather. I wouldn't mind winter if I didn't live in this drafty, freezing igloo. I'm glad Tom is wrapping your water pipes - they can freeze very easily.
      My next post will appear soon...

  7. I'm glad you are staying warm enough! But that electric bill is crazy! I wondered, too, if it was an estimate or something. They must have some way to check usage?

    1. The old, noisy furnace in my house REALLY runs up the electric bill. I'm actually glad that I'm not using it this year. I'm not sure how the utility usage is checked here in rural TN, but no one ever comes to read the meter.
      I hope you and Annie are staying warm and cozy. Take care!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.