Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 I haven't done any Q & As in a very long time, so I snagged these old ones from Sunday Stealing

Set One
1. Would you rather be the guest or the host?

I prefer not to be either, but if forced at gunpoint I'd rather be a guest.
2. What do you like to wear when you feel fancy?

My Frederick's of Hollywood pink and lavender negligee.

3. How often do you try something completely new?

I haven't tried anything new since I got my first skateboard when I was twelve.
4. Do you enjoy weddings?

I've always had an intense dislike for weddings. They're a complete waste of money and time. Besides, I don't think there's been a virginal bride since Queen Victoria.
5. Have you ever had something customized?

Not that I can remember.
6. Do you cook spontaneously or meal plan?

I usually plan meals, but prepare them spontaneously.

7. Books you like to read over and over

I should probably be morally compliant and say the Bible. But truthfully, I don't like to read anything over and over.

8. What are you really good at?

Giving sarcastic answers to annoying questions.
9. Do you sleep with windows open or a fan on?

If I ever currently slept with the window open I'd turn into a popsicle, but I always sleep with wide-open windows in the summer.
10. What is the easiest recipe you know?

Chicken nuggets in the microwave.

 11. Are you comfortable starting conversations with strangers?

I'm not even comfortable talking to people I know.

12. Do you prefer quiet, or ambient noise when you relax?

Ambient noise would drive me to the brink of insanity.
13. Who is your most adventurous or exciting friend?

When I was a wild and reckless youth in California, I had lots of adventurous and exciting friends. One of my "very close companions" (think what you like) was an ex-con who had been in prison for armed robbery and attempted murder (no, I'm not jesting).
14. What do you eat when you can’t decide what to eat?

When I can't decide what to eat, I usually wind up eating anything that I wouldn't initially decide to eat.

15. Do you have any funny pet stories? 

 Yes, but I'll keep them to myself because I don't want anyone to get injured from laughing too hard.


Set Two

1. Do you buy things when you want them or wait for sales?

If I waited around for sales I wouldn't have anything.

 2. Do you think time moves slowly or quickly?

When I was a child, time seemed to go on blissfully forever. The older I get, the more quickly time flies - to the point where I can hardly keep up with it.

 3. How often do you spend time alone?

As much time as possible.

 4. What’s something that has changed in the last month?

The pages on my calendar.

 5. What’s the best part of your job, profession?

Music? Writing? The two most potent ways to express myself.

 6. How many pens do you have?

I never counted my pens, but I have at least three dozen phobias and idiosyncrasies.

 7. What are your healthiest habits?

Taking lots of vitamins after eating copious amounts of junk food.

 8.. Do you have a favorite postage stamp?

Yea, the Lizzie Borden commemorative stamp.

 9. Who did you talk to the most this week?

I talked the most to myself this week - and the conversation was insightful and stimulating.

 10. What’s on your bedside table?

A semi-automatic handgun and a box of condoms.
Don't panic, I just said that to see if you're awake. My bedside table has antacids, earplugs, and a cell phone.

 11. How often do you try something new?

Being cautious, superstitious, and a creature of habit - I seldom try new things.

 12. What are some of your grocery list staples?

Tea, evaporated milk, cheese, eggs, orange juice, smoked sausage, Black Forest ham, any kind of fish, yogurt, Malt-O-Meal, any kind of fruit, salsa, peanut butter, frozen pizza, cheese crackers, any kind of sweets........

 13. Do you have a favorite poet? 

Thomas James, Philip Levine, Wilfred Owen, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Emily Dickinson, Louise Gluck, Carl Sandburg, Robert Frost, too many more to mention.

 14. What interesting fact do you know?

What? Only one? I know so many interesting facts that I often astonish myself.

 15. Do you fold laundry right away or do it later?

Long ago I used to carefully fold it. Nowadays, I really don't give a damn.


Cheers, Jon


  1. I'm so glad you decided to do these again. No matter the tone, your responses are delightful. Only wish I had the nerve to do the same -- but my fragile ego couldn't take the probable UNfollowing that would occur. I probably should refrain from saying my favorite was the Lizzie Borden commemorative stamp, but given my present mood ...

    1. I try to be as spontaneous as possible when giving my answers. I seldom think beforehand.
      Since I've always had an uncanny knack for offending people, I really don't care what I say. I was initially going to say the Hitler commemorative stamp, but thought Lizzie Borden was funnier.

  2. I can't believe I have never counted my pens. Too many to count in too many places--LOL! These are always fun to read--even when snarky--LOL!

    1. I thought about you and your pens! You certainly have a lot of them to count. I always get a kick out of answering these questions.

  3. LOL ... Jon, you made my day! I loved your answers - ALL of them! Thank you for making me laugh - I truly need that!

    1. (Oops, I was working on a post for my cat blog and forgot it is under "Witchy Cats" - but you know it is Kim, right? lol)

    2. I'm delighted to know you enjoyed my answers. Judging by the sparse number of comments I received, you're one of the few people who appreciates my "humor". Thanks!

    3. I initially didn't know it was you, Kim. I like the Witchy Cats name.

    4. Well, let's face it, your friends and followers like myself who commented actually HAVE a sense of humor. LOL!!

    5. I'm glad that there are still some people with a sense of humor. Too many people nowadays are hyper-sensitive - and it infuriates me.

  4. Lizzy Bordon was a HOOT! (How many people even know who she is or what she did?) I also liked the Gun and Condom night stand. It made me think,"What could they possibly be used for? A one night stand that goes very, VERY wrong? " Also, When I first read it, I was not shocked. Keeping a gun on the nightstand seems totally logical from the background I came from. Now the Box of Condom... I might be a little more discreet.
    Love the post. Love the answers. I filled up pages of Facebook questions answering just like you, ( from the hip.) But then someone told me that those personal comments can be used against me.... even if I was just messing around. Go figure. Still... Snarky answers to cheesy questions seems like my cup of tea.

    1. There is an old adage that one should never write anything that couldn't be read in court. Unfortunately, we have to be very careful nowadays because Big Brother is constantly watching us....


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.