Saturday, February 19, 2022


Is it possible to delete my recent history, like I do on the computer?

Don't ponder that for too long. It was just a fleeting thought.

Last Monday: Valentine's Day.
There was a major "glitch" (I hate that word) on the account I have with a major company. Without going into major personal details, I'll just say that I thought I was financially wiped out.
It was the closest I ever came to having a heart attack.

Tuesday morning.
The major "glitch" wasn't my fault - it was a company error. I was on the phone for nearly an hour - and things were finally straightened out. My Big Sigh of relief was tremendous.

Have you ever spent an entire winter with a furnace that isn't working properly? I have been solely relying on space heaters.
My enthusiasm for getting a new $3,000 furnace is minimal.

Truth to tell - the space heaters have been heating the house better than the faulty furnace did. I've been keeping sufficiently warm.

Have you ever had to wash clothes by hand, in cold water........and then have to hang the wash outside early in the morning when it's sixteen degrees (Fahrenheit)?
The experience is beyond exhilarating.

I wouldn't dare tell you about the exciting adventures I've had with my incomprehensibly errant water heater......

Have you ever been without a working oven for over a month? I know how to fix it, but getting the proper replacement part has been a challenge. The new "proper" replacement part is supposed to arrive (finally) next Tuesday.

Truth to tell: I've been without a working oven for so long that I don't even miss it. I've managed cooking very well without it.

I've learned that there are many things in life which we can do without.
Except sex and booze.

The wind (and thunderstorms) were so strong last Thursday that I was afraid more trees would be toppled. Fortunately the trees didn't topple this time.
My property is presently littered with so many toppled trees from previous storms that I cringe at the thought of cleaning them up.
I hate the word "topple".....

I won't bother to mention the innumerable health "issues" that I've been enduring.
Daily "aura" migraine headaches. Dizzy spells. Problems with an old spinal injury that recently makes it nearly impossible for me to walk (NO exaggeration). I need surgery but have staunchly refused it.
I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to begin a relationship with a doctor......

What's this?
You think I'm complaining too much??
Well, comrades, I haven't even told you a fraction of my troubles. What I've revealed here is only the tip of the proverbial ice berg.

I've made a brief video tribute to my recently deceased cat Kitzee. It's a blatantly embarrassingly sentimental gesture - - but I'm a blatantly sentimental person.
I miss her immensely.

In recent years, all the things from my past have suddenly been abandoning me.....

Video best viewed full-screen


  1. Yours is such a sweet video tribute! Only animal lovers can appreciate this sort of emotional agony.
    For what it's worth, Tom has always refused to consider spinal surgery -- until it became an emergent situation; that or become a paraplegic. Would you at least consider having an MRI ... or, on the other end of the spectrum, acupuncture?

    1. Tom's spinal problems were very sobering for me, because I know that my own problems will eventually get worse. I wish I didn't live so FAR away from good medical facilities. For now, I'll just valiantly (foolishly) hang on and hope for the best.....

  2. Awww! Lovely tribute!
    I pray you feel better or finally go in to be looked at at least.
    I hope you have a decent weekend, Jon. :)

    1. Thanks, Rita. I think making a video tribute (or any kind of tribute) is a positive way to aide in the healing process. Our furry feline friends really do enhance our lives.
      I hope you (and Annie) are doing well and staying cozy.

  3. That was a beautiful tribute to Kitzee. It looks like she enjoyed her time with you,Jon. She sure looked pretty when she posed with flowers. She was a very good kitty.

    1. The photo with the flowers is one of my favorites - although I wish I had used a better camera. That was an Easter bouquet. Kitzee was a very well-behaved cat. I never had any problems with her.

  4. She was so cute as a kitten (aren't they all?) I love cat videos. You tube knows this and tempts me all the time with hundreds of hours of cat videos. Even though I ave three laying on me as I type this. Hey! You want one? They are all orange tiger striped males. One ( the fourth one NOT on me currently) has long hair and looks like a teddy bear. All are fixed... So no spraying. All have claws.. so say goodbye to your furniture and hello to lots of rodent carcasess. Cheryl won't let me get a Chaplin ( black and white) female cat. She likes the orange boys for some reason. But we have 4 currently and are willing to donate one for a good cause. Take as long as you want to think about it... they all love the great outdoors.

    1. OH! Was that a BIRD in one of those pics?

    2. I initially wanted the video to be longer, but didn't want it to become boring.
      Yes, that is a bird. I had a Senegal parrot for twenty years (he died in Texas). Kitzee used to enjoy sitting on top of his cage and flustering him.
      I'm going to wait awhile before I adopt another cat. Perhaps in the spring or summer...??

  5. This was a lovely tribute to your beloved Kitzee, Jon. My favorite images were where she was sitting with a paw on the open journal and also the one of her looking at the rabbit statue. Your ongoing issues with the furnace, stove, water heater are disturbing to even read about, but your medical issues are even more worrisome.

    1. I have so many photos of Kitzee that it was difficult to choose them for the video. Kitzee was on my bed and it looked exactly like she was reading my journal. I couldn't resist taking that photo. I also like the one of her encountering the Easter bunny.

      I presently have so many problems that I'm hardly able to function, but I'll (hopefully) get through it somehow. I'm looking forward to the warmth of spring....

  6. it's been so long since i have had sex, i forget who gets tied up

    1. Getting into a serious relationship can really tie you up! (*smile*)

  7. Aww, what a beautiful tribute to Kitzee! Lovely video!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.