Monday, March 21, 2022


I hate hot weather. I loathe tropical climates. Places that have an absence of four seasons are immensely depressing.

I lived in Southern California for thirty years. I existed in West Texas for more years than I care to remember. Neither place had distinct seasonal changes. The bland sameness all year long is detrimental to the soul.

Why am I writing this? I have no clue. I'm merely thinking out loud after ingesting an invigorating amount of homemade wine.

This year I was glad to see winter vanish and spring arrive. As much as I prefer cold weather, winter is no delight when one (meaning myself) is existing in rural poverty. 

Winter is absolutely wonderful when you're safely ensconced in your cozy, well-insulated house, watching the snowy landscape through the double-pane glass storm windows. Winter is a delight when your state-of-the-art furnace is blasting and you're bundled up in your $1,500 recliner, sipping a piping hot beverage, and deciding what you'll watch next on Netflix.

Winter is absolute hell when you're all alone in the wilderness, surrounded by isolated woods and hungry packs of coyotes - - in a flimsy, un-insulated house with paper-thin windows and leaky doors.

Winter is devastating when the dampness in your house is so intense, that the clothes hanging in your closets are actually wet - - when the furnace isn't working and there are no funds to get a new one, when you're shivering so hard inside the house that your fingers are completely numb and your breath comes out in frosty white puffs.

Winter is a bitch when you have to stay up all night, carefully monitoring the water pipes to make sure they don't freeze - - - when you run low on supplies and have to drive untold miles to town on a narrow, winding, icy mountain road in a car that is nearly falling apart......when you finally bring home a loaf of bread and have to hide it in the refrigerator so the mice won't get it.

Have you ever had to hand-wash clothes in ice cold water, and then hang them outside to dry when the temperature is 15 degrees (Fahrenheit)? Don't even think about it........

Yes, dear comrades, I'm absolutely delighted that winter has finally left and spring lingers invitingly before us.
In a few weeks I might actually begin to warm up........

Oh, one more thing before I depart:

Many thanks to the two kind people who read my previous blog post. It's comforting to know that at least someone is there and thinking about me.

When you get more spam on your blog than comments, it's time to worry......and perhaps give up.

Cheers, Jon

No photos this time. I really don't care....



  1. I have lived in places where I had to keep the water trickling away almost all winter to keep the pipes from freezing and where I had to live bundled up with several layers of clothes and socks all winter while the windows frosted up completely on the inside...I much prefer my place now where I can sit all cozy and watch Netflix--yes! yes! yes! But I still would rather live up north where our awful hot buggy summers are brief. ;)

    1. Summer is my least favorite season (I prefer autumn and spring). One good thing about Tennessee is that the summers aren't brutally hot and are rather brief. What I hate most are the bugs!

  2. I read the blog post last night. Sorry I didn't comment. I was feeling a mood as well.... But hey! Winter! Hopefully it is fully over. The next three days are rain and possibly SNOW! in Iowa! How is this possible when I just spent a pleasant day outdoors while wearing shorts and tee shirt. Cheer up, my friend! Rain and chilly hypothermia are next! On the bright side, Flowers LOVE that weather.

    1. I've just been in a rotten mood lately. It's nearly 70 degrees today, but "cooler" weather is expected by the weekend (hopefully not TOO cool...)

      BTW, I always read your blog but don't always comment.

  3. I couldn't agree more with you. I have my favorite season, but I really find beauty in each season and enjoy all of them. I have traveled to other parts or countries, and it bothered me when the season didn't feel like I know. I think the absence of season where the changes are so subtle would bother me too. I would feel as though the whole year would look the same. BORING!!!!! I like that each season here is like a whole new world.

    1. Despite all the inconveniences, I truly do love to see a change of seasons. Living in a climate with no seasons is depressing and boring.

  4. Don't quit. Often I don't comment because I'm not sure what to say. I have always loved having four seasons, but I must confess I could do without winter at this stage of my life.

    1. Believe it or not, there are many times when I don't comment on blogs because I don't know what to say, either.
      This recent winter really had a negative effect on me.

  5. I'm sorry, you did have a rough winter this year. I am glad winter is over(on the calendar anyway). We are due for rain for most of the days this week. Lately I have missed reading many of the blogs I normally do. I'm sorry I missed reading some of yours. When I read about your Kitzee when she passed,it reminded me of how limited my time would probably be with my Fuzzy Pom.

    My little 17 year old Fuzzy Pomeranian died after having a stroke on March 5. We had to take him to be euthanized. It was the hardest thing we ever had to do, but he was in pain after the stroke and it had to be done.

    The past 9 months had been bonus time with our little Fuzzy. Back in June of last year, we took him to the vet because he wasn't feeling good and had quit eating his dog food. They found that his liver was in bad shape, he had a heart murmur, and possibly testicular cancer. I asked and she said he had anywhere from two weeks to two months to live. She gave us some pain pills for his arthritis while we were there. I stopped giving him kibbles or canned dog food, and made boiled chicken for him, ricotta cheese, sometimes rice
    chex cereal,yogurt, potatoes,carrots, bits of toast,a little milk, bits of other meats sometimes. He started feeling better as soon as we stopped giving him kibbles. He still had his arthritis in his knees but he still followed me everywhere, had a sparkle to his non cataract eye, always seemed happy, and still did Pomeranian spins for happiness, only slower than he used to. Even though we had those extra months with him, I don't think we ever have enough time on this earth with our pets.

    Take care John.

    1. It's truly heartbreaking to hear about your precious Fuzzy. Seventeen years is a long time to have him in your family. It must have been unbearably difficult to have him euthanized. It upsets me to even think about it.

      My cat Kitzee was only sick for a few days and she died quickly at home. Perhaps it was best that it happened that way. I don't think I could have handled it any other way.

      Thanks for you comment and take care.

  6. This account is truly heartbreaking. I sensed things were bad, but had no idea just how awful. So glad to know Old Man Winter didn't have his way with you; that benevolent, warmer days are coming. While this harrowing season is still fresh in your mind, I hope you'll at least consider different accommodations before next Winter!

    1. Myra, I presently have so many problems and health issues that I honestly don't know if I'll make it to next winter. If I ever revealed everything on this blog, nobody would ever believe it. I'm quickly sliding downhill to the point of no return.....

      My only strategy now is to try conquering one obstacle at a time - slowly moving in a positive direction. I only wish I were twenty years younger. My strength seems to be waning.

      Writing helps sustain me...... and so does the knowledge that other people care. Thanks!

  7. Drat Jon, I had to go back and read your earlier post and listen too. My blog reading and posting has taken a back seat to some other matters, but none are dreadful. The dental surgery is done and stitches come out this week (no photos or graphic post). I can't imagine or how awful winter has been for you. The conditions you described would be depressing to anyone, and yet I do admire your ability to persevere and if that homemade wine helps so much the better. It's good to read that warmer weather has arrived. That said, while Myra's suggestion about different location before next winter comes around is a good one, it may be more difficult than possible.

    Crap to read about the spam comments, which thankfully have not been as numerous in recent weeks on my recent posts. The one particular spammer has not been around. Possibly, my noting the comments as spam did some good, not sure. I check comments daily and immediately delete unwelcome one as I don't care for comment moderation.

    1. Whenever I hear about dental surgery I cringe. Hopefully the worst is over for you and the procedure will heal quickly.
      I suppose the winters here wouldn't be so bad if I didn't live in such a rotten house. Fortunately the space heaters did a surprisingly good job of keeping me warm. I blocked off the coldest rooms and didn't use them.

      The annoying thing about Tennessee is that the temperatures change drastically. It can be 70 degrees one day and 30 the next. Today it's 65, but cold weather is predicted again for the weekend.

    2. Thanks, Jon, for your concern. It's much appreciated without going into too much detail, stitches out this week and now follow-up procedures. Glad to read that the space heaters did a good job in keeping you warm, blocking off the coldest rooms was a good plan. Weather can be even worse when the house isn't keeping you safe from cold or heat. It's 37 in nashua with all day rain.

    3. Also the spam can be so annoying and for some reason I have been seeing less spam comments, but I do check daily and immediately mark any suspicious ones as spam and then delete. Maybe after time, this has an effect? And, by suspicious I mean anyone who just comments with "nice post" or "I like this post." I prefer comments that say something more.

  8. Trust me, there are MORE than two people who follow you and care about you, Jon. Honest.

    I with you, I loathe the hot, humid summer weather and winter crappola as well. We need fall and spring to be longer - not the other way around!

    I feel for you. Sometimes I wonder how in the hell my mom grew up without ANY plumbing what-so-ever - no running water at all and no toilet just an outhouse.

    1. I really do get more spam than comments and it's annoying.
      Autumn and spring really are much too short. I'm surprised that the winters drag on for so long here in TN. I have to put the heat on in November and it's still cold enough for the heat in April. Perhaps it has to do with my drafty, frigid house......

      I'll never know how people survived brutal winters in the "old" days. My mother and her sisters had to sleep in the attic and there was no heat at all.

  9. Hi Jon. I live in NC in an old house also. Always something to fret about. This is a little off topic, but my dream has always been to live in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. I've given up on that dream, but have wondered how you decided to land in Tennessee. Can you share?

    1. Hi, Cheryle - I had never specifically planned to live in Tennessee, it was more of a spur-of-the-moment decision. I'm originally from California. I later moved to Texas, solely because my parents went there after they retired and I wanted to be near them. My father died in 2005 and I took care of my mother until she passed away in 2009.

      I always hated Texas and didn't want to stay there after my parents died.
      I went to Tennessee only because I have some relatives here (a cousin, an uncle, and a few others). TN is a lovely state and an inexpensive place to live.

    2. Thanks Jon for the reply. Each October myself, my 2 sons and their wives along with my 3 grandkids rent a house in the Smokies. Love Love Love. Someday they will spread my ashes there. Until then I will follow your stories.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.