Wednesday, November 23, 2022


For the first time in my entire life, I face Thanksgiving with absolutely nothing to be thankful for. My devastating personal problems and increasing health issues have destroyed any semblance of hope or gratitude.

I'm not in the mood to feign a saccharin list of phantom blessings that don't really exist.

When I go to bed at night I fervently pray that I'll never wake up.
When I wake in the morning I cringe at the thought of having to face another day.

But you don't want to hear this.
And I don't blame you.

I'll keep the secret agonies to myself and take them to my grave.

Change of subject-
miscellaneous diversions

I had planned to make the dreaded long journey to town this week.....but health issues and the thought of facing pre-Thanksgiving shoppers was incentive enough to keep me home. I'll try to go next week.

As for Thanksgiving, I'll make due with what I have at home. This includes a large pork sirloin roast, sweet potatoes, green beans, homemade bread, and homemade soup.

A thick hodgepodge soup, which I made with chicken, corn, and noodles. I really wanted to add carrots and onions - but I'm all out.

I also plan to make a strawberry rhubarb pie and possibly pumpkin bread.

I yearn for the distant days when I had family and friends to cook for. I enjoyed making elaborate meals.
Nowadays it's just me and my cat Bosco, ensconced in the unforgiving wilderness.

I admittedly started baking again - after a pathetically long hiatus - and I'm surprising myself with my (humble) creations. I made a cherry pie last week. It didn't exactly look perfect but tasted delicious. I found a simple recipe for pie crust and it was really good.

I'll have to learn how to properly crimp the edges of the pie. My clumsy efforts were pitiful.

I baked my very first loaf of homemade bread and it was perfect, surprisingly delicious.

I made tortillas for the first time, and they were the most challenging to do. You have to roll the dough as thin as possible. Mine were (slightly) too thick.
And I couldn't exactly make them round. I had square tortillas, octagon tortillas, and alarmingly abstract tortillas. But they tasted very decent and I used them for burritos.

One of my nearly round tortillas in progress. Each side only has to be heated for about a minute.


Is today Wednesday? I think so. I just made a strawberry-rhubarb pie from scratch. Just took it out of the oven. When it (finally) cools I'll eat a piece and save the rest for tomorrow.

My strawberry-rhubarb pie. It doesn't look perfect, but I couldn't care less. I'm the only one who's going to see it.......and you.
But you're too polite to laugh.......

Weather Report

Rain is predicted for Thanksgiving. And Black Friday. And the upcoming weekend.
Does Black Friday sound racist?
What if it was called White Friday?

Blessings and Peace,   Jon              


  1. So sorry you are so down. I am sending hugs and a Happy Thanksgiving, regardless. You are going to have a better meal than I am with Allie--lol!

  2. Be thankful you are not in Ukraine. Also, don’t you have a cousin that lives near you?
    Sorry, I can only publish “anonymous “. Don’t know why. Carolyn Green

  3. Have a nice day, Jon. Your pie looks wonderful. My baking skills are nil. I'm sorry you're experiencing health issues. They don't seem to improve with age. At least that's been my experience. The weather here in this part of Ohio is really nice. Warm temps and sunny skies. Most welcome, especially for this time of year. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds great to me. You're quite creative and have culinary skills some of us never had. You and Bosco have a nice day and enjoy that pie. I'm assuming Bosco doesn't partake in pies. LOL.
    Paranormal John

  4. Your feast looks DELICIOUS, Jon! Especially that SOUP! It looks like our PA Dutch soup called Chicken Corn Rival soup!

    And no, Black Friday is NOT racist at all. In Wicca, the color black represents two basic meanings - protection AND negativity (depending upon ones intended purpose). Think about what the image of the day after Thanksgiving reminds you of - terrible crowds who will just as soon run you over at the stores (and yes, people have actually been killed by being stampeded just to save a few bucks on store sales)!

    Anyhow, I sure wish I could have some of that yummy food you prepared. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  5. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Your hodgepot soup looks scrumptious. The sirloin roast and greens yummy. And the pumpkin bread and pie a perfect pairing. As for your situation and how you feel. You are not alone Jon. My life is in shambles in all areas with all the bull I'm faced with on a moment to moment basis. I take two steps forward and 5 back. Like you I long for the celebrations of yesteryear. One day at a time , all you can do. Hang in there. Hoping you and Bosco find a moment or two of joy in the simplest thing today.

  6. Hey Jon
    Happy thanksgiving...and that's not a dig anything, just wishing you well.
    Your life seems so unrelentingly miserable, so awful. One could wonder why you'd go on?
    I hope it can improve, but from what you say, there is little hope for that.
    But, if there is, have a good holidays.

  7. How can I be hungry again? But here you go again, making my mouth water! I'm the last person on earth to give advice, but hope you might check out Sean Dietrich's column yesterday:

  8. This comment is after 🦃 day, Jon, as I purposely didn’t read posts or add comments, but despite your health issues, you managed to prepare a cooked meal with soup and dessert and not rely on any prepackaged garbage, so large kudos to you. If we lived closer, you would definitely be included in any gathering with friends, which remain one of our favorite ways to spend any day, not just a holiday. By the way, my pie crusts have never turned out as well as yours looked, my friend😋


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.