Saturday, July 6, 2024



The title isn't a cheap ploy to get readers. My intentions are sincere. I'll get to the murder part later in this post.

First, I'll do a brief update of my mundane existence, just for those of you who are interested.

I did absolutely nothing on Independence Day. It was sunny and peaceful here in the bosom of the woods, with the delightful serenade of the chattering birds. No barbeques or fireworks. I made my old favorite - - Italian sausage with green peppers and onions.

My only attempt at creativity was to venture out on the front porch and photograph the sunset.

The mysterious fever is gone. My temperature, pulse, and heart rate are normal. Press that in your memory books. It is an extremely rare occasion.

Early Friday morning (alarmingly early) the two lawnmower guys came to do the back of my property. They eliminated a lot of the annoying trees that were toppled by storms.

Later one of the home care nurses came and brought me peaches and apples. Such a thoughtful thing to do. After she left there was an enthusiastic thunderstorm.

Okay, let's get to the murder part.

Some of my very long-time readers might remember when I briefly told the time I was a security guard working the midnight shift and the janitor, who (annoyingly) kept me company, turned out to be a murderer.

He left the body of his victim in the place where I worked and I unknowingly spent the night with the corpse!

To complicate this complex tale of woe, I was positive (with good reason and no exaggeration) that he was planning to murder me.

This story is intricate and bizarre. I had initially planned to suppress it until I put it in my memoirs. Recently I have an unholy urge to tell all in this blog.

The details are so numerous that I'm certain I'll have to condense. The incident happened when I was in my early twenties. All I have now is my memory to rely on - - but it is indelibly etched in my mind.

I've had very many incredible adventures in my life - - but this one has always haunted me the most......and truly frightens me the most. I still get the chills thinking about it.

I'm usually a fast writer, but this may take more time. It's going to be very long.

Look for it in my next post.



I was happy to see comments in my previous post from new readers and those who visit my blog but never comment.

I really appreciate hearing from you (and, of course, every one else).


  1. This is a nice balance of daily events, glad you're feeling better and being attended to, and tales of your misspent youth!

    1. Thank you, Liz. The weather has been beautiful and the thunderstorm was welcomed because there hasn't been any rain for quite a long time.
      The tales of my sordid youth have been racing through my mind and I'm trying to lasso them.

  2. Yes, I like the balance, too. And look forward to more detail about your time with the really scary man!! That is so creepy! Don't spare any details, please. ;)
    Hope you stay fever-free! Love your sunsets. :)

    1. That fever is so annoying, no one has yet been able to figure it out. The sunsets have been lovely the past few days.
      In retrospect, I feel more unnerved about the murder now than I did then. I'll try not to spare any details.

  3. Yikes! But here you are alive and kicking.

    1. I sometimes have to convince myself that I'm alive, but thank goodness I can write......and kick....

  4. I'm so pleased you are better and that you had a peaceful 4th. I have a murderer in my family but she never planned to kill me! I look forward to the story,

    1. I've been enjoying my front porch and the company of nature. I hope your murderous relative isn't still on the loose....

  5. I'm looking forward to hearing more details. Best to write it all now in your blog, then condense them into a memoir later.

    1. That's good advice. I'll probably start writing today- - but it might take a few days to complete.

  6. Write. That. Book. You have the BEST stories. I've taken care of a few 'murderers' working as a psych nurse for 25 years. I've never had any co-workers (that I know of) that murdered anyone.... though I've been suspicious of a few doctors I've worked with! LOL! I'm assuming that guy was caught and got locked up. Glad you're feeling better. The heat is to crank up tomorrow in NE Ohio. They're saying around 90. Enough of that nonsense! Look forward to this continuing saga.
    Paranormal John

    1. John, your comment initially went to spam(!#*!). I just discovered it. Sorry for the delay.

  7. Your sausage/peppers/onions medley is one of our favorites. I'm putting it on the list right now! I'm delighted to hear your mysterious fever disappeared and your vitals are normal. (Prayers answered!)
    I remember that near-death story and look forward to reading it again from the safety of my boring abode.

    1. I never get tired of sausage/peppers/onions. I'm glad it's on your list.
      I just finished my murder story but have to edit it. It will be posted soon - today or tomorrow.

    2. I didn't space those words in my reply. It's another Blogger mystery.

  8. I read some tips on blogging recently and ways to attract new followers. One of the ways that was suggested is re-publishing old posts every so often. So ... KEEP telling all, Jon! :-)

    1. Good advice. I always like to post interesting reruns....they're too good to waste *smile*

  9. I have always wished you would just go ahead and tell all (without naming some of the names, of course). You likely have some shocking (interesting) stories, but nothing shocks me anymore. I am not very good about commenting, but I do like reading about your life that is so very different from my own.

    1. Thank you, Donna. I really appreciate your input. I often look back at my life and am astounded at the adventures I had.
      I'm very content now with my mundane rural life......and I envy your garden!

  10. Jon, a question - off topic. What is your current status with cats? Do you still have any?
    Carolyn Green

    1. I use to have three cats, now all deceased. I'm really lonely ( and heartbroken) without my feline friends and I want to adopt more. I want to make sure that I'm fully able to care for them.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.